Monday, November 4, 2013


Some parts of the tube are tying themselves in knots because they're floating rumors that the USMC is seriously entertaining the idea of outfitting all Marines with uni-sex headgear and, being the budget virtuosos that they are, they have reasoned that the move must be to save money and the best way to save a bit of dosh is to force the 150,000 male Marines to swap headgear and embrace the woman Marine style headgear.  Such is the way they think.

In the navy we reckon we got it covered.


OldAFSarge said...

Hhmm, I do believe I recognize these ladies.

HMS Defiant said...

You reminded me of them and I would have given you the nod if I could'a found it except by looking through google where it popped up on Lex's site first. Glad to see Flit is joining your team.

Buck said...

Ummm... me too!

Ex Bootneck said...

Hmmm... Straining my Mark 1 eyeballs from 3,400 miles away, but; those wild roses in the wall basket need a good watering!

Dropped in to give a quick heads up on the following, as it may be of interest.

Yours Aye.

OldAFSarge said...

I've always liked Flit. He kept us honest. (And riled up, but that too can be a good thing!)

HMS Defiant said...

I cannot believe any naval officer would trade favors for Lady Gaga tickets.