Sunday, October 8, 2023


 It appears that the Jews forgot they have an existential enemy who wants all of them dead and gone. You’d think they’d know better by now but the majority appear to be unbelievably simple and naive and will themselves to believe that a peace with the people inhabiting Gaza and the West Bank is possible. You see the same delightful stupidity everywhere.

More than 8 million invaders crossed into America since the democrats stole the presidency and opened the floodgates to our blood enemies who probably sent more than a million military aged males to take up any impromptu weapons that come to hand and kill as many of us as they can. They’re using cars and trucks and knives and guns and tons of fentanyl. They have already killed hundreds of thousands.

The Israelis grew placid at every level and in every ministry and they all failed 100% just like those cretins running our dumbasshit Defense Department who gave us 20 years of war and shocking waste that all amounted to nothing but creating hundreds of thousands of people who hate America to death.

The Koreans living in the ROK better undertake some deadly serious war games and mobilization games to see if they could withstand a full scale attack all along the DMZ with the all out bombardment of the GSMA and Inchon. If they’re honest I don’t think they’ll be pleased with the results.

Ahhhh, and now I see Hezbollah has started shelling Israeli positions in the Golden Heights.

The whole world appears to be going mad and has a completely brain dead lunatic as the leader of the Western world ably supported by the communists in Germany, socialists in Western Europe and utterly useless international institutions of control that were gutted by the West over the last 50 years and which are about as useful as the elected leadership in San Francisco, Portland and Chicago.

I write this sitting in the DV quarters at a former SAC base and sad to say, just learned on the way back in to the base from getting dinner that there are no bombers at all here. I wonder where they went……


Anonymous said...

Defiant, the bombers went to the boneyard. Now, the old BUFF is supposed to get new engines to keep it flying for a few years more.

The B-1s exhibit poor performance in mission capability. Just as ships need heavy maintenance, so do planes and the budget doesn't support old planes right now.

If you noticed the news, we are back to pitching the 40 year old idea that IRBM size rockets and precision missiles can be deployed from cargo planes loitering outside the defensive rings of proposed enemies.

HMS Defiant said...

The madness at the top ranks is getting worse by the day and nothing can even slow it down much less stop it. We drove by Ellsworth on the way home from Washington and didn't see any Bones, but I was asleep and wouldn't have seen them anyway. :)