Wednesday, October 25, 2023


 In a normal world that based its preparation for war using calculations from previous conflicts as the baseline for minimum acceptable stocks of weapons and ammunition this sort of quote from Professor Victor Davis Hanson would not bother me:

Regrettably, I've had enough exposure now to know that there is one underlying certainty of our military planners and Congress. A long time ago the Navy bean-counters, the Pentagon bean-counters and Congress all concluded that since we would never again have more than 4 battle groups on deployment at any one time (right about 1993 I think), there was really no need to purchase full magazine loadouts for all 12 battle groups (now 11) and instead just buy enough weapons to outfit the ones that could get to the scene of the fight which would obviously be over before any more carrier battle groups would be needed.

In other words, I don't really think that there is very much ammo left in the magazines of the Arsenal of Democracy. I would say that is not good news for the democracies but there are hardly any of them left anymore so I'm sure it doesn't really matter.


Anonymous said...

The intent is to have one or both carriers sunk, preferably with all hands. TPTB think they will have an Pearl Harbor moment, and
an American public out for blood and one or two archaic behemoths eliminated.

Michael said...

Not to mention Gulf of Tomkin, Remember the Maine and a few others.

False Flag anybody? In military weapons terms the Med is very close quarters. If an unknown submarine (cough Israeli, Cough) was to launch a cruise missile from a Dolphin Class Sub (as modified by the IDF would WE the People be told it *might* have been an Israeli "Accident"?

Seems SOMEBODY wants the Americans to spend blood and treasure on Israels defense and eliminate Iran.

BTW has anybody looked up how much untapped oil and natural gas is under the land currently held by Gaza? Pretty amazing amount.

Dan said...

Slick Willie and the commie left spent all the money that should have been used to keep our .mil ready calling it a "peace dividend". Then they spent even more in the "war on terror"...which they never intended to actually win. Now we face possible war with neer peer adversaries and the cupboards are bare. The predictable outcome when you allow leftists to control anything.

Anonymous said...

Even one carrier battle group in the Med is like putting it in a bathtub. Two, and maneuvering room becomes really limited.

Why does it feel like they are being set up, like cheese in a rat trap? And within range of the Russian warm water fleet, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and other hostile players. Hypersonic missles, submarines, drones, and you name it.

This doesn't look good.

Anonymous said...

To restate the blatantly obvious, if there aren't enough conventional munitions, that would only leave one choice and that one is a road to hell.

HMS Defiant said...

I don't really think that we'll battle directly against the other 2 nuclear armed powers. I'm a little concerned about Pakistan and Israel but I expect them to nuke each other before sending nuclear weapons further afield. I think the uniformed people are finally trying to bring certain vital defense shortfalls to their master's attention.

HMS Defiant said...

I felt exactly the same about the carriers finally entering the Persian Gulf and then staying there for decades. There was no valid reason to put them right into the cauldron like that.

HMS Defiant said...

I wrote a paper for the War College once and it basically answered the question: Why do countries go to war? Basically it always boils down to: "because they thought they could get away with it." We're hitting that point now because we are perceived as weak and imbecilic thanks to Milley and Biden and the others who gutted the actual Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

jadair04 said...

Different military, I do recall giving my helmet and ballistic vest to a fellow getting off the plane before I got on...