Thursday, December 31, 2020
May you all have a happy and safe new year and may you get to spend it with family and friends.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
From, here a story related from which is hilarious. Bad for democracy but still very funny.
The 6 January elector ‘ballot’ count is going to go down as the greatest troll of all time.
You may or may not know, but the Vice President gets to count the electors. That’s the one thing the Constitution makes crystal clear. Apparently the plan is for Mike Pence to roll in a Dominion voting machine (or a knock off that looks like one). He’s then going to pull out a USB drive, update the software just before the count, and use the machine to count the elector ballots.
Remember, this will be on national television. The count will not only come out fractional, but it will result in more votes than actual electors AND result in Trump winning more electors than Biden.
The chamber is expected erupt in chaos. Obviously the count will be challenged. Pence will then conduct a ‘recount,’ but he will use the machine to print the recount ballots and then hand count those. The recounted number will be similar to the original count, only changing by a couple votes, but it will result in Trump winning by even more than before.
Dems are expected to cry “fraud” and Pence will object and call for order. He will tell them that it’s too late to challenge because it’s already done. The count is finished. He will then deliberately wipe the machine’s software.
The 6 January elector ‘ballot’ count is going to go down as the greatest troll of all time.
You may or may not know, but the Vice President gets to count the electors. That’s the one thing the Constitution makes crystal clear. Apparently the plan is for Mike Pence to roll in a Dominion voting machine (or a knock off that looks like one). He’s then going to pull out a USB drive, update the software just before the count, and use the machine to count the elector ballots.
Remember, this will be on national television. The count will not only come out fractional, but it will result in more votes than actual electors AND result in Trump winning more electors than Biden.
The chamber is expected erupt in chaos. Obviously the count will be challenged. Pence will then conduct a ‘recount,’ but he will use the machine to print the recount ballots and then hand count those. The recounted number will be similar to the original count, only changing by a couple votes, but it will result in Trump winning by even more than before.
Dems are expected to cry “fraud” and Pence will object and call for order. He will tell them that it’s too late to challenge because it’s already done. The count is finished. He will then deliberately wipe the machine’s software.
Saturday, December 26, 2020
full knowing
At this point the europeans of the west know what the onslought means to civilization. So the British and so to southern Europe. So do those faced with the African invasion of europe. There is simply no way to express it and confront it.
I did not think european (western) civilization would vanish in my lifetime.
Neither did they.
I did not think european (western) civilization would vanish in my lifetime.
Neither did they.
like those poor bastard citizens of Rome who saw the end of civilization coming. Like Cassandra, they wanted to warn the rest of the Romans but nobody payed any attention at all as the legions and rules vanished in a morass of mediocrity and stupidty and venality.
Who are these men? Why are they dressed and armed like that? It's way passed time to end this sort of shit and put them back in the box. After stamping on them very very hard because this in America is insane.
Talking last evening with a friend after we finished playing a game the subject turned to weapons as it usually does with him. As we talk I sense that they are new to him but he has had some for many years and unlike me he even has a CCW. We talked about the ammo shortfall. As I was sitting here reading late into the night it struck me:
From wikipedia and ancient school instruction, "In Roman mythology , Lares and Penates were groups of deities, or gods, who protected the family and the Roman state. Although different in origin and purpose, the Lares and Penates were often worshipped together at household shrines."
In short, they were the ammo of the ancient world.
From wikipedia and ancient school instruction, "In Roman mythology , Lares and Penates were groups of deities, or gods, who protected the family and the Roman state. Although different in origin and purpose, the Lares and Penates were often worshipped together at household shrines."
In short, they were the ammo of the ancient world.
Friday, December 25, 2020
I was sort of dreaming lightly about posting some photos of my girl today but as
I kept on semi-dreaming I remember a man. Without getting up and pulling out my
notes I cannot recall his name. He was the commodore of Explosive Ordnance
Disposal Group One in the first Gulf War any of you ever heard about. He was
motivated to fix the deficiencies he perceived in his sailors, their equipment
and some of the things that negatively impacted EOD operations from Kuwait to
Bagdhad and beyond. He created BELL THUNDER and every year, on his watch, EVERY
EOD mobile unit not otherwise tasked or deployed went to San Clemente Island to
LEARN the art of war. I was an umpire for his 2nd BELL THUNDER from another
Group. I was dreaming and actually thinking about the most comfortable boots I
ever owned in my life which made me think of this time 30 years ago. I got them
from EODMU3 in Coronado and wore them for 25 years until I made the mistake of
abandoning them in San Diego along with everything else. The commodore of EODG1
believed in something largely mocked in our navy. It was something called
Lessons Learned. It was an actual computer program and one could write JULLS and
NULLS which means "joint lessons learned and navy lessons learned." Hundreds of
us spent thousands of hours writing them in the program and submitting them.
Astonishingly, nobody else anywhere ever read them and there no money programmed to fix the problems. You wrote down the stuff you screwed up and wrote up the proposed solution so that next time you would be able to do it right not just McGiver it with what you had in your pockets. It was a process and it was one he was dedicated to and that was why BELL THUNDER.
When they first showed up in all their numbers in the Persian Gulf, these tiny handfuls of people who mostly existed as leaches in 9 or 10 men detachments embarked on carriers and big deck amphibs found that when it was time to go ashore they needed tents. They needed generators and trucks. They needed tactical radios. They needed.....well, the list was almost endless. So on his watch his Group invaded San Clemente every year. All of them from the West Coast units because that's what it took in Iraq so why not prep for the worst case. Portable armories, weapons, tents, tactical and satellite radios all of them came out of BELL THUNDER.
I found it to be a singular and remarkable achievement driven by the commander alone. Obviously his staff and units supported him but he still found the money, resources, skills to fix the shortfalls and even found the fire in which we all burn to do it for the 2 or 3 years it was necessary and we helped too.
As I've written before. I started this blog for just one thing. It was hopefully going to contribute to the enlightenment and education of a young lady I lost. I doubt she has ever read a word here but this is what it was for and since it's my blog and Christmas...
When they first showed up in all their numbers in the Persian Gulf, these tiny handfuls of people who mostly existed as leaches in 9 or 10 men detachments embarked on carriers and big deck amphibs found that when it was time to go ashore they needed tents. They needed generators and trucks. They needed tactical radios. They needed.....well, the list was almost endless. So on his watch his Group invaded San Clemente every year. All of them from the West Coast units because that's what it took in Iraq so why not prep for the worst case. Portable armories, weapons, tents, tactical and satellite radios all of them came out of BELL THUNDER.
I found it to be a singular and remarkable achievement driven by the commander alone. Obviously his staff and units supported him but he still found the money, resources, skills to fix the shortfalls and even found the fire in which we all burn to do it for the 2 or 3 years it was necessary and we helped too.
As I've written before. I started this blog for just one thing. It was hopefully going to contribute to the enlightenment and education of a young lady I lost. I doubt she has ever read a word here but this is what it was for and since it's my blog and Christmas...
Thursday, December 24, 2020
I think I said it at least a dozen times this day. All of them came off as a little surprised that someone would utter those words.
I mean them. Have a very Merry Christmas and our best wishes for a happy new year.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
I usually get along OK with it. I'm used to Amazon sending me crap Chinese parts for my Apple products. One does mostly get what one pays for. From here where I'm sitting I can see the books I've written and the dead beast. To be honest the dead beast has no external wounds and I kind of hate Apple for that. I went and bought one identical online. I think one does that when one truly hates the beast.
My learned friend tamed the beast. Right away in fact. It happened the first night I met Lex and the gang at the Shakespeares Pub. Win Win. Me and Lex used to pass each other on the 5 on our various ways to work in the morning. Navy gets an ugly early start. We learned from December 7. There's not a single naval unit in port in America that can fire a gun at attacking aircraft. And no, missiles are a complete nonstarter. We......remediated that sort of thing. Aint radar a wonderment.
A little girl and I helped each other and managed to send off the last laptop to laptop and computer graveyard which is currently about 7 feet from me. It's still there because even though I think the Apple store tech thoroughly demolished it, it doesn't take up much room, no power, costs nothing etc. They got away with it.
As I gear up to cross the next Ginunga Gap (James Blish) I still hate the feeling that a salesman suckered me. The computer I use is almost 20 years old and you don't even want to think about how much coal it takes to stoke the old one that is still walking Windows 7 down the internet highway because it cannot be updated. That one still has a working CD drive. I'm gonna drop test this one and see if it restores operation to my laser optical read drive.
