Who would have guessed that America would take the decades after 9/11 to completely collapse and leave behind every single one of the ideals that made it great? Not me. I really did see us embarking on a war to punish those guilty of the attack but never in my wildest imaginations did I ever think that we would then remain in those corrupt pustules of Hell on Earth and try to make things better using trillions of dollars we would borrow from China and enriching the plutoctrats everywhere.
Nor did I imagine we would gut our liberties at home in the name of some false security and embrace something as prophetically horrible as the Patriot Act where the TSA roams at will up and down your body and steals your luggage with absolute impunity and even with permission from the Law, the Courts and the powers that don't fly commercial; EVER.
I did not foresee the US Armed Forces dispatching thousands and thousands of soldiers around the world in pointless meaningless charades that never the less made somebody a lot of money and no doubt felt good to the State Department thugs who brought us Victoria Nuland and the neo-con open war with Russia and by extension EVERYBODY ELSE who disagrees with American policy.
I did not foresee the complete collapse of merit as the sole basis of promotion and advancement in the Armed Forces. Nope, I didn't see that happening in a million years and neither did I see the tragic and stupid spread of DIE to the military, legal, medical and teaching professions. They're dead. They're is no return now from this corruption that imputes merit by skin color alone and since the indoctrination of the young on this topic started over 50 years ago we are no different now than the poor subjects in North Korea who thoroughly believe that the Great Leader, Dear Leader et al walked on water and spoke with God's Voice.
I honestly did not think that it was possible to bring up a more entitled bunch of useless drones than the millennials but we somehow did despite most people no longer believing in marriage or having children. By the current evidence they also don't believe in hooking up and practicing anything like self-discipline but there are signs that the latest bunch are finding their feet and that may turn around one day.
There is an observation that notes:
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
Guess where we are in that loop?
I see that Senator Tuberville is holding up the promotion of a thoroughly incompetent man that Lloyd Austin wants to see promoted to General and then made Commander, U.S. Army Pacific. I support the Tuber on this just as I supported him in his last stand against an Army run amok and a Secretary of Defense who decided to ovethrow the Law and ignore Congress. I am kind of sick of these guys and sick of officers like Lieutenant General Ron Clark who deliberately covered up and hid the fact that Austin was hospitalized for days without actually informing the President or anyone else including his Deputy who was on vacation in Hawaii.
On the one hand I concede just how utterly stupid and useless a billet like Commander, U.S. Army Pacific is but then again there is no justification for promoting this thoroughly incompetent and lethally stupid buffoon to General and giving him any position of authority. He was the SECDEF's advisor on the shameful and awful bugout from Afghanistan and nobody was fired for that. Everyone involved above the rank of Lt. Colonel should have been fired after that fiasco.
I did not foresee that the United States acting alone and all by itself would wield sanctions like a club against any country that failed to hew to the neo-con worldview and then blow up the Russian-Europe gas pipelines to destroy the industrialized nations of Europe and then declare everyone who argued against that sort of approach an enemy and cut them off from OUR World Wide Banking System. I didn't foresee Russia and China deciding that it was a good time then to join forces against US and create their own worldwide Banking System and invite India, Brazil and most of the rest of the World to join them and thus bring about the end of the almighty $ as the World's reserve currency.
Literally every single act since that dismal morning has been a forced error leading to the total destruction of the world as we knew it before 9/11. You know what the only act left undone in that cavalcade of disaster is? Yeah, that's right, another World War.
Honestly did anybody envision the disarmed and disunited and old contemptible governments of western Europe deciding that RIGHT NOW is the time to poke Russia with a stick? Do they not see that all they have it a stick? NATO isn't even a shell of what it was in 1990. There is quite literally nothing left there. There is NO POSSIBILITY OF IT WAGING WAR and yet they carry on as if they have this huge military force backing them up as they line up in increasing numbers of use THEIR WEAPONS to attack Russia DIRECTLY.
It is a world gone mad.
And here in the final bastion of the West we are getting ready to watch and do nothing as the election gets stolen again. The most advanced country on Earth is going to take, in some cities and states, up to a week to count the votes that have been cast since last week for an election that won't happen for 2 months. Look at the works of the NYT and weep for a country that did better than this in 1789.
That is just wrong and there is zero justification for letting this happen. It can only happen because people have decided that they cannot win unless they cheat like hell and this system is designed for just one thing and that is to let them get away with it. I'll end with this, ‘What do we have, a republic or a monarchy?’ Franklin replied, ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’
There is nothing at all about the current republic that Ben Franklin would recognize, outside all those things we have now that the Founders fought so hard to end in America.