Tuesday, March 30, 2021


I was up late though not later than usual. That one's hard to quantify or to beat. In a couple of hours I'll walk into a clinic and have a cataract pulled out of my eye. I've been engaging in something I may no longer be able to do at will which is to say, read without glasses. It seems with my eyes once they get repaired I go from being able to read without glasses to needing them to read but not for all the other things. As we used to say, we'll see.

I was rereading a book by John Ringo. The Last Centurions is a book about the end of the world brought about by a disease and bungled vaccine deliveries and a complete loss of faith in government and its so-called experts. It also has the protagonist and all the rest of us dealing with an American president who has to be carefully insulated from reality since she still thinks that global warming is a very real problem even as the world tips into the next ice age and she also believes all the fairy-tale stories that have given us crap, drivel, stupidity and sheer outrage such as critical race theory. You know it when you see it just as you know that Biden isn't really leading this country. Any fool knows that except all those fools who fully bought into the idea that Trump was a Russian agent and still believe it despite the complete fiasco resulting from the Mueller inquisition with an unlimited budget and a list of lawyers who hate and loath Trump beyond all reason and two impeachments that went nowhere simply because the charges were stupid, fake, idiotic and also utterly unprovable.

I join the Townhall that questions the motives and the purpose of an entire party of elite law-breakers who demand that all of us must show a government issued vaccine passport if we want to engage in any of our inalienable rights laid out in the Constitution. You know those rights, leave the house when you want because you feel like, roam around town, leave town, get an education if you want, go to the library and study up on dictatorships and how to derail them, little stuff like going to Church and gathering peacably to beat the stuffing out of anti-fa facists and all the other racist little bastards.

For some reason all the democrat leaders are sold on vaccine passports to move freely about this, our country, the land of the free and the home of the 'terrified of a little virus just a shade more dangerous than the flu'. They all purely hate the idea that any citizen that wants to vote needs to be registered to vote and show an acceptable form of government issued identification. Of course, that's hard for some idiots to wrap their tiny little brains around. For instance, here in Ohio we still don't get a 'real ID' drivers license when we renew or get one. Nope, you have to ask and pay more for that for some reason even though it was mandated nation wide by Congress in order to people to wriggle passed the TSA's inept goons and board airplanes and how did that happen anyway?

Nope, not what you're thinking about the insanity of the Patriot Act, I'm talking about how did it become possible to some goddamned bureaucrats to mandate such things as closing all restaurants and banning all persons from any gatherings of 2 or more especially those gathered in HIS name and attending religious services but still let people completely fill every single seat in a transcontinental or transoceanic passenger plane. It's insane and yet it happens a thousand times a day and nobody says a thing.

I left the publishing date there so you could see that it is just a work of fiction. The sad part, I think, is that the soldiers he writes about could just about do that thing if left to do it without assistance from State and the Pentagon and the reality now is that I don't believe it can anymore. When the leadership concentrates all of its focus on the trivial, impossible and stupid fictions they all suddenly decided were real, we got stuck with the National Guard guarding the Capital from the People and letting the largest cities in democratic states burn. We got warships too stupid to get out of the way of traffic and we got leaders who have now decided that the number one challenge facing the military is white supremacy. If the readiness numbers were public I'm sure we'd all be astonished at how rapidly real combat power melted away after 20 years fighting the same stupid way in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Africa and Asia. We have basically gone far down the path the rest of NATO sped down even before the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall came tumbling down. NATO without the US could not beat Turkey in a stand up fight and they cannot stand against the Russian military but the people there are too stupid to know that this is true. They still think they are a worthy warrior and probably only a handful of Europeans in the West watched what modern battlefield drones armed with fire and forget missiles can do to troops in the open, soft transport and hard transport and if they can do it with drones they can definitely do it with the battlefield missiles the Russians have speciailized in since 1943.

I suppose that some day soon, we will see for ourselves. There is nothing and nobody holding China or even Myanmar in check now and I doubt anybody really knows what is going on in Korea right now.

There was a lot of truth to this speech out of the movie, The American President.