If you still haven't read THE MARTIAN or seen the movie, why not?
My learned friend tamed the beast. Right away in fact. It happened the first night I met Lex and the gang at the Shakespeares Pub. Win Win. Me and Lex used to pass each other on the 5 on our various ways to work in the morning. Navy gets an ugly early start. We learned from December 7. There's not a single naval unit in port in America that can fire a gun at attacking aircraft. And no, missiles are a complete nonstarter. We......remediated that sort of thing. Aint radar a wonderment.
A little girl and I helped each other and managed to send off the last laptop to laptop and computer graveyard which is currently about 7 feet from me. It's still there because even though I think the Apple store tech thoroughly demolished it, it doesn't take up much room, no power, costs nothing etc. They got away with it.
As I gear up to cross the next Ginunga Gap (James Blish) I still hate the feeling that a salesman suckered me. The computer I use is almost 20 years old and you don't even want to think about how much coal it takes to stoke the old one that is still walking Windows 7 down the internet highway because it cannot be updated. That one still has a working CD drive. I'm gonna drop test this one and see if it restores operation to my laser optical read drive.
If you still haven't read THE MARTIAN or seen the movie, why not?
Monday, December 21, 2020
I think it a fallen throne but we did it so well for over a thousand years. Not me. I can't carry a tune in a bag but these stir the blood.
There's actually 3 if my allows me this.
In my school I could borrow a casette player, borrow the tape from the library and listen to this as I studied. This again was music I sturred to. Sort of like LOVE ACTUALLY, one can't help being driven to move by the music.
Last one for the week I pinkie swear. I uaed to wade through the snow at the damned Newport Naval Base where the Base commander would shut down everything on snow days. No driving allowed on base. All entrances were over bridges and NO DRIVING. There are no dining facilities on the base which meant one had to walk off in the heavy snow and back through the damned snow if one wanted to eat. Thank you Mama Leones and even HOJO's restaurant right out the back gate. If the base CO was keen to encourage us students to have a terrible urge to kill, he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Probably a good thing for him that housing was located in Brenton Village. RX7s are just like VWjettas in the snow and ice. He probably knew that and thought he was safe.
I had a brand new Walkman. I walked. I'm listening now to one of the two songs that I liked. When I'm done with Ode to Joy I'll cue up Paris is Calling.
Born in Germany but I still like making up the words as they sing songs in a language I don't know as they play Ode to Joy. 60 years and it still hasn't gotten old.
I'm good with time. When I think back to those mad hours holding the throttle of the zodiac in order to blow 500 gallons of spilled fuel away from my hull so the natives would look in vain for the source, I know the meaning of time. By my early training (USN) time had no meaning. To finish would take time but I didn't care about the cost. I hadn't married and hadn't had children at that point. My Chiefs were geo-bachelors or divorced and my time was their time. I knew about it but regarded it as my time.
The son-in-law of the best petty officer I ever knew in the navy needed some time off. At that point the ship was at about 33% manning. But we were inport because all of our crew was in Bahrain. I let him go without question. His first child, a girl, was born with spina bifada and I made all the time possible to him to be with his family and we simply ignored leave. He was a valuable man and we made allowances the NAVY never would. We didn't care about that stuff. We needed him.
crazy enough the powers that be (THIRDFLT) had made us a test ship for a thing and we had to get underway about 5 days later. Why our lords and masters thought they could still detail a ship to an impossible schedule was not on the reading list. They ordered it, our Group Commander bowed to it and we carried it out.
That ship, nominal crew of hundred, never more than 50 in my years still got underway on task with 19 men. They reached the end when 3rd Fleet said get underway and they were down to 9.
I could sail that ship anywhere by myself but sleep would be required. It was a sign of the times when I told the CO that we could get underway and yes even steam for 4 days with just one EOOW and I would need to sleep on watch in the wheel room above Main Control he just nodded. I really don't know how many EOOWS were allowed to sleep on watch.
Diesels are wonderful things. They can run forever if properly maintained and with fuel. As I recall, my final two orders at EOC were, strike down the water to the fresh water tanks and refill the day tanks on the mains and generators.
there were thousands of us but I have never seen another online in 20 years save for the guys that took those ships to Vietnam and Market Time.
The son-in-law of the best petty officer I ever knew in the navy needed some time off. At that point the ship was at about 33% manning. But we were inport because all of our crew was in Bahrain. I let him go without question. His first child, a girl, was born with spina bifada and I made all the time possible to him to be with his family and we simply ignored leave. He was a valuable man and we made allowances the NAVY never would. We didn't care about that stuff. We needed him.
crazy enough the powers that be (THIRDFLT) had made us a test ship for a thing and we had to get underway about 5 days later. Why our lords and masters thought they could still detail a ship to an impossible schedule was not on the reading list. They ordered it, our Group Commander bowed to it and we carried it out.
That ship, nominal crew of hundred, never more than 50 in my years still got underway on task with 19 men. They reached the end when 3rd Fleet said get underway and they were down to 9.
I could sail that ship anywhere by myself but sleep would be required. It was a sign of the times when I told the CO that we could get underway and yes even steam for 4 days with just one EOOW and I would need to sleep on watch in the wheel room above Main Control he just nodded. I really don't know how many EOOWS were allowed to sleep on watch.
Diesels are wonderful things. They can run forever if properly maintained and with fuel. As I recall, my final two orders at EOC were, strike down the water to the fresh water tanks and refill the day tanks on the mains and generators.
there were thousands of us but I have never seen another online in 20 years save for the guys that took those ships to Vietnam and Market Time.
Saturday, December 19, 2020
There was nothing good about the Jeffrey Epstein murder at the hands of the department of justice and New York. It remains amazing to me that people simply accept the screwed up notion that "somehow that tape went missing." OTGH, it's not like NASA did a better job. They actually wiped all the tapes of American's on the moon and had to resort to the internet to get some images back. What maniac at NASA ordered the tapes wiped? We'll never know. OTH, my sister, an Air Force captain once worked in the high energy physics labs in New Mexico where the CO of the lab order the removal and destruction of millions of dollars of lab equipment because it was cluttering his environment and he needed loading dock space for something far more important. We'll never know what he was thinking but it does bear thinking about because we really need to end that mindset in our public servants and employees. Real companies refrain from such madness but I'm not convinced it will stay that way.
One of the stories I heard working at large defense contractor was how the scientists sent a ton of seafood they collected back to the office where it sat on the loading dock and disintegrated. AGAIN, OTGH, I remember the idiots in New Orleans sent me automatic weapons that were simply dumped in the parking lot because they were unexpected and hadn't been shipped armory to armory. Sometimes the stupid leaves you amazed. They sat out there for a week before somebody finally took delivery and opened the crates.
I'm wondering how President Trump is going to handle the disaster this nation launched with the election of a senile doddering imbecile who never did anything in his lifetime. I honestly don't know if he will abide or counterattack the obvious fraud that went on during the election.
I'm wondering how President Trump is going to handle the disaster this nation launched with the election of a senile doddering imbecile who never did anything in his lifetime. I honestly don't know if he will abide or counterattack the obvious fraud that went on during the election.
I had reason to read again about our first and seond raids on Germany.
It's hard to imagine in this country where each lost soldier is accounted a hero that this was just a day's loss in a war we did our very best to stay out of in spite of our rulers intentions. We didn't jump into a war in Europe again for good reason. Nothing changes but the names of the ruling class. It took the Japanese to force us into war again. We'd had enough by then.
77 bombers shot down in one raid, where they went to blow up the wives, girlfriends, fathers and children of the armed forces.
Friday, December 18, 2020
The land is deep in snow but I saw my clubs on the floor of my closet and I have never struck a ball here in metroparkcentralis. It feels like 10 years.
I remember at the close of the work/golfing day we used to hit the 17th tee at utter darkness. We still drove off thinking that somewhere, in the middle of the fairway, we would find our golf balls.
Read that how you please. I had mastered the 3 wood but not so much the 1. My shots mostly landed in the forest there at the 18th hole at Admiral Baker Field. There simply isn't room across the street even for a strabbling shot with a wood. I'll have to infiltate the country clubs around here and have a lash at it. What with them being covered in snow, I can probably do it unless I wear a red coat. The marshall would probably notice that.
This kind of covers the issue.
