Wednesday, December 27, 2023


 I was chatting with my little pilot after Christmas Dinner and he was concerned that Elon Musk had ruined Earth's orbital space more or less forever by launching Starlink satellites into orbit. I tried to reassure the young pilot that this was not the case and that the link satellites were all deliberately put into low earth orbits that would guarantee their return to earth within approximately 5 years from going online. Our pilot was absolutely convinced that I was in error! Ha.

At any rate, I did look into it this morning and found that yeah, what I'd read through a year or so ago was still true and that all the link satellites are already getting hit with drag and will fall to earth in about 5 years after launch. What troubled me though was how hard it was to root out the truth from google/duck/etc. It took 5 different search queries to even winnow down the lies and misinformation. 

I know that the web has been filled with lies since shortly after it went world wide. My first real eye opening experience was looking. up Senator John McCain shortly after he announced his run for the Presidency and I found that I had to page through something like 30 full screens of outright lies about the man on my first google search. I knew it was a foul place but I had no idea how foul it was until that moment when I realized that most people unfamiliar with the truth would simply accept everything they read off google as the absolute truth.

I used to make up for some of the flaws in the web search by using Yandex. I haven't troubled the web looking for its version of truth in years so I had failed to notice that Yandex is gone and Duck and google just are not anything like worthwhile when it comes to getting the facts and this now applies to almost every branch of science, history, current events or anything under the sun. All of it is spun and the only way to know it is to be familiar with the primary source material or to have been there.

People now talk about the "real history" of the United States or the World as if the people who have been writing it down for the last 2000 years just made it up. The current crop of fools believe that they must all have conspired together to write it in such a way as to completely erase the parts that the "new historians" are trumpeting. That they can do this almost defies belief. Did they never have to look at primary source materials in school when writing a report? Did they never read biographies and perhaps even biographies written by different authors about the same man? I think the answer is no. Asked to carry out some bit of research the trusting little fools all turn to the biased and lying internet to scrape together the facts they want to believe in and call that research and background information. This doesn't bode well for the future.

I used to read the Encyclopedia Britannica. My dad's parents gave us their copy of the entire thing plus all the year books through 1968 and my parents cleverly put it by the bathroom for light reading. Much more to the point, I also found as I got into my 20s that the World Almanac covered most of the facts that needed covering and you could always buy the previous year edition for under a dollar. Real information was never further away then the door outside the bathroom.

My young pilot also thinks that a lot of the debris in orbit is caused by accidental collisions of satellites and I can see why the naive might believe something like that because they really have no idea how small things are in a volume so large. I tried to find some data on accidental collisions and the only one I found at all believable involved a Russian dead satellite/part and an Iridium Satellite.  I can't believe anything about a putative dead Soviet satellite and I would have thought Iridium would have been very careful about the orbital mechanics for one of those satellites. On the other hand, I do know that we conducted anti-satellite tests and destroyed satellites in orbit and so did the USSR and China. There is a lot of crap up there that came from smashing satellites together but all the rest of what I saw online was hype and scam right up there with global warming scaremongering.

I started out, literally, on the Secret Internet Protocol in 1996. When I reported to work in Bahrain I did not own a computer and had no plans to own one. I did not own a modem or plan to. When I arrived in Bahrain I found that on. my desk, on every staff member's desk there was a SIPRNET computer and each was fully connected to that network. I pretty much remained on that network until I retired 15 years later. I accepted all of what I found on that network to be as accurate as people could make it. If there were errors they were not deliberate errors although some things could clearly be ascribed to as false intelligence. For the most part, what I read was what was real. It's nothing like that on the world wide web and hasn't been since shortly after it went live and people got beyond TELNET and FETCH and BBS.

I would say that this constitutes an enormous problem for civilization. I knew that the enemies of civilization had swept the schools, the teaching profession, the universities, the news and information networks on television, cable and the radio but I thought that there was still an excellent chance of finding the truth about things more or less as easily as it was to find the lies. This is not the case.

I read L. Sprague de Camp's wonderful story, Lest Darkness Fall back when I was going to school in Huntsville and it struck a chord. I knew enough about the history of that timeline to follow along as he departed from our History and started writing another. I don't know anybody under the age of 50 today who could do that. People don't seem to know any history at all. I guess its the same with science, math, government, geography and all the other things I spent my youth learning and keeping up with.

