Saturday, December 9, 2023


 I just learned that the record of communications from CINCPAC from 7 December 1941 are available online for download and reading. Naturally, I'm reading it. You can find a good copy for download at the American Naval Records Society. This version is much easier to read then the version stashed at the Pacific War Museum where the quality of the recording is sometimes difficult to read. I got to page 167 and found this illuminating appreciation of the situation and it struck me that this was literally a world out of time to anybody who isn't at least 60 years old. We are the last generation in America that knew that all the worlds facts were buried in libraries and vaults and combination safes and if you didn't have the reference material available to hand then you would not begin to know what the other people were referring to. At any rate, this is not the starting point but a good precis. It should embiggen.

It clearly lays out the situation in the next 7 pages. It is literally inconceivable that the clowns running the United States and the US Military could even begin to conduct operations at this level today. They know that the ground is vanishing beneath their feet and they are more focused on stamping out racism and implementing serious abiding racism through DIE measures and the foolishness that appears more and more criminal every time it manifests.


Steve the Engineer said...

To transition to an expeditionary navy, stop building destroyers with vertical launch tubes and bring back destroyer tenfders (and the maintenance apprenticeships required to make master machinists mates)

HMS Defiant said...

It's still hard for a 1980s CHENG to believe that the USN just scrapped all the Destroyer Tenders and SIMAs and did away with the MOTU and the rest of the old NAVSEA expertise that once existed everywhere you went. I had some awesome people show up over the years in Bahrain from CNSY, SRF Naples and countless other places over the years and then one day they were all gone and kids were telling me that they were no longer taught BEE and just winged it on their own and techs could no longer read a schematic much less a repair/maintenance manual.