It always starts as something seemingly neglible and turns into full blown disaster. I fear this is the case especially as we hand over power to a man with a lifelong accomplishment of doing nothing. I think President Trump could have made a difference but Joe Biden is no enigma, no sleeping giant, he's a disaster looking for a place to happen.
Monday, December 14, 2020
They were fine for us to live on and eat and breath but you knew the koreans were going to pitch a snit when we turned the land back over to them to use as they like. They had a ready made press army to declare them all toxic waste dumps and never mind that Americans lived there for decades without harm. This puts me back in mind of the 10,000 pound anchor and chain and would to see it shoved so far up their ass it's not funny.
OTGH, they are a nation of wankers. You really have no idea what lost is until you find yourself driving around a city of 35 million people lost. There are no slums, no bad neighborhoods; its a city that goes on forever. Yongsong main post, in a nice world would remain a park. Seoul needs one. So does Pusan. I can't speak for the northern bases since I never had cause to go there except to the one sharing a border with the Norks.
I like this guy.
Sees real as it really is. So few in his line of work do.
“We can not win this war by killing them; we cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium and longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups.
Of course, when Obama was replaced by President Trump, we realized that a president who actually wanted the military to wipe out ISIS will wipe out ISIS–no jobs necessary.
Of course it goes without saying, blonde.
Of course, when Obama was replaced by President Trump, we realized that a president who actually wanted the military to wipe out ISIS will wipe out ISIS–no jobs necessary.
Of course it goes without saying, blonde.
Friday, December 11, 2020
It seems that the court of last resort has spoken. It is time. From
A while back I had the pleasure of having my port wing mirror knocked to pieces and destroyed when my sister backed into it in her car. I did for the starboard wing mirror by brushing against a really substantial plant alongside our driveway. There I was without port or starboard wings. I went to the auto body shop recommended by the one I love and there I found a man who was older than I and I'm not sure if he could actually read any of the dozens of hugely thick automotive parts books surrounding him in his dark dismal office. He quoted me a price of $399.00 for the port mirror and $500.00 for the starboard mirror. I thanked him and left.
About a year later, in the summer, I elected to go online and buy the mirrors myself from Amazon iirc. It came to $19.99 for two mirrors and they are the full original kit. VW would be proud of them. On an otherwise lazy summer afternoon I pulled the door panels off and replaced the mirrors. My car instantly went from a value of $19.99 to at least $609.00. I don't care. It's has a six cylinder engine, accelerates like a bat out of hell, has a sun roof, doesn't leak, doesn't sink, can't handle snow or ice at all but I still like it. It still has the sold in Redwood City license plate holder, CA plates and yes,sand from Del Mar is still sliding around in the trunk and back seat. I didn't buy it but I was there when it was bought. The salesmen there couldn't help themselves and all of them came up to me to ask if everything was OK. I kept pointing to the person buying the car but they remained about as clueless as it was possible to get in 2001.
Oddly enough, the person that bought this car has gone through 8 cars in the last 20 years. If only she had known what a wonderment she left me.....
It is no match for the car I sold in order to buy the last car but it is still a nice piece of gear even if one does have to turn it upside down in order to add transmission fluid to it. Damned Germans. Only they would find it practical to build an engine that needs to have a special pump for adding transmission fluid since it only loads from beneath the engine. You can see me there in Pennsylvania, at the gas station, brand new tranny fluid container in my hand and looking hi and lo for the damned add transmission fluid to engine knob.....It isn't even mentioned in the owner's manual.
So, fix the door and check the oil in the morning.
Try this one for reading enjoyment. I liked it. If you like it, it continues in 'Tracking' but you'll probably have to ask me to send it to you. It was never published or vanished soon after.
About a year later, in the summer, I elected to go online and buy the mirrors myself from Amazon iirc. It came to $19.99 for two mirrors and they are the full original kit. VW would be proud of them. On an otherwise lazy summer afternoon I pulled the door panels off and replaced the mirrors. My car instantly went from a value of $19.99 to at least $609.00. I don't care. It's has a six cylinder engine, accelerates like a bat out of hell, has a sun roof, doesn't leak, doesn't sink, can't handle snow or ice at all but I still like it. It still has the sold in Redwood City license plate holder, CA plates and yes,sand from Del Mar is still sliding around in the trunk and back seat. I didn't buy it but I was there when it was bought. The salesmen there couldn't help themselves and all of them came up to me to ask if everything was OK. I kept pointing to the person buying the car but they remained about as clueless as it was possible to get in 2001.
Oddly enough, the person that bought this car has gone through 8 cars in the last 20 years. If only she had known what a wonderment she left me.....
It is no match for the car I sold in order to buy the last car but it is still a nice piece of gear even if one does have to turn it upside down in order to add transmission fluid to it. Damned Germans. Only they would find it practical to build an engine that needs to have a special pump for adding transmission fluid since it only loads from beneath the engine. You can see me there in Pennsylvania, at the gas station, brand new tranny fluid container in my hand and looking hi and lo for the damned add transmission fluid to engine knob.....It isn't even mentioned in the owner's manual.
So, fix the door and check the oil in the morning.
Try this one for reading enjoyment. I liked it. If you like it, it continues in 'Tracking' but you'll probably have to ask me to send it to you. It was never published or vanished soon after.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
It seems somehow appropriate today to recommend a book for your reading pleasure. It is an excellent time travel book by master story teller James P. Hogan.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Yeah, I wrote it that way for a reason.
Business and government paint themselves blue to get qualified minorities but they make it so hard. All of the below is quoted from the link.
Black students never catch up to their white and Asian peers. There aren’t many white-collar professions where possessing partial mastery of basic reading and math will qualify one for employment. The SAT measures a more selective group of students than the NAEP, but even within that smaller pool of college-intending high school students, the gaps remain wide. On the math SAT, the average score of blacks in 2015 was 428 (on an 800-point scale); for whites, it was 534, and for Asians it was 598—a difference of nearly a standard deviation between blacks and whites, and well over a standard deviation between blacks and Asians. The tails of the distribution were even more imbalanced, according to the Brookings Institution. Blacks made up 2 percent of all test takers with a math SAT between 750 and 800. Sixty percent of those high scorers were Asian, and 33 percent were white. Blacks were 35 percent of all test takers with scores between 300 and 350. Whites were 21 percent of such low scorers, and Asians 6 percent. In 2005, the Journal of Blacks in Education estimated that there were only 244 black students in the U.S. with a math SAT above 750. Brookings used an estimation procedure that maximized the number of high-scoring black students and came up with, at most, 1,000 blacks nationwide with scores of 750 and above. Whether the number is 250 or 1,000, it means that the STEM fields, medical research, and the ever-more mathematical world of finance cannot all have a 13 percent black participation rate, at least if meritocratic standards remain in place. The SAT gap is replicated in graduate-level standardized tests. Between 2014 and 2017, the average score on the quantitative section of the Graduate Record Exams (GRE) was 150.05 out of 170. The Asian average was 154.1; the white average, 151; and the black average, 144. MIT’s entering engineering class in fall 2017 had an average GRE quantitative score of 167; students in the University of California, Berkeley, civil and environmental engineering program averaged 160, as did graduate students in USC’s engineering program. Even if the curve for blacks on the quantitative GRE is normally distributed in a bell curve, unlike for the math SATs, there will still be fewer blacks with higher-end scores than whites and Asians, given that the average black quantitative score is so much lower. The organizers of the various STEM antiracism protests, such as #ShutDownSTEM, #ShutDownAcademia, and #BlackInTheIvory, argue that bias drives the lack of black representation in quantitative STEM fields. Brian Nord, a visiting astronomer at the University of Chicago and organizer of Strike for Black Lives, wrote in a manifesto: “To say that I, as a Black man in America—as one of the few Black physicists in nearly all of my scientific collaborations, as one of the few Black physicists of my generation—am stressed, is an understatement that speaks to your lack of understanding about what is happening right now.” But there are simply not enough black STEM Ph.D.s to go around. In 2017, blacks made up 1.2 percent of all doctorates awarded in physics to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, according to the annual Survey of Earned Doctorates from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. Blacks earned 0.9 percent of all mathematics and statistics doctorates, 1 percent of all doctorates in computer science, 2 percent of all doctorates in chemistry, and 1.7 percent of all doctorates awarded in engineering disciplines. There were no black Ph.D. graduates in medical physics, atmospheric physics, chemical and physical oceanography, plasma/high-temperature physics, logic, number theory, robotics, or structural engineering. How academic STEM departments and Silicon Valley tech firms are going to fulfill their diversity pledges in light of that dearth of supply is a mystery. Yet in July 2020, MIT’s president blamed his own institution for not making headway on “racial equity and inclusion,” despite years of quota-izing effort. Virtually every other college leader has issued the same self-indictment.