The democrats really do want to get the guns and they'll use any means at all to make owning a gun a crime despite the Second Amendment and the Constitution. They will twist the law like a pretzel to steal inalienable rights and justify it by telling you it's for your own good. They won't disarm or punish criminal use of a gun but they will punish mere ownership of a gun. You have only to see how that works in the various jurisdictions and states that have decided that there is no such thing as shoplifting and no such thing as arson, assault, etc just as long as the reliable democrat DA says so.....and they do in hellholes like Portland, Seattle, Olympia, Chicago, Baltimore, New York, etc.

What's that other truth that you see in the video above? That's right. It is now apparantly the job of government and so-called experts to find things and make you afraid of them. Fear the Virus!!!! Fear the discarded facemasks leading to death of wildlife!!!!! Fear global warming (now conveniently relabled because its rather hard to show any real evidence of meaningful manmade global warming once you get passed the fearmongering experts and lefties who all hate industrialization, white people, western civilization, etc. Fear the white supremacists whatever they are!!! Fear guns!!!!! Oh no!!! A giant ship is blocking the Suez Canal, probably for months, Fear worldwide shortage of toilet paper!!!!! Fear the Vaccine!!!!!

Well, I'm not afraid.

Friday, March 26, 2021


Taken from Coyote
March 25, 2021, 5:29 pm We have gotten scores of variations on this message in the last 2 weeks from our public contact form -- someone is beating our Captcha, probably just by hiring people in low-wage countries to manually do them. I have not tried it, but I would sooner have unprotected sex with 20 random people than click on the link (I X'ed out part of the link to avoid anyone screwing up and doing so). That link is not a web site but a file programmed to download that probably isn't designed to improve your computer's operation.


This is Melaenis and I am a qualified photographer.

I was baffled, frankly speaking, when I recognised my images at your website. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner's license, you should be aware that you could be sued by the creator.

It's illegal to use stolen images and it's so сheap!

Take a look at this document with the links to my images you used at camprrm.com and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my ownership.

Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

https://sites.google.com/view/id98430927432698768/home/drive/storage/file/download?FileID=8343XXXXX3081562342 [it is a clickable link in the email]

If you don't delete the images mentioned in the document above within the next couple of days, I'll file a to your hosting provider stating that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.

And if it doesn't work, trust me I am going to report and sue you! And I will not bother myself to let you know of it in advance.

It is actually sort of a brilliant come-on, given that most small website owners are sloppy about what images they grab for their site and probably have some latent sense of guilt on this score.

People imagine hackers doing clever electronic things to break into systems, and some times that is the case. But more often than not -- and this is true all the way back to the early phone phreaks -- they crack systems by social engineering, convincing some rube on the inside to give up a password or click on a bad link.
Better safe than sorry. Also, just what the hell is a 'qualified photographer?' Is that some jackass that graduated from the Lord Snowden Academy of picture arts or just some other bogus qualification like Dr. Jills or Dr. Fauccis?

Thursday, March 25, 2021


I only read a couple of articles there but it fits into my world view. Welcome aboard, My Planet My Rules

You can see why.
A COVID Conversation I'd Like To Have...

Karen: Have you gotten your COVID shot yet?
Me: No, but I identify as a vaccinated person.
Karen: What does that mean?
Me: It means I am a vaccinated person trapped inside an unvaccinated body.
Karen: That doesn't make sense!
Me: Don't you deny my truth! That's oppression! This space is supposed to be free of vaccine-ism.
Karen: But that's crazy...There's no such thing as vaccine-ism.
Me: Yes there is. That attitude of yours is a manifestation of Vaccine Supremacy, in fact.
Karen: What do you mean?
Me: Please stop calling me "You". Please use my preferred pronoun.
Karen: What's that?
Me: I prefer to be called "Vaccinaro" or "Vaccinari". Unless I'm also identifying as female that day, in which case the acceptable pronouns are "Vaccinara" and "Vaccinaria". You are also required, because "safety" and "diversity", to suspend your version of objective reality to accept my subjective version. Otherwise, you're my enemy.
Karen: Those aren't even real words! How can I ignore reality?
Me: Where do you work?
Karen: Why do you want to know?
Me: Because you're not validating my lived experience and refusing to use my stated, preferred pronouns. This gives me the right to call your boss and have you fired, and if I can get three people on Twitter to agree with me that's the beginning of a lawsuit. I'll ruin you, you Science Denier!
Karen: What Science?
Me: The Science that says I can be a Vaccinaro trapped inside a Non-Vaccinaro body. We Vaccinaro are a hated and oppressed minority, having to share the world with you filthy, elitist, colonialist Vaccinated. If I get 10 more likes on my Instagram and enough Chinese grant money the medical profession will put a page in the DSM-V just for us and the government will have to give us all sorts of benefits you oppressive Vaccinated can't have because Equity.
Karen: That has nothing to do with Science. Or Vaccinations.
Read the whole thing.


