Saturday, September 14, 2024


 I find that there are an awful lot of people that look at the war in Ukraine and think we are perfectly justified in sending our best weapons to Ukraine so that Ukrainians can then shoot them deep into Russia and kill Russians. That's how these simpletons think. They think that this would be 'justice'.

Wars and retaliation are not about 'justice'. War and retaliation has nothing to do with 'justice'. Sending Ukraine our missiles to shoot in our name of justice into Russia for justice is exactly the same thing as us shooting those missiles into Russia. It will be met with instant and fully justified retaliation and unlike Russia which is maintaining to the best of its ability a live and active air defense system, neither the United States nor NATO is doing any such thing as they struggle with contemplating using their weapons to launch long-range attacks on Russian cities.

MAD was about mutual assured destruction and the triggers were readily apparent to even the stupidest politicians and most idiotic generals. In our case it was missiles or bombers coming over the pole to attack cities and other targets in America. Our response was spelled out well in advance and the whole world knew we would retaliate with launch on warning using 100% of our nuclear assets. As soon as we confirmed missiles coming in from the Soviet Union we were going to launch everything we had at them.

What do you imagine our response would be now that we don't know if those missiles now contain nuclear weapons or maybe they're just hi-explosive like the ones we're thinking of shooting into Russia? If it's not flocks of inbound missiles but just a small handful and they're targeting 'demonstration' cities that America doesn't really care about anymore and not Washington, DC, as a warning to US to stop giving Russia's enemy long range weapons from our arsenals to use killing Russians are we still going to salvo the full load of our nukes on Russia?

We DON'T HAVE ANY ACTIVE AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM. It was forbidden by the ABM treaty and we tore that up long ago but we never really invested in building ABM sites all over America to take the place of all those old Nike/Hercules missile sites that we had surrounding every major city in America until we scrapped the lot of them.


Michael said...

The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.
Ernest Hemingway

We've discussed how fake the "good news" is over the past few years (never better, just deeper in the economic mud) and then the crazies thought that a "Little Controllable War" in Ukraine might help IF we could destabilize Russia, depose Putin and take Russia's and Ukraine's ample resources for ourselves.

Well, that didn't work out so well as western trained Ukranian Armies we trained and equipped WHAT? 3 time or more now? As Russian meatgrinder tactics ate them up.

Kurst is done, stick a fork into it. The Russian response was "slow" and "Weak" by western propaganda media.

Not really, Russia's FIRST task was stop them, then Evacuate the civilians (something "western Trainers" didn't teach Ukraine I notice) and then entrap them for disposal.

Disposal phase is doing well I see. Minimum Russian casualties. I find it grimly amusing every freaking Russian Aircraft we shoot down is "Putin Humiliated" as like it was an important blow against Him and Russia.

Almost NO Word in our media about how many vaunted Challenger and M1 Abrams have been reduced to scrap by Russia. Or how many western superweapons are daily getting smashed when discovered by Russians.

Now the freaks in power think giving the cokehead of Ukraine his fondest wish of nuclear capable storm shadows and American precision weapons will CHANGE the Battlefield.

Praying for wisdom.

Anonymous said...

44 Abrams by my count - Noveskes Rock

Dan said...

ABM systems have never been particularly effective...especially against hypersonic targets like ballistic warheads. The Ukraine situation is truly a
no win scene. If we don't support Ukraine Russia will eventually conquer and assimilate it....again. Then Putin will turn his attention to another small country, like Estonia or perhaps Lativia. He really hasn't tried to hide his ambition to reconstitute the USSR. If we act effectively to thwart Russia than we will be involved in a long protracted war. Russia can easily keep up what they are doing for years. And if we push him hard enough Putin is old enough he might just say to hell with it and actually use nukes. And at that point all bets are off. Once that bridge is crossed hell is close behind. So what do we do? Not that the idiots in DC currently have much of a clue.

Michael said...

Dan you are reliable. Russia, Russia, Russia. Or should I say Marsha, Marsha, Marsh?

"Then Putin will turn his attention to another small country, like Estonia or perhaps Lativia. He really hasn't tried to hide his ambition to reconstitute the USSR."

An old line you use often. PUT UP LINKS, Sir.

In case you didn't get the memo, we are almost OUT of Weapons to give (to be used or resold by the cokehead).

The 3rd world Hothi's have DEFEATED the Mighty US Navy.

China the sole source of our rare earths for the guided weapons of our military has stopped selling to the "enemy".

Maybe we should SHUT UP and quietly back away from the mess we've dug ourselves into?

Nah, WERE AMERICA the Light of the World. Must drive forward, YES, WE CAN!

Right into WW3. Brilliant.

Michael said...

I think he's counting the British Challengers destroyed as Abrams also. Would be pretty correct as they are both almost twins in armor, armament and cost.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Well, Dan, if memory serves, Putin assembled his forces and Parked them, on the border. They sat there, chewing up resources, waiting. Waiting on What? What advantage would that give Putin?
None. No gain. All cost. So WHY did he do that?
Nothing, Dan? I'll take a swing at it.
I'm going with
He was on the phone, talking to anyone and everyone who could Possibly get NATO, (read US) to back off. Just because You see NATO as some Sugar and Spice,Everything Nice entity doesn't mean Putin does. He wants Ukraine for a buffer zone between Russia and NATO. I don't blame him.
He's been really restrained So Far. Remember, if You sent fifty bucks to ISIS Your government would arrest you for providing material support to the enemy. We installed that perverted comedian and instigated the war AND we have used the ukes in a proxy war with Russia. You need a whole new lens to view the world through.