Business and government paint themselves blue to get qualified minorities but they make it so hard. All of the below is quoted from the link.
Black students never catch up to their white and Asian peers. There aren’t many white-collar professions where possessing partial mastery of basic reading and math will qualify one for employment. The SAT measures a more selective group of students than the NAEP, but even within that smaller pool of college-intending high school students, the gaps remain wide. On the math SAT, the average score of blacks in 2015 was 428 (on an 800-point scale); for whites, it was 534, and for Asians it was 598—a difference of nearly a standard deviation between blacks and whites, and well over a standard deviation between blacks and Asians. The tails of the distribution were even more imbalanced, according to the Brookings Institution. Blacks made up 2 percent of all test takers with a math SAT between 750 and 800. Sixty percent of those high scorers were Asian, and 33 percent were white. Blacks were 35 percent of all test takers with scores between 300 and 350. Whites were 21 percent of such low scorers, and Asians 6 percent. In 2005, the Journal of Blacks in Education estimated that there were only 244 black students in the U.S. with a math SAT above 750. Brookings used an estimation procedure that maximized the number of high-scoring black students and came up with, at most, 1,000 blacks nationwide with scores of 750 and above. Whether the number is 250 or 1,000, it means that the STEM fields, medical research, and the ever-more mathematical world of finance cannot all have a 13 percent black participation rate, at least if meritocratic standards remain in place. The SAT gap is replicated in graduate-level standardized tests. Between 2014 and 2017, the average score on the quantitative section of the Graduate Record Exams (GRE) was 150.05 out of 170. The Asian average was 154.1; the white average, 151; and the black average, 144. MIT’s entering engineering class in fall 2017 had an average GRE quantitative score of 167; students in the University of California, Berkeley, civil and environmental engineering program averaged 160, as did graduate students in USC’s engineering program. Even if the curve for blacks on the quantitative GRE is normally distributed in a bell curve, unlike for the math SATs, there will still be fewer blacks with higher-end scores than whites and Asians, given that the average black quantitative score is so much lower. The organizers of the various STEM antiracism protests, such as #ShutDownSTEM, #ShutDownAcademia, and #BlackInTheIvory, argue that bias drives the lack of black representation in quantitative STEM fields. Brian Nord, a visiting astronomer at the University of Chicago and organizer of Strike for Black Lives, wrote in a manifesto: “To say that I, as a Black man in America—as one of the few Black physicists in nearly all of my scientific collaborations, as one of the few Black physicists of my generation—am stressed, is an understatement that speaks to your lack of understanding about what is happening right now.” But there are simply not enough black STEM Ph.D.s to go around. In 2017, blacks made up 1.2 percent of all doctorates awarded in physics to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, according to the annual Survey of Earned Doctorates from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. Blacks earned 0.9 percent of all mathematics and statistics doctorates, 1 percent of all doctorates in computer science, 2 percent of all doctorates in chemistry, and 1.7 percent of all doctorates awarded in engineering disciplines. There were no black Ph.D. graduates in medical physics, atmospheric physics, chemical and physical oceanography, plasma/high-temperature physics, logic, number theory, robotics, or structural engineering. How academic STEM departments and Silicon Valley tech firms are going to fulfill their diversity pledges in light of that dearth of supply is a mystery. Yet in July 2020, MIT’s president blamed his own institution for not making headway on “racial equity and inclusion,” despite years of quota-izing effort. Virtually every other college leader has issued the same self-indictment.
As I recall, the first time I was written up for a violation of the UCMJ was for forcing a safeguard. We had kicked out the LCM8 landing craft from the well deck when we entered Karachi to replace all the wood in the well deck. After a month of replacement and other stuff we left Karachi and headed into the north Arabian Sea and the LCM8's followed us down the river and reentered the ship off the coast. One of the necessary things following all of that was to test the zinc chromate levels in the engines. My sailors found that the Deck Department had placed locks on the engine rooms preventing access and so couldn't perform the preventive maintenance checks that were called for. When they asked me for assistance I sent one of them to the Deck office to ask for the locks to be removed. He came back and said they refused. As a result my Chief and I cut the locks off with some bolt cutters we just happened to have in the boat shop. I was charged with a Mast offense for doing it. As the ship's legal officer I found it somewhat novel to prefer charges against myself but I got to experience it about 4 more times before it all ended. Turns out, on that ship, under that Commanding Officer, no officer could be charged with forcing a safeguard when some other entity locked him out out his spaces and those 8 boat engine rooms were my spaces.
brought to mind by this bar owner charged with trespassing in his own bar after the canadian police changed the locks on his bar.
brought to mind by this bar owner charged with trespassing in his own bar after the canadian police changed the locks on his bar.
Another good man has stepped into the clearing at the end of the path. He was one made memorable by his wit and courage and skill.
Are you waiting on Biden to appoint both McCain and Romney to his cabinet?
Me too.
Me too.
There are actually 3 videos of the salvage operations to recover the battleships in Pearl Harbor but I'll only embed one. It will take you to the rest and if you have the time they are absolutely riveting. I last ran across something like this when it was in book form in a huge used book store in San Diego. The books were shelved together and discussed the salvage in Pearl Harbor, work in Ulithi and the mine clearance and salvage of all the wrecks in the Suez Canal after the varioius wars.
Sometimes I wish I'd bought them but all things considered they would have been left behind with the other thousand books so it really doesn't matter that I let them slide through my fingers.
Sometimes I wish I'd bought them but all things considered they would have been left behind with the other thousand books so it really doesn't matter that I let them slide through my fingers.
Monday, December 7, 2020
It started as many days do in Hawaii. It was a beautiful day for a come as you-are-war to begin. It was the beginning of a war that would see 12,000,000 Americans in uniform fighting all over the planet against the kind of tyranny we see moving closer and closer to home today. Some people memorialize the ships that we lost that day. I prefer to see the men we lost and the men that stepped up to fight in the war begun by the Empire of Japan on this fateful day in 1941. By and large they were soul of America, the common man that labored in the fields or industry and turned their talents to war on a massive scale.
The scary thing is how easily it will happen again the next time. The time of maximum danger for our navy is not when it is at sea but when it is inport. It really doesn't matter if it's a foreign port or home port since they both have their dangers and some of them are now unspeakable. There are 3 investigations underway into the fire that destroyed USS Bonhomme Richard in its homeport of San Diego. As with the USS Miami, it takes one person, just one man to do catastrophic damage to a warship inport when it is least expected. What once might have passed as negligence is now nothing but arson and a direct attack by other means on the nation and its armed forces.
There are other tiny little problems with security in our ports and other ports but those are for another day. It will be interesting to see what the future brings in terms of inport readiness for war and the effects that will have on little things like television reception within the nearest 40 miles. I'm a little concerend that we've gone from direct and indirect observation of our enemies and our approaches to something else. If it is unbounded faith in the NSA and CIA I suspect our hopes will be dashed, again.
The scary thing is how easily it will happen again the next time. The time of maximum danger for our navy is not when it is at sea but when it is inport. It really doesn't matter if it's a foreign port or home port since they both have their dangers and some of them are now unspeakable. There are 3 investigations underway into the fire that destroyed USS Bonhomme Richard in its homeport of San Diego. As with the USS Miami, it takes one person, just one man to do catastrophic damage to a warship inport when it is least expected. What once might have passed as negligence is now nothing but arson and a direct attack by other means on the nation and its armed forces.
There are other tiny little problems with security in our ports and other ports but those are for another day. It will be interesting to see what the future brings in terms of inport readiness for war and the effects that will have on little things like television reception within the nearest 40 miles. I'm a little concerend that we've gone from direct and indirect observation of our enemies and our approaches to something else. If it is unbounded faith in the NSA and CIA I suspect our hopes will be dashed, again.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
I was reminded today of how the governments used to clear the mobs from the street back in the good old days. They started out with soldiers and then found that mounted charges with cavalry worked much more efficiently and the horses got a good workout and it got the lazy scrotes out of the barracks so it was win win. Then an enterprising young man of artillery came up with the novel idea of using cannons. Life was different after that. We got the Levee en masse, the column came back after millenia of disuse and then the line conquered all as the reach and accuracy of rifles and muskets began to dominate the battlefield for a full century without the horse boys noticing. It's almost hard to believe that a number of countries in Europe and even the United States had extensive formations of cavalry at the outbreak of World War II. Any sane observer would have thought them doomed after 1914 but then nobody ever said they were smart.