We started here a little over 11 years ago. We find that we haven't changed all that much over that passage of time, distance and learning from what we were back then. Perhaps a commentary on the state of being when you reach a certain age. I suppose one either becomes inflexible, more firm in one's groundings and beliefs or one opens one's self to the candle flame of the moment and shifts course wildly to stay with the herd.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Biden reportedly tweeted:

It doesn't take a very smart man to figure out that putting criminals who commit crimes of violence in jail for a couple of decades does wonders to ensafen people (new word, freshly made up for the progs) and another way to ensure people's safety would be to arm them. That is, after all, the argument used to sell the idea that we should arm the police. It made them safer. Some would say it did so to our considerable detriment because they're lousy shots, don't know how to hold on to their weapons and have poor impulse control when it comes to shooting other people's dogs, children, sick people, innocent bystanders, etc.

Of course we all know that the only thing to be done is to make carrying any weapon a crime and that's just what the democrats and progs will do while they ignore antifa, urban massacres and things like that that don't fit the narrative.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


I agree with instapundit. This is what some people accept as journalism:

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Saturday, March 20, 2021


When I want to read the news I try to find an accurate source. If you just like stupid peurile totally fake made-up stories of little to no value, the New York Times has a deal for you.

They'll end up paying people to read their trash.


This is funny and I can't believe I never saw or heard of him. Found at woodsterman There are a number of others featuring this unknown obscure 'woman' athlete.

Friday, March 19, 2021


Again and again. In other words, your basic Biden.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


I notice today that the cudgel of public disapproval has been taken up by the People's Party of Science. They have noticed that when scientist type outfits give warnings about potential hazards of mother nature that bitch, using a tool they devleloped some years ago:
The Volcano Alert Level (VAL) system, standardized by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in 2006, is meant to save lives and keep citizens living in the shadow of an active volcano informed of their current level of risk.

A new study published in Risk Analysis suggests that, when an alert remains elevated at any level above "normal" due to a period of volcanic unrest, it can cause a decline in the region's housing prices and other economic indicators. Because of this, the authors argue that federal policymakers may need to account for the effects of prolonged volcanic unrest -- not just destructive eruptions -- in the provision of disaster relief funding.
A team of geoscientists and statistical experts examined the historical relationship between volcano alerts issued by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and regional economic growth for three of the country's most dangerous volcanoes: Washington State's Mount St. Helens, Hawaii's K?lauea, and California's Long Valley Caldera.
They analyzed the effect of VALs and their predecessors (such as hazard alerts and volcano alerts) on local housing prices and business patterns over a 42-year period, from 1974 to 2016. The economic indicators used in the analysis included annual housing price, number of business establishments per 1,000 square kilometers, the number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants, and payroll per employee.
The team used econometric models to observe economic indicator trends during times when an increase in volcanic activity above "normal" led to a public alert. "Signs of volcanic unrest include ground deformation, rising C02 emissions, and increased earthquake frequency," says Justin Peers, East Tennessee State University. Both lower and higher alert level notifications were shown to have short-term effects on housing prices and business indicators in all three regions. The most significant negative impacts were seen for California's Long Valley Caldera area from 1982-83 and 1991-97. Home to Mono Lake, Mammoth Mountain, and the very popular Mammoth Lakes ski area, this complex volcanic region has experienced prolonged episodic unrest.
As you can imagine, people are a little bit angry that science is ruining their investments and they want some accountability or for people like you and me to pay them money so they can continue to live on the volcano, etc.