It's hard to believe that the story was written 1939.


Dave said...

Defiant, the news exposing our government paying companies to throttle, block or delete information on the web is telling. It also explains why so many subjects are unsearchable even from mainstream news agencies.

Young Americans haven't a clue because public schools don't teach how to really search out a subject and students are prone to use whatever shows up first because they can't be bothered to look too long. They know more about pop stars than they do about our country. Jay Leno's Jay Walking and Mark Dice's interviews detail the ignorance well.

Mind your own business said...

If it made it into the written record, it was the version of the truth that the victors wanted to survive. Virtually nothing you read can be relied upon to be the truth, or at least the entire truth. This is as true today as it was true in the past.

Only a few original documents can be accepted as true, but even then, they tend to be more aspirational than an accurate retelling of events. Even the bible, what we consider to be highly authentic, is merely a collection of pieced together accounts retold and multiply retranslated over the millennia.

History is a collection of rationalizations and justifications created by the survivors. If you didn't see it or experience it first-hand, take it with a big grain of scepticism.

Dave said...

Mind is partially correct in his post. Yes, history is now what the victors wish to be known; however, even with modern technology squelching internet searches, the other side of the story slowly comes out. We see that today as classified restrictions sunset and the information is released. We saw it months after the first Trump impeachment when the actual information concerning our ambassador's involvement with Hunter was brought to light. We saw the violations of US code by Vindman and the fact that those testifying to congress lied straight up. Unfortunately, they were not prosecuted and jailed for their violations of law and their lies under oath.

As regards the Bible, Mind is incorrect. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and examined, the passages in those scrolls were a match to the Bible. Until recently, the translation was kept exact to the original text. Now we have corporations, owning the copyrights to various translations, changing God into a woman or changing scripture to be gender neutral to meet the current trends. The false bibles are not to be trusted. The same happened in Nazi Germany during WW II but those false bibles were trashed after the war and the real Bibles brought out again.

Mind your own business said...

A "match" in a very loose sense of the word. Some of the words didn't even have an exact counterpart, so scholars guessed and substituted.

Many inaccuracies were introduced into the bible as it went from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to German to English. Even then the changes did not stop. The King James version is not an exact transcription of the scrolls.

Mind your own business said...


Note the scrolls were "translated."

Anonymous said...

Yandex still exists. You may have meant that it's not reliable, but it's by no means 'gone', as in 'disappeared'.
--Tennessee Budd

Dave said...

Mind, no matter how you want to parse the Bible translations out, the Bible is not "merely a collection of pieced together accounts retold and multiply retranslated over the millennia." as you wish it to be.

Over the centuries, men dedicated their lives to learning the ancient languages so that the Bible would be kept as original as possible. The results were crosschecked by groups of men who also had the ability to read the ancient languages and by men who checked each letter to avoid any mistakes in the writing of the text.

The POWs in North Vietnam asked for Bibles not because because they thought it was merely accounts retold over the century but because it was God's word to man carefully preserved over the centuries.

Rob Muir said...

The collision between a bit of former Soviet space trash and an Iridium satellite is perfectly accurate. I was working on a program that used Iridium short-burst data modems at that time and we suffered reduced access at the time and, IIRC, it was a year before they moved spares around and perhaps launched new hardware to orbit.

HMS Defiant said...

When one reads Thucydides and some of the other ancient texts it is hard to see to much of the hand and mind of the winner vs loser mostly because the issues are so far in the past. For me, reading English history was an interesting experience as the people I know as English mutated over the ages from simple pastoral people, the victims of the Vikings, the killers of entire Continental armies after the Norman Conquest and the people I wouldn't recognize as anything like English today.

HMS Defiant said...

I visited the Smithsonian decades ago when they put the Jefferson Bible on display. It was a fascinating read. Jefferson basically took the parts of the New Testament that he thought were real and compiled them into his own version of the Book using the texts he found in Hebrew, Greek and the other languages he could read. As I recall he left out all the supernatural and miracles and simply concentrated on what he thought was the word of the Lord. Interesting man.

HMS Defiant said...

Viz the orbital maneuvers, I did find this after refining the query.

HMS Defiant said...

Obviously, I've done something to blogger. I used to be able to reply to comments and now I cannot. I'll rummage around and see what I did.