To be honest, I tend to feel the same way about helicopters over the battlefield in this day and age. Against savages they still take losses. Against a peer or near peer they will be slaughtered. What do you think?
To be honest, I tend to feel the same way about helicopters over the battlefield in this day and age. Against savages they still take losses. Against a peer or near peer they will be slaughtered. What do you think?
Friday, December 4, 2020
One of the most common tactics used by the military and politicians is to make you afraid of something. At the beginning of time, my time, it was the missile gap and how the Russians had more and better than we did and something must be DONE!!!! Well we saw it again when the Air Force came out with the 'results' of a friendly bilateral exercise conducted with the Indian Air Force a decade ago and claimed that the Indian pilots flying their indian planes were practically wiping the floor with our F-15s and F-16s and would kill the F-22s as well. It was all a complete fabrication to make you afraid and force you to dig deeper into your wallets to fork over more money for Defense.
They're doing it again but this time with China. For decades people like Bush and Obama let them militarize little tiny atolls and reefs in the South China Sea and turn them into dry land carrier battle groups stuffed with ship-killing missiles, air defenses and even fighter bases. Now the Commander-in-Chief Pacific is telling us that the evil masterminds in China have perfected a ballistic missile capable of killing our aircraft carriers in the China Sea and demonstrated it against a moving ship during one of their wargames. It's hard to be certain where to start with this sort of fear mongering.
Let's start with the concept of bringing two objects together. You can do it when you clap your hands. It takes a rare one who cannot master this means of bringing two things together. The next step might involve parking a car in a garage. Some people can, some can't. The next step up might be using one missile to shoot down another. This is a bit harder since they tend to move very fast. Some countries can do it and do it well and others consider it hopeless. For the final step imagine bringing a ballistic missile warhead into contact with the hull of a moving ship a thousand miles away. How could you do this? Well, far and away the easiest way to do it is to tell the moving ship to be at coordinates XXX XXX XXXX at Y time to await its fiery doom from the high speed descent of the deorbiting bomb.
The harder way of course is to detect the ship a thousand miles away, track it and target it. I'll be honest, ships escorting carriers have the damnedest time tracking carriers since they can/will/do head into the wind to launch and recover aircraft at any damned time they feel like it leaving everybody heading on a new course at less than the drop of a hat. Happens a hundred times a day. Just ask anybody who had to keep in station with the carriers.
I'm not sure the Chinese are up to that kind of bringing things together. Yet. I remember back when we were doing anti-ICBM tests and people objected loudly to the fact that the missiles were equipped with transponders to tell the interceptors where they were. When asked why this was necessary it was fairly simple to say to them, 'well, we haven't gotten around to building and deploying the necessary radars for this yet.' The radars and computers work fine but why build them if you don't know if the intercept tech to bring together two objects moving at a combined speed of 20,000mph doesn't work?
It will be fascinating to see all of this submerge back into the weapons acquisitions swamp when the democrats take over Defense of the Realm again and invite the good Chinese to go screw themselves and then object to selling them any weapons or more ammunition/missiles. The one thing one can say about the democrats is that they are predictable. Screw over allies, check. Cuddle up to tyrants, check. Screw up defense to the point where it is almost hopeless, check.
They're doing it again but this time with China. For decades people like Bush and Obama let them militarize little tiny atolls and reefs in the South China Sea and turn them into dry land carrier battle groups stuffed with ship-killing missiles, air defenses and even fighter bases. Now the Commander-in-Chief Pacific is telling us that the evil masterminds in China have perfected a ballistic missile capable of killing our aircraft carriers in the China Sea and demonstrated it against a moving ship during one of their wargames. It's hard to be certain where to start with this sort of fear mongering.
Let's start with the concept of bringing two objects together. You can do it when you clap your hands. It takes a rare one who cannot master this means of bringing two things together. The next step might involve parking a car in a garage. Some people can, some can't. The next step up might be using one missile to shoot down another. This is a bit harder since they tend to move very fast. Some countries can do it and do it well and others consider it hopeless. For the final step imagine bringing a ballistic missile warhead into contact with the hull of a moving ship a thousand miles away. How could you do this? Well, far and away the easiest way to do it is to tell the moving ship to be at coordinates XXX XXX XXXX at Y time to await its fiery doom from the high speed descent of the deorbiting bomb.
The harder way of course is to detect the ship a thousand miles away, track it and target it. I'll be honest, ships escorting carriers have the damnedest time tracking carriers since they can/will/do head into the wind to launch and recover aircraft at any damned time they feel like it leaving everybody heading on a new course at less than the drop of a hat. Happens a hundred times a day. Just ask anybody who had to keep in station with the carriers.
I'm not sure the Chinese are up to that kind of bringing things together. Yet. I remember back when we were doing anti-ICBM tests and people objected loudly to the fact that the missiles were equipped with transponders to tell the interceptors where they were. When asked why this was necessary it was fairly simple to say to them, 'well, we haven't gotten around to building and deploying the necessary radars for this yet.' The radars and computers work fine but why build them if you don't know if the intercept tech to bring together two objects moving at a combined speed of 20,000mph doesn't work?
It will be fascinating to see all of this submerge back into the weapons acquisitions swamp when the democrats take over Defense of the Realm again and invite the good Chinese to go screw themselves and then object to selling them any weapons or more ammunition/missiles. The one thing one can say about the democrats is that they are predictable. Screw over allies, check. Cuddle up to tyrants, check. Screw up defense to the point where it is almost hopeless, check.
The mental disablement Joe Biden has always suffered from even way back in the 80's when he was plagiarizing speeches from British politicians is now even more obvious and it is probably beginning to come into focus even for the morons who voted for him. You know those people, they think they're our intellectual superiors but even they must be tripping over the truth by now that they elected a moron who cannot think in a box much less on his feet. This is the guy they want to turn leadership of the free world over to for the next four years.
So, right now the signal in the air is: "You Idiots!"
So, right now the signal in the air is: "You Idiots!"
Monday, November 30, 2020
One of the truly awful things we get to look forward to in the opening week or two of any Biden days as President will be the immediate termination (firing) of all current U.S. Attorneys. I'm talking wholesale slaughter, immediate dismissal and guards escorting them out of their offices and sending them home after a complete pat-down and search of their personal effects and to be certain nothing gets out of the bag they'll seize all personal computers, PDAs, electronic files, etc as they kick them out the door.
We'll go back to the days of the criminals running the asylum again and it will happen overnight and the press will let it go without a peep. Deep State fully back in place and you can tell that simply by looking at the names being pushed forward as new incumbent Cabinet Secretaries and primary advisors and the ooze drooling out of the news services will be one of unending praise for the Biden and his administration. It's going to look almost exactly like the sort of press people like Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Obama got.
It's going to be truly awful.
And another thing to think about. The dupe hasn't even seized the crown and already his best buddies are turning on him and maneuvering to get whossname into place as President without delay following the departure of President Trump, even his own dog. The last week of January is going to be delightful....sort of like those parties put on Roman Emperors and Robespierre and the Committee for Public Safety.
We'll go back to the days of the criminals running the asylum again and it will happen overnight and the press will let it go without a peep. Deep State fully back in place and you can tell that simply by looking at the names being pushed forward as new incumbent Cabinet Secretaries and primary advisors and the ooze drooling out of the news services will be one of unending praise for the Biden and his administration. It's going to look almost exactly like the sort of press people like Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Obama got.
It's going to be truly awful.
And another thing to think about. The dupe hasn't even seized the crown and already his best buddies are turning on him and maneuvering to get whossname into place as President without delay following the departure of President Trump, even his own dog. The last week of January is going to be delightful....sort of like those parties put on Roman Emperors and Robespierre and the Committee for Public Safety.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Im watcing a glamorous lass sing in the Scotland hill courtesy of my better half but thing thing running through my head as she sang in a lovely voice was how we let deportment fall away and vanish in the last traces of the garbage. We used to teach our girls, if not our sons, to have beautiful voices. What genetics sometimes failed to do, we could still shape it and while sons can be/are lound noxious obtuse we used to have a deportment class for young ladies.
Oh God, can you see anyone trying that now?
I was a young lad of the times. It really was another century almost as far away as 1919. This is the world that I grew up in. It's probably not like yours.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
From the daily mail.
