Tuesday, November 21, 2023


 It will be interesting to see what the post-meddling billionaire world looks like after rulers like Putin decide to put down the busybody billionaires that are making the policy and decisions for our moron in the White House and the other morons in the West who don't seem to be at all concerned in any ways at all with the welfare of their own people or countries.

Russia has shown an awesome talent for making wealthy men dead of mysterious causes ranging from the sudden urge to take flight off a tall building to simply fading away from some rare form of poison or difficult to synthesize radioactive material that somehow ended up in their tea.

I think the world would be better off without many of the billionaires now roaming it and can't help but wonder if my favorite, the pirate submarines, will make their return to sink a few yachts that may disappear and be supposed to have succumbed to icebergs, fire, flooding and disease (darn zombies are everywhere....).

It's easy enough to drone them out of existing by simply hitting all their properties with missiles from a thousand kilometers away or simply taking them out with special forces although perhaps the easiest way would be to simply post a bounty on them.

It's pretty clear that these are the people behind the foolish insanity in Ukraine and every other place you find gibbering madmen doing crazy and insane things to other people at any cost to themselves. 

I may sound in favor of a policy like this but I am tired of the insane global warming hysteria that has replaced science and I'm sick of people thinking we should eat bugs and live without electricity while also demanding the conversion of all energy in the developed world to the irrational and stupid green scam of solar and wind. All you have to do is look and see what the World Economic Forum is supporting and you'll find the source of the madness sweeping the world. 

When people say things again and again about what they intend to do to you it behooves you to take them at their word. They and the billions of islamists want to wipe away the world we live in today and replace it and they are moving mountains to make that happen.


boron said...

"I got a list right here!"

Mind your own business said...

The next big confab in Davos of the WEF would make a great place for a tactical nuke, Vladimir. Just sayin'.