This fits neatly in with the other People's Popular Front for Forking Science
Six seismologists accused of misleading the public about the risk of an earthquake in Italy were cleared of manslaughter on 10 November. An appeals court overturned their six-year prison sentences and reduced to two years the sentence for a government official who had been convicted with them.

Deadly Italian quake strikes 40 kilometres from L’Aquila. The magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck the historic town of L’Aquila in the early hours of 6 April 2009, killing more than 300 people.

The finding by a three-judge appeals court prompted many L’Aquila citizens who were waiting outside the courtroom to react with rage, shouting “shame” and saying that the Italian state had just acquitted itself, local media reported. But it comes as a relief to scientists around the world who had been following the unprecedented case with alarm.

“We don’t want to have to be worried about the possibility of being prosecuted if we give advice on earthquakes,” says seismologist Ian Main of the University of Edinburgh, UK. “That would discourage giving honest opinion.”

The scientists had ended up in court as a consequence of botched communication in a highly stressed environment. In the months before the major earthquake struck, the region around L’Aquila had been subject to frequent, mostly low-magnitude tremors, known as seismic swarms. Residents were confused and increasingly alarmed by public statements made by a local amateur earthquake predictor, who said that he had evidence of an impending quake — although geologists dismissed his methods as unsound.

A commission of experts met on 31 March 2009 to assess the scientific evidence and advise the government. According to the prosecution, a press conference after that meeting — attended by the acting president of the commission, volcanologist Franco Barberi of the University of Rome ‘Roma Tre’, and by government official Bernardo De Bernardinis, then deputy director of the Italian Civil Protection Department — conveyed a reassuring message that a major earthquake was not on the cards.

Moreover, in a television interview recorded shortly before the meeting but aired after it, De Bernardinis, who is now president of the Institute for Environmental Research and Protection in Rome, said that “the scientific community tells me there is no danger because there is an ongoing discharge of energy” during the seismic swarms.

As a consequence, according to the prosecution, when the earthquake struck on 6 April, 29 people chose to stay indoors instead of stepping outside as they otherwise would have done, and died as their homes collapsed. All seven members of the expert commission were found guilty of manslaughter in October 2012, after a 13-month trial that transfixed the international scientific community. (A Nature editorial criticized that verdict.)

In addition to De Bernardinis, Selvaggi and Barberi, the other defendants were Enzo Boschi, former president of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome; Claudio Eva, an Earth physicist at the University of Genoa; Mauro Dolce, head of the seismic-risk office of the Civil Protection Department in Rome; and Gian Michele Calvi, director of the European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering in Pavia.

The appeal ruling was the result of a 30-day trial that started on 10 October in the L’Aquila courtroom, before a three-judge court. Over the course of six hearings before the appellate court in L’Aquila, the scientists’ attorneys argued that no clear causal link had been proved between the meeting and the behaviour of the people of L’Aquila. They also argued that the scientists could not be held accountable for De Bernardinis’s reassuring statements, and that the seismologists’ scientific opinions were ultimately correct.

“The only useful thing that can protect us from earthquakes is the seismic hazard map of a country,” said Selvaggi in a spontaneous statement he made during the final hearing. “We showed a map where L’Aquila is purple, which means the highest hazard. That is what I said on 31 March 2009, and I would say the same thing today.”

The reasoning behind the verdict is not yet known, and the judges can take up to three months to publish it. Selvaggi says that the appeals judges agreed that the scientists had broken no law. But it is not clear why De Bernardinis was considered differently. He was acquitted of the manslaughter charges in 16 cases, but not for the other 13.

Public prosecutor Romolo Como told the press that he had expected the judges to reduce the sentences, but not to “put all the blame on De Bernardinis and the civil protection”.

The ruling of the appeals judge can still be overturned. Lawyers for the families of the deceased have announced that they will challenge the ruling in the Supreme Court of Cassation in Rome, the country’s court of last resort. That court could invalidate the findings and call for a retrial.
The somewhat frightening thing is that this can now happen so easily right here in the United States because our educators have misraised, misinformed and lied to generations of young children who have now grown up believing that mankind alone is destroying our climate and world and is responsible for things like warming, cooling, cyclones, tornados, albinos, pineapple pizza and other horrible things like that. You can see it in the midwest where a judge in downtown Somaliaville, Minnesota is attempting to find enough civilians uncorrupted by the endless stories about how cops killed a black man in their nasty little town, to judge those cops and find them guilty of murder.