They very much want to shove your youths into a war they won't fight. But a group of countries led by the Netherlands as well as the European Parliament wanted an even stronger link and have said they would not approve the budget without it. 'Denying the whole of Europe crisis funding in the worst crisis since decades is irresponsible,' Manfred Weber, who heads the biggest group in the European Parliament said on Twitter.
What can I say? I like the imbecility of that moron. Worst crisis since decades. One wonders what will happen next in Europe.
They very much want to shove your youths into a war they won't fight. But a group of countries led by the Netherlands as well as the European Parliament wanted an even stronger link and have said they would not approve the budget without it. 'Denying the whole of Europe crisis funding in the worst crisis since decades is irresponsible,' Manfred Weber, who heads the biggest group in the European Parliament said on Twitter.
What can I say? I like the imbecility of that moron. Worst crisis since decades. One wonders what will happen next in Europe.
Two men, both alike in one way. They are dying in hospital. They want to go home. They really really really want to go home. Death will capture them in days but they really want to be at home. I don't see them. The one visitor a day stupid rules in effect mean that only the ones get to see them as they near the end of life and prep for the next life.
I'm off to see my parents in this the time of dying. We will share Thanksgiving and it may mean patio dining outside their window but see my parents, we will. We will feast with my sister and her family on the day and stay with them but, one cannot help but think, if it doesn't end well and someone gets carried off by the flu of new.
A knife is too kind for Fauci. He needs to be buried face down in shit.
It's the flu dammit.
I'm off to see my parents in this the time of dying. We will share Thanksgiving and it may mean patio dining outside their window but see my parents, we will. We will feast with my sister and her family on the day and stay with them but, one cannot help but think, if it doesn't end well and someone gets carried off by the flu of new.
A knife is too kind for Fauci. He needs to be buried face down in shit.
It's the flu dammit.
So the woke are seeing parler and and me we as the jewels in the new crown of rethuglicans who don't tweet or facebook and castigating them for being unwoke. As one who neither tweets, cares about tweets or facebooks I guess the new wave of soon to be left wing web tools are going to be ignored, like the rest of them. Srsly, Rule #2 applies here.
Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics
1. Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.
2. Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
3. The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.
Parler is already woke and me we will follow as night follows day. Taki's is about the last place that remains unwoke along with Steyn.
Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics
1. Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.
2. Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
3. The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.
Parler is already woke and me we will follow as night follows day. Taki's is about the last place that remains unwoke along with Steyn.
You know there is a whole segment of population that gets down and dirty with the great unwashed and I haven't heard that their rates of infection top that of school teachers who don't teach or public servants who don't appear in public.
So what kind of covid are the police coming down with as they deal with the unmannerly fire toting utes and the rest of the villainy? Could almost ask the same thing about nurses and doctors and orderlies but why waste a few nice words on that lot. I mean really, what have they done for you, lately?
So what kind of covid are the police coming down with as they deal with the unmannerly fire toting utes and the rest of the villainy? Could almost ask the same thing about nurses and doctors and orderlies but why waste a few nice words on that lot. I mean really, what have they done for you, lately?
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
It's interesting to read about how 300,000 New York denizens have left New York City since the start of the year. That's a lot of people, a lot of empty apartments and offices and a huge hole in the city's tax revenues that only get worse as the lockouts kill the restaurant industry and mean that almost no money will enter the city's coffers from the ridiculous hotel tax, entertainment tax, dead broadway non-shows, and the whole litany of disasters that is befalling Gotham. Coudn't happen to a nicer city.
I've lived in he former great cities of America. I lived, for a time at 20 mile road North Detroit back when it was rapidly decivilizing and turning into a wasteland. I live now in environs of what was once America's fifth largest city, now a bright spot amidst the flyover staters because it still retains its orchestra, opera, ballet, vast library and library network and is still, in many respects great even though the population is less than half of what it was at its height. It's probably safe to say that the old population has been entirely displaced. What used to be neighborhoods stuffed with Europeans, eastern Europeans, Jews, etc, isn't anymore. It has the usual vast metropark population makeup one finds in Chicago, Detroit, Cincinatti, etc.
I'm curious to see how NYC turns out as it seems to have slammed the door on its citizens and industry and now even the NYSE is talking about relocating to some other place and I don't really see the office workers returning again to Manhattan particularly as Blasio seems to believe it is his job to reign over nothing but scum and villainy and kowtows to them at every opportunity.
I like to read history and I always used to wonder how so many of the great cities in the past were abandoned by their inhabitants. You can look to the Mayan collapse or the collapse of Ur and other great cities in the Tigris Euphrates region and of course there are the ruins of great places in Greece and Egypt that took centuries to reappear.
It won't be the rising waters that diminish and degrade the great coastal cities, it will be the realization that they are traps where only the soulless live surrounded by deep unending poverty and where society has defaulted to the lowest common denominator and it will not ever get better. It will be interesting to see what the mayhem of major muslim population gains in western Europe do to their great cities. They already have schools now mostly filled with young/new muslims and the old population, much like the old population of former metroparkcentralis is quickly changing to a new form that is disinclined to treat the past as anything but a shabby robe and treat it just like they treated their own cities like Beirut, Damascus, Bagdhad, Tikrit, Mosul and all the rest of the ruins.
I've lived in he former great cities of America. I lived, for a time at 20 mile road North Detroit back when it was rapidly decivilizing and turning into a wasteland. I live now in environs of what was once America's fifth largest city, now a bright spot amidst the flyover staters because it still retains its orchestra, opera, ballet, vast library and library network and is still, in many respects great even though the population is less than half of what it was at its height. It's probably safe to say that the old population has been entirely displaced. What used to be neighborhoods stuffed with Europeans, eastern Europeans, Jews, etc, isn't anymore. It has the usual vast metropark population makeup one finds in Chicago, Detroit, Cincinatti, etc.
I'm curious to see how NYC turns out as it seems to have slammed the door on its citizens and industry and now even the NYSE is talking about relocating to some other place and I don't really see the office workers returning again to Manhattan particularly as Blasio seems to believe it is his job to reign over nothing but scum and villainy and kowtows to them at every opportunity.
I like to read history and I always used to wonder how so many of the great cities in the past were abandoned by their inhabitants. You can look to the Mayan collapse or the collapse of Ur and other great cities in the Tigris Euphrates region and of course there are the ruins of great places in Greece and Egypt that took centuries to reappear.
It won't be the rising waters that diminish and degrade the great coastal cities, it will be the realization that they are traps where only the soulless live surrounded by deep unending poverty and where society has defaulted to the lowest common denominator and it will not ever get better. It will be interesting to see what the mayhem of major muslim population gains in western Europe do to their great cities. They already have schools now mostly filled with young/new muslims and the old population, much like the old population of former metroparkcentralis is quickly changing to a new form that is disinclined to treat the past as anything but a shabby robe and treat it just like they treated their own cities like Beirut, Damascus, Bagdhad, Tikrit, Mosul and all the rest of the ruins.
Monday, November 16, 2020
I have a few years of experience there on the rock bound coast best desribed by the authors of Mash but the last year threw me for a loop. We
drove down a tiny coastal road from our lighthouse of first resort and it turned into a miles long odyssey of million dollar polite little houses with tiny clevices down to a no-doubt rock bound patch of sand.
One of the houses had been consumed by fire. It was not the kind of thing one expected and no doubt it alarmed the 2 or 3 houses nearby and I wondered, how did the pump truck of the tiny town make its way down the narrow road to the appocalypse and no doubt was followed in its wake by the handful of pump trucks from the neighboring towns which, in Maine, on the Peninsula, are kind of few and far between.
sic transit gloria mundi
One of the houses had been consumed by fire. It was not the kind of thing one expected and no doubt it alarmed the 2 or 3 houses nearby and I wondered, how did the pump truck of the tiny town make its way down the narrow road to the appocalypse and no doubt was followed in its wake by the handful of pump trucks from the neighboring towns which, in Maine, on the Peninsula, are kind of few and far between.
sic transit gloria mundi
We are coming around again to the Guard Wars. It used to be that one was too old or too young to have served in the combat wars of the time but with a democrat administration those days will come again. President Trump started no wars during his time in office. We will see how many wars the democrats find necessary to fix the idea that Biden is war-in-chiefdom. I'm guessing africa but he may decide on taking a LARP on the middle east.
Keep in mind who got us into most of the wars in our history.
