Thursday, October 26, 2023


My first audio storybook ended in the car yesterday as I was coming home so I tried a replacement book. I realized coming home last night that I had somehow gotten to chapter 14 in a Lee Child book and NOTHING HAD HAPPENED. So, I tossed that one and this morning I tried NPR for the first time in months and heard them gloating about the special smelter set up at a carefully non-disclosed hidden place where they melted down a statue of Robert E. Lee.

It's history in the making and I find it interesting to watch from afar. This was a 'victory' over history by a bunch of woke snowflakes and as they charge bravely into a future sans heroes from the past it is kind of relaxing to know that in a hundred years nothing at all of them will remain.

These are the low energy ignorant louts that your parents warned you about. They literally know nothing and are very pleased with their ignorance so of course nobody will remember them. What I do regret though is that the idiocy is contagious and spreading like wildfire even among the most educated members of this society. The people who probably know who Eugene V. Debs was probably would have liked his message and been shocked that the Powers that Be had Debs locked up for sedition and smashed every single facet of the nugget of democracy known as Freedom of Speech just because there was a WAR on.

And that's what bothers me the most. These ignorant lions of stupidity and sloth don't see anything at all wrong with silencing a man running for President. They see nothing wrong with their ilk censoring all speech and writing that doesn't conform to their ideas and their idiotic and imbecilic notions. They think they are the final arbiters of the freedom of speech and they get to declare anything they hate and dislike to be, 'misinformation' or 'disinformation' and kill it like it's some sort of vermin.

It's a pity that the statue slagged by the ignorant forces of darkness was such an unattractive piece. If it had been one of the magnificent statues I could see pilgrims stealthily painting silhouettes of it at all kinds of places as a reminder that history is best when it is not destroyed and forgotten. One of the sad realities today is that 9 out of 10 snowflakes could not tell you when the Civil War began and ended or who Lee was or Grant and probably have no idea who was President right up until the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered.

You know where there is a lasting monument that features General Robert E. Lee that will, I hope, never be forgotten? Yeah, that's right, it's in Arlington. It was his wife's house and land until some thieving scheming swamp creatures decided to steal it for the nation. They almost got away with it.


lindy2 said...

Einstein I think, asked the question, what's the difference between intelligence and stupidity? Stupidly has no boundaries. heh

Anonymous said...

They did get away with it. When I was serving, I made it clear to my family that in the event of my death, if the question came up, I was by NO means to be buried at Arlington, in stolen ground.
--Tennessee Budd

Anonymous said...

They largely did but at least the Supreme Court later made the government pay market value for the family home of Martha Washington and George’s stepson. By that point Meg’s had made it irretrievable.

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

Wilson was a truly Evil life form.

Anonymous said...

Like the barbarian Taliban destroying Buddha statuary. We live in a society dominated by ideological cretins and vulgarian jackasses.

I knew this day was coming, which is why a small bust of Lee sits on my mantle. Richmond's Monument Avenue used to be a beautiful honorable place. I look forward to the day when we can cleanse it of all the garbage they put there in its place. I can think of several people that should be dipped in a molten George Floyd statue.