Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 I suppose you know that you’re a boomer when you get up at 0200 to watch a manned space shot and carry on watching until they make it safely into orbit. Nice job by SpaceX. Again. 


Chris Nelson said...

You know you are a Gen X'er when you sleep so you can go to work the next day to support everyone else including the Boomers and the illegals eating cats. :P

And catch the launches on replay at breakfast.

HMS Defiant said...

Most boomers are retired now so thank you for your work! Still have to be up early to go to school though.....

Dave said...

Chris, thank you for getting up early to work as many of the younger people in America don't want to work at all. It's good to support your family, but none of us are happy to support everyone else too in the manner which we are forced to do.

Keep in mind that boomers took care of all the welfare grifters, the illegals, and the Great Society, the war on drugs, the war on education, the war on crime and other such foolishness. In fact, you will find out that boomers still pay a significant portion of our bucks to take care of all those you mentioned. Even the small portion of Social Security money returned to us is taxed.

Amazingly, we also know how to watch reruns on the internet, but you will find out that sometimes it's just fun to watch real time -- especially if you aren't asleep anyway.