Keep in mind who got us into most of the wars in our history.
I read your threat to your incoming students. You can see it below.
If it isn't too much trouble, could you require a mandatory course of study before any student registers for classes in the following?
a. No rap music objectifying all women as hoes.
b. No rap music that includes objectionable words like nigga or nigger.
c. An absolute requirement that all students dress like students at a major university and not like ghetto thugs with hoodies so we, the actual students, can differentiate on sight the thugs/rapists/so-called knock out game thugs from our actual black student brethren?
Just, you know, in the spirit of campus inclusivity, diversity and staying alive till we graduate in 2005?
If it isn't too much trouble, could you require a mandatory course of study before any student registers for classes in the following?
a. No rap music objectifying all women as hoes.
b. No rap music that includes objectionable words like nigga or nigger.
c. An absolute requirement that all students dress like students at a major university and not like ghetto thugs with hoodies so we, the actual students, can differentiate on sight the thugs/rapists/so-called knock out game thugs from our actual black student brethren?
Just, you know, in the spirit of campus inclusivity, diversity and staying alive till we graduate in 2005?
I wonder that we have not gone this route yet with the enemies of civilization. Our governments have taken the opportunity, somewhat relentlessly, to search out and destroy the enemies of civilization and yet civilization seems underwhelmed by the opportunities offered to defend itself from the likes of antifa and blm and student activists so stuffed with hate they spray spittle when they talk and waddle when they walk. Why not renew our SAD options which we have mostly left on the table since the Vietnam unpleasantness?
We know the names of the antifa scumbags that keep getting arrested, arraigned and let go by the various organs of criminal injustice. With the name comes the home address. Why does nobody introduce their homes to the flames antifa and blm so willingly share with the rest of us?
I realize that few of them have a job but why are the ones that do remain untroubled by an extensive yet unorganized campaign to have them fired immediately for being scumbags and enemies of civilization?There is no reason I know of to refrain from sharing your disdain for the likes of venders that would tolerate lawbreakers and violent criminals working on their staff. From my perspective people who jam into a sit down restaurant with a megaphone and start heckling the diners and shouting that they're racist should be suspended upside down in a sewer for the rest of their lives.
Any number of them are college adjuncts or professors of one stripe or another and certainly most of the ones who draft their manifestos are such, so why not deplatform them or burn down their offices?
I used to joke about the large round tables in the various Chinese restaurants we go to in our patch and point out that all of them were filled with old men (really old men) and I'd suggest to my dinner companions that they were all chatting about the good ole days when they were campaigning with Mao's 8th Route Army. OTOH, they were more likely to be from the Kuomingtang Armies who made it out to the West before the final onslought. Wouldn't you like to be able to look back at that age and share with your surviving comrades the days of derring do when you took on the enemies of civilization?
Most of those rioting antifas have cars and bikes and wouldn't it be nice to demonstrate the mass effect or the keen edge that a match and rag can have on such?
We know the names of the antifa scumbags that keep getting arrested, arraigned and let go by the various organs of criminal injustice. With the name comes the home address. Why does nobody introduce their homes to the flames antifa and blm so willingly share with the rest of us?
I realize that few of them have a job but why are the ones that do remain untroubled by an extensive yet unorganized campaign to have them fired immediately for being scumbags and enemies of civilization?There is no reason I know of to refrain from sharing your disdain for the likes of venders that would tolerate lawbreakers and violent criminals working on their staff. From my perspective people who jam into a sit down restaurant with a megaphone and start heckling the diners and shouting that they're racist should be suspended upside down in a sewer for the rest of their lives.
Any number of them are college adjuncts or professors of one stripe or another and certainly most of the ones who draft their manifestos are such, so why not deplatform them or burn down their offices?
I used to joke about the large round tables in the various Chinese restaurants we go to in our patch and point out that all of them were filled with old men (really old men) and I'd suggest to my dinner companions that they were all chatting about the good ole days when they were campaigning with Mao's 8th Route Army. OTOH, they were more likely to be from the Kuomingtang Armies who made it out to the West before the final onslought. Wouldn't you like to be able to look back at that age and share with your surviving comrades the days of derring do when you took on the enemies of civilization?
Most of those rioting antifas have cars and bikes and wouldn't it be nice to demonstrate the mass effect or the keen edge that a match and rag can have on such?
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Big Brother at Twit HQ has been carefully contesting most of President Trumps tweets but they seem to have slipped up here. It's most unlike them since they always seem to swoop whenever they see him making points with the electorate and insist on their right to gainsay any facts they disagree with.
You can see where they leaped in to assure us of a fact they disregard and then you see that they left unanswered the statements about Biden being an utter scumbag who steals cancer dollars from researchers and claims that the money is being used on cancer research. You can also see that they don't dispute the fact that their antifa street thugs beat up a man and stole his phone as he was leaving a Trump rally.
Kind of odd that, don't you think?
Here is the President on Biden's next outrageous scam:
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Ripped off from Steven Green
It was the same story in every deep Red or Deep Blue state, regardless of size.We need some national laws spelling out how legal, fair and honest elections must be run in all states and localities in the United States of America and we need to enforce them all with lengthy jail terms for people who try to steal elections by fraudulent voting and rigged voting processes.
The only states that couldn’t seem to count their ballots on time, the only states where the allegedly dead rise to vote, the only states where turnout in places apparently exceeded the number of registered voters, the only states reported by whistleblowers for ignoring their own laws on accepting mail-in ballots, the only states that keep finding substantial numbers of new ballots, the only states with reports of substantial numbers of destroyed or lost ballots, the only states where we see reports of thousands upon thousands of ballots that are marked only for Joe Biden and no other candidates in any other race…
…all of these things are happening only in states where the outcome was ever in doubt.
And — oh, yeah, this last bit seems germane — all these antics seem to be happening only in Democrat-run cities in these swing states.
Insanity Wrap believes this all adds up to prima facie evidence of fraud, if not outright proof.
Monday, November 9, 2020
I see that the Nemesis of Whiney Liberal Dipshits has conducted further investigation into election-2020-the-more-fuckery-update" fraud conspiracy and massive crime wave that swept American voting precincts in the Presidential election. It's worth a read.
I'm more than a little tired of everybody in the media saying there is no sign of fraud, it is too small to be significant, no harm, no foul and Sit Down and Shut Up! Even the Wall Street Journal editorial pages are now filled with such meaningless BS and suggesting that everybody just calm down and let them have this stolen election. Those with eyes to see know that if they get this fraud done and Biden over the finish line that will be the last fair election in the United States of America and it is all downhill from there until the Revolution.
Before I get into the flag update, I want to talk about the big picture situation as I see it, because there’s reality and then there’s the narrative getting crammed down everyone’s throat. We’ve now reached the point where whenever you open your mouth you’re going to get jumped on by a bunch of Caring Liberals that you’re stupid, insane, and imagined the whole thing. How dare you suggest that there could possibly be any impropriety in this new voting system we just crammed into place this year for the first time. It is the Great National Gas Lighting. The chosen lefty narrative is that voter fraud never happens, and when it does happen, it’s insignificant and changes nothing, the totally unbiased news media and big tech have called it for Biden, and you’re just crying and irrational because you’re a stupid Trumpkin, so let the healing begin.
Don’t fall for it. These are the same people who barked Not My President Trump’s whole term, even though we’ve got more evidence of voter fraud in four days than they found of Russian collusion in four years. However lots of people will be cowed and go along with this even though they know its bullshit, because social pressure is incredibly powerful and bullies wield it like a club. Every post I’ve made on Facebook about this subject has drawn random strangers to show up and scream that I’m an ignorant sucker conspiracy theorist.
Most of their “fact checks” and “debunking” just boil down to excuses. Like I saw one for the Dominion vote fuckery that moved 6k votes from Trump to 6k votes for Biden in ONE county. And the fact check headline was FALSE. But when you actually read it, it says they weren’t “stolen” it was an “error”. (except nobody actually knows that yet) Or the dead people voting in Detroit headline being FALSE, but when you click on it, their excuse isn’t that these dead people voted, it’s that we’re supposed to trust that the system totally would have caught that and thrown them out. Except they didn’t catch it, regular people on the internet tracked those down. So when were they going to check this, after Biden’s inauguration?
