Saturday, September 21, 2024


 I stumbled across this while reading an article found posted on Large Regular. I thought it was amusing based on my own story about learning to ride a bike. I think many people learn in different ways and found that in this case the title of the story applied equally to two entirely different ways of learning to ride a bike. In both cases we shared this:

I learned to ride my older sister's bike while my dad was in Vietnam. I learned how by finding it unattended anywhere in the neighborhood there in Carlisle and taking it away. I would throw myself on it and pedal for all I was worth. As I recall she was, in the earlier attempts, easily able to run me down and take it back and throw in a few punches and scratches. As I became more adept at riding I quickly became more adept at making a clean getaway. As you might imagine, the learning curve on this sort of approach is pretty steep if you mean to ride somebody else's bike.

The clean getaway is something that should be learned at the very youngest age possible. See the rules.

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