I see that another of our Atlantic oast sailors has weighed in on our role in the Ukraine-Russia War and he is not at all happy with US under-performance in getting stuck deep into a meaningless, pointless, irrational and stupid war that demonstrates exactly what the merits of NATO are and just how meaningless NATO has become. Those of us on the Pacific Coast and Middle East Force had little trouble understanding that NATO was a pointless suck that drained our money and warships into shoring up the illusion that there was still some remaining shred of military might and competence still ashore in Western Europe. We saw it all as nothing but pure waste after the Cold War ended and everyone retired to their own corners and left each other to their own devices for awhile.
Some of us saw it clearly enough when the USN and America essentially eliminated Sixth Fleet and the Mediterranean became as harmless to the West as the Sea of Cortez. There were no menacing and dangerous cancers left to blight Europe's sudden freedom from the crushing burden of not actually supporting NATO with any meaningful military spending, training, or utility for over 30 years. They could relax and get ready to welcome all the boat people from Africa that NATO's cunning decapitation of Libya made so inevitable and well deserved.
It's fascinating to think that there really are military officers who believe and write about Russia's imperial ambitions which, they exclaim, showed Russia meant to expand upon by pouncing on a supine Ukraine and wrest it out of the hands of NATO or the EU. That's not really what happened and everybody who actually reads knows that's not what happened. A guileless, stupid and rapacious bunch of thugs in NATO and Ukraine thought they could vastly expand the corruption and flow of money into their own pockets by bringing Ukraine into NATO and they proposed doing that over the howling objections of a Russia that they had lied to and told that they would never do such a thing. They got caught red handed.
Putin tried for a simple coup-de-main but it never really stood much of a chance and I think he knew it going in. The teething problems generating a combat force out of an entire nation that had no blooded cadre of officers, men, doctrine, tactics or techniques for waging modern war was not a surprise to anybody versed in sudden war after a prolonged peace. You should read the butcher's bill for our Civil War, World War I and World War II and if you're a glutton for punishment, Korea. Expertise in battle only comes with battle. The next naval war is really truly going to suck. All the Royal Navy Falklands lessons bounced right off American naval staff and went nowhere.
They got so caught up in believing what their idiot POL/MIL and NATO planners told them about the 'correlation of forces and superiority of all military and political things Western,' that they let their ambition run away with them and left Russia no choice but to make it clear that buffer states must remain buffer states. That's a lesson that the idiots and fools in the Baltic are relearning as they make the pretense of gearing up and girding their loins and spending money they will never have to buy weapons to stave off the illusionary 'Imperial Russia.'
I am no longer so amused or tolerant of the idiots who told us a year ago that Russia was bled out and had lost the WAR because some failure of a 4 star American former general says so. What passes for the media in this country simply accepts anything that dribbles out of the mouth of men like Petraeus and the other monkeys privileged to wear 4 stars and they rabbit on about a Ukrainian Counter-offensive that will crush the Russians under the treads of the 40 or 50 NATO tanks that the NATO was able to generate and dispatch to Ukraine almost a year after placing the order and telling the Ukrainians to soldier on. How sickening and pathetic.
I got a kick out of this marvelous bit of news. See for yourself but here's a paragraph or two for your amusement:
Just think of that! The NATO bozos have spent the last 5 years planning an Air Deployment Exercise involving a mere 250 planes and 10,000 personnel! That pretty much defines NATO and the people who used to work for SACLANT to a T. This
giant exercise will appear to require just 10 aircraft from each NATO member. I get the feeling most of them will be business jets and most of the participants, if they leave their home bases at all, will probably fly commercial air.
That's not the only insanity in the article, Consider: this is the latest help from a NATO member to Ukraine to encourage them to continue fighting and dying for no sound reason at all except that money flowing into the pockets of businessmen, our politicians and cronies of Ukraine's dictator and his sycophants. Read it and weep.
How can any sane American believe that by supporting war in Ukraine we are doing anything but evil?
What we are seeing is the rough Russian equivalent of the United States invading Mexico with just the forces we currently have stationed or based in California. The Economic Sanctions we levied on Russia have shattered the economic standards that we are so accustomed to that we hardly even notice and all the people that tell you that this war is ruinous to Russia and good for us have been lying or simply ignorant and foolish.
On the gripping hand, they are the same voices that pronounce that the United States must gear up now for the coming war with China. They never seem to be able to articulate the victory conditions that would have to apply to end such a war and given we haven't ended the last war we got into with China, it's presumptuous and stupid to think the second war won't turn out as badly or worse than the first. And it's never clear why we need to go to war with China anyway. All those Asian countries that share a frontier with China had the same knowledge we did about the buildup and did damn-all to prepare themselves so that means they're not sincere which means there really is no reason for us to fight their wars for them. There's also no real sign that Taiwan would lift a finger to reject re-absorption into one China. And as with Israel, what did Taiwan ever do for us that makes them an ally worth fighting a major war over?