I cannot see how a change of venue was not sought and I cannot imagine any jurors willing to objectively view the event and all the evidence and attempt to determine any other verdict than guilty because they know the squalid remains of their town and many other nasty places will all erupt in flames, violence, looting, arson and murder if they don't find the cop(s) guilty. It doesn't help that the officials in charge of that nasty shitty town released the announcement that the city had settled with the family of the dead man in a $27 million judgement during jury selection.

Naturally it will all come to it's first head sometime around the beginning of summer and the retrial will ruin the fall. It really is just one damned thing after the other now. I can hardly wait for China to invade Taiwan, North Korea to drop a nuke on Biden's watch and for the American military currently occupying the national capital, to collapse from internal dissent as they hold witch hunts in an effort to get rid of people who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

On that note, you definitely don't want to find yourself all alone downtown in one of those nasty cities or in an urban mall when the verdict comes down if by some miracle a juror holds out and the railroad doesn't proceed to immediately stuff the cops in jail for murder. It's not going to be pretty and it won't be safe. Situational Awareness is your friend. Start practicing it now so you'll know what to look for in a few weeks.

Monday, March 15, 2021


Very impressive performance by all.

Saturday, March 13, 2021


I see Vox Day is talking about future war between Ukraine and Russia's current satraps and buffer states. He doesn't think it will end well for the Ukraine and suggests that morons at every level in our State Department, White House, and Pentagon will probably trip over themselves to align the United States with Ukraine and perhaps do what Britain did so fantastically stupidly in 1939 when it declared war as Germany and the USSR invaded Poland. Oddly, they didn't declare war on Stalin. Perhaps they didn't notice all the Russians out there exterminating the Polish officer corps.

My concern if for the US. Watching the Azeri missile armed drones slaughter Armenians troops in the open, in their bunkers and in their transports was an eye opener for me for just how effective Russian missiles and targeting are now. They are instantly lethal in a permissive air environment and Ukraine has no hope of shutting them down or even interfering with them and we're not even talking about Anti-Radiation Missiles which will probably destroy all functioning radar within a hundred miles of the border.

The anti-ship missiles Russians demonstrated against land targets in Syria were launched from submarines in the Med and from tiny warships in the Caspian Sea. They hit their targets.

When I was in the USN we had a little saying that was never proven wrong in 29 years of service, "work it may, shine it must." If you have taken note recently of the material condition of our Navy hulls you won't find anything that isn't covered with running rust and splotches. It makes me suspect that the Aegis doesn't work, the missiles don't spin up and the guns won't fire. Crashing our best ships into merchant ships due to pure incompetence of everyone on board doesn't give me a warm fuzzy about confronting the Russians and there is no way in Hell Ukraine will survive the experience if the Russians notice them attacking Russia or its immediate allies/buffer states.

Friday, March 12, 2021


The speed of a photon caught in the act courtesy of IEEE Spectrum.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


The truly sad thing is that the liberal progressive herd all think this way and they all truly believe they are being good citizens by burning books, banning speech they dislike and call hate speech simply because they hate it and they believe they have the right to control your access to information, books, knowledge and to communicate with the people. They really are the thing they hate most and they go out of their way to prove it every single day. The endless fascist rioting in the west is just one facet of a society that has changed drastically in just the last 10 years.

Today I listened in on a conference call where a college student professed a vast concern for his "mental well-being." I could not believe it but he said it not once but twice. He's an undergrad in a good college studying STEM and he worries about his mental well-being. I was gobsmacked.

Friday, March 5, 2021


I got a kick out of the things that make these times so especially good for people who like to carry things to verbal extremes. Here's a sample.
Forget COVID-19, Reuters has discovered an even more malevolent strain in “the Amazon jungle city of Manaus,” wherever that is.

Oh my God, it’s horrible, this Amazon jungle city variant:

“Highly transmissible … unique constellation of mutations … 1.4 to 2.2 times more transmissible than the initial form … new mutated form … evade immunity … reduced protection … .”

In other words, the brand-new Amazon jungle city variant is deadlier than acid rain, paraquat, Alar, mad cow disease, avian bird flu, cyclamates, PCBs, second-hand smoke, bacon, saccharin, aerosol spray, nuclear power, killer bees, cranberries, red dye #4, Y2K and net neutrality — combined!

Remember the 15 days to flatten the curve? That was a year ago. And there is no end in sight.

We actually hopped off the train about 11 months ago. We plan to watch the hysteria with declining amusement. As I listen to the vaccine rollout in places like Kansas and Europe I am struck by just how easy and painful it is to put government in charge of distribution of anything. If the government was responsible for rolling out electricity 80% of the country would still be living in the dark without hot water, power or light.


It looks like after nearly a year of endless vandalism, destruction and mayhem some of the citizens in Portland have had enough of the fascist blackshirts wrecking their city and are starting to scream at them. The New York Post claims the citizens are fed up. I wonder what took those pussies so long to get riled about the violence going on every night in their town?

This time, the rioters’ target was the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service; fliers read, “No borders! No nations! Abolish deportation.” But not “no vandalism”: They smashed windows of restaurants, banks and grocery stores, destroyed a security car and left anti-ICE graffiti on buildings along the way.

Police, stretched thin by multiple shooting incidents around the city, made only two arrests. Then again, Portland prosecutors routinely spring these thugs, so what’s the point?

I reckon if the police are that busy and the DA unwilling to do the job he was elected to do then there should be no real harm done if some nice Portlander, fed up with the utter scum of the earth, borrowed a police car or a fire truck and squished the rioters in the streets. With the police too busy to keep the streets safe it should be possible to end a couple of dozen of the scum every night until they get the message that they're unwanted and leave town. OTH, they might decide to come to your town. OTGH, your town has fire trucks too.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


I watched some of the bbc in America news last night and I saw them bemoan their unjust fate as Europe seems headed into yet another lockdown and total destruction of what used to be basic human rights. You know them, the freedom to go outside, the freedom to eat at a restaurant, the freedom to criticize the insanity of government bureaucrats and politicians who simply refuse to accept that what we have from now until the ending of the world is a pernicious new flu that will carry off the elderly and morbidly obese before 'their time' which is paradoxically just exactly what the flu has been doing for centuries without every Karen on the planet freaking out over it because it not only comes every single fuckin year, it comes in wonderful new and more or less deadly flavors just like every other fuckin virus.

At what point are the Karen's going to accept this and stop raving about deaths or 'preventable' deaths while at the same time completely ignoring black on black murder rates that are stunning beyond belief in the cities in the Americas where it is patently obvious to brain dead chipmunks that absolutely nobody care about black lives. They don't care if they get educated, get smart, go to school or live. They seem to exist to make up the news at eleven where they are featured as endless gunshot victims, victims of poor decision-making and absent even a sip of the tiniest drop of the milk of human kindness as they gun down everyone who crosses them or interferes with their plans.

I'm reaching the point where about the only thing that may work to get the needle to skip out of these stupid grooves on this album are a major asteroid hitting the earth. It's at times like this I'm glad I no longer live on the coast since an ocean strike seems most likely and it will create some novel tidal waves that will just roll over islands like Hawaii and of course inundate the coasts from the beaches to the Sierra Mountains in the west and at least the Appalachian mountains in the east. It's at times like this I feel relatively sanguine that Washington, DC is built on a flood plain and one can literally sail up the Chesapeake and up the Potomac without a single lock along the way. It's a natural tidal bore.

I think this is the first time I've ever written these words but I could be mistaken. It's time to write your congresscritter and tell them to go back to work and forget about all the BS and reopen our devastated economy and start trading with the rest of the world again. Oh, and tell them to send the Marines to go shoot antifa wherever they are and run over highway demonstrators with tracked vehicles. I'd do it myself but my congresscritter just became some sort of bureaucrat in Biden's cabinet of fools, thieves and scum too stupid to figure out what sex they are. Don't you wonder how they are going to help solve any problems if they can't cope with reality?

Monday, March 1, 2021


These were a hoot

You wouldn't believe what autocorrect did to the title of this post. Sheeesh!