A note on the dead people voting and regular people tracking it down because our professional news media is oddly incurious about all these flags. I watched this unfold live on Thursday night. People would post a file of names of 100 year olds in Michigan, and then other people would check the state website to see if they had turned in ballots. Whenever somebody found one they would post that name so that other people could confirm it for themselves. They found hundreds just while I watched. But at the same time Twitter kept actively banning the accounts of anyone who shared the file, because the fix is in. Trust the system, comrades. Big Tech knows what’s best for you.
Keep in mind that just because there is fuckery afoot, be careful because there’s loads of bad information floating around. Lots of people asked me about the supposed leaked DHS press release. My gut reaction when I saw it was suspicion (I’ve worked with too many federal agencies and that simply didn’t read like their stuff) so I called some friends who still work there and it sounded like wishful thinking to them too.
You’ve probably also seen a lot of mention of Benford’s Law over the last few days. Posts talking about it have been getting vanished off of Facebook (that I can confirm firsthand).
Basically, when numbers are aggregated normally, they follow a distribution curve. When numbers are fabricated, they don’t. When human beings create what they think of as “random” numbers, they’re not. This is an auditing tool for things like looking for fabricated invoices. It also applies to elections. A normal election follows the expected curve. If you look at a 3rd world dictatorship’s election numbers, it looks like a spike or a saw.
There’s a bunch of different people out there running the numbers for themselves and posting the results so you can check their math. It appears that checking various places around the country Donald Trump’s votes follow the curve. The 3rd party candidates follow the curve. Down ballot races follow the curve. Hell, even Joe Biden’s votes follow the curve for MOST of the country. But then when you look at places like Pittsburgh the graph looks like something that would have made Hugo Chavez blush.
It’s amazing how all these extremely improbable statistical events just keep on happening, but only in the places where they make the most difference. Go figure. “It’s a miracle!” declared the Party of Science.
One extremely dishonest tactic democrats are using to dismiss this stuff, when we talk about specific incidents of fraud, they declare it statistically insignificant. But when we talk about the big picture of overall mathematical oddities, they switch and say but that doesn’t provide specific examples. They motte and bailey between the two, when in reality they’re the same thing. It’s all the individual examples of fuckery that lead up to the big weirdness.
Since my last post there’s been so many flags popping up that I can’t keep up. I’m not a reporter, this isn’t my job. The reporters with their staff of researchers are all too busy trying to convince America that the Electoral College has been replaced by Jack Dorsey and Anderson Cooper.
There have been more USPS whistleblowers coming forward that they were ordered to illegally back date late ballots. The one I shared the video of last time is now identified as a real person.
In Nevada the GOP is pushing for criminal charges against people who voted who don’t legally live there, and I just saw a report about a Clark county whistleblower coming forward but that’s still developing.
In Wisconsin it appears that poll workers were directed to illegally alter thousands of absentee ballots.
In Pennsylvania, Supreme court justices tend to not like it when people straight up ignore their rulings.
There was a report the other night that declared the military absentee ballots for Pittsburgh broke 80-20 in favor of Biden. This was gleefully shared by some NeverTrumpers and it immediately set off my bullshit detector (I was a military contract accountant for years, and after that I was the bestselling author in Baghdad, so I know a couple vets!). The obnoxiously left wing Military Times did a poll earlier this year where they surveyed a thousand military personnel and they proudly said that Biden was ahead by something like three points (which every active duty guy I know laughed at), but even if the Military Times was far better at accurate sampling than Nate Silver and the entire US polling industry (hint, they’re not) 80 fucking 20?
So I delved into this on FB (I’ve kind of been on a tear on there) and had a pile of vets and active duty show up help, but as far as we could find the report said it was absentee ballots, with the military among them. So this one gets a big question mark for now because we don’t know the break down (but the whole county was only 59/40).
Amusingly I had one lefty immediately declare the 80-20 to be plausible because of Trump’s supposed “Losers and Suckers” comment from Anonymous DOD Official. (remember when Anonymous Senior Trump Official You All Heard Of was revealed to be some junior assistant deputy director nobody ever heard of? Good times). Even after being told by a ton of retired and active duty that none of them believe that, let alone 80% of them, he still libsplained to them that statistical anomalies routinely fall like rain upon Joe Biden. (And we’ve got Joe Biden on tape talking about how PTSD Marines will murder you and your dog and then rape your corpse, but the media didn’t fixate on that for some baffling reason)
The left keeps declaring that everybody who is finding this clusterfuck to be suspicious must be a Trumpkin blinded by their salty tears of sadness. Yet I’ve noticed most of my honest liberal friends have been suspiciously quiet on this subject. And clearly not everybody who is calling bullshit on this is a Trump supporter. For some fascinating reading, check out Tariq Nasheed’s Twitter feed.
If you know anything about politics, Tariq Nasheed is the last person anybody could accuse of being a Trump fan. He despises Trump. But he’s also pointing out that there’s no fucking way that the black community turned out more for Biden more than Obama and he’s worried that the black community is being used by white liberals as a shield, and if this blows up in their faces, white liberals will blame it on blacks to take the fall. Now the things that me and Tariq Nasheed could agree on could probably be counted on the fingers of one hand, but my gut tells me that he’s spot on this time.
Honestly I have no idea how this is going to shake out, but it is clear that the media and big tech will set the narrative and just gas light Republicans that there was no impropriety and we just imagined it all. I don’t think Trump will fold. I figure he will litigate this as far as possible, and just off the stuff the general populace like us can see, he’s got plenty of ammo for lawsuits.
So the real question is how chickenshit are the Republicans? And you can never go wrong assuming that most elected Republicans are invertebrates. One of my senators is Mitt Romney and he’s nothing but hair gel in a Ziplock bag. I’ve met jelly fish with more spine. When Romney lost his run for the presidency, Barack Obama got a statistically impossible 14,000 votes in a row out of Philly, and Romney didn’t do shit.
Trump will certainly litigate and there will certainly be evidence presented of impropriety. But we all know the media is so dishonest that they’ll just ignore reality and write a compelling narrative of Orangeman Dictator to isolate the Trump loyalists and pressure everyone else to fall in line. Now how many will, I have zero idea.
Even if Trump conceded today the election process has been irreparably tainted. Even the people pretending this process is sainted and innocent know they are full of shit, but they are going to keep up the polite lie, because they are cool with fraud as long as it benefits their interests. And the people who got robbed have little hope that the system will ever represent them again, because no matter how many votes they have on their side, what’s the point if some blue metroplex can middle of the night fabricate however many votes needed to counter them?
I believe most people on the right already believed that fraud happens in these machine cities, because duh. But I think most of us also believed that our votes still mattered because we could win by beating the margin of lawyer. But after this audacious fuckery? If they can pull off this level of blatant, clumsy, in your face bullshit and get away with it, no amount of regular votes will ever matter again. Even if we overcome Big Tech and the media controlling most information and get more people on our side, they’ll just stop the count when we are too far ahead and make more votes appear until they win. Then the media and Big Tech will declare nothing weird happened. Shut up.
So I can’t say how this is going to go, but none of the ends from this point will be good. At best this marriage goes back to an abusive relationship with irreconcilable differences, and at worst it ends in a murder suicide.
I'm more than a little tired of everybody in the media saying there is no sign of fraud, it is too small to be significant, no harm, no foul and Sit Down and Shut Up! Even the Wall Street Journal editorial pages are now filled with such meaningless BS and suggesting that everybody just calm down and let them have this stolen election. Those with eyes to see know that if they get this fraud done and Biden over the finish line that will be the last fair election in the United States of America and it is all downhill from there until the Revolution.
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Unexpectedly, President Trump will be disappeared in January and every bit as much of an unperson as anybody disappeared by Stalin and the KGB. It really is 1984 again.
Left will make all 'mis and disinformation' a crime punishable by law and exhile. The scum are already gearing up to rule every means of social, networked and broadcast media. Watching Fox go down the sewer is not an unexpected disappointment since they've been heading that way since Rupert Murdoch's sons took over.
It's time to shift to other platforms and leave the ones devoted to socialism and showing Stalinists how to shut down the speech of others to the ones that like that sort of thing.
Left will make all 'mis and disinformation' a crime punishable by law and exhile. The scum are already gearing up to rule every means of social, networked and broadcast media. Watching Fox go down the sewer is not an unexpected disappointment since they've been heading that way since Rupert Murdoch's sons took over.
"President Donald Trump will lose Twitter privileges he enjoys as a world leader when President-Elect Joe Biden takes office on January 20th, 2021. Twitter confirmed that Trump’s @realDonaldTrump account will be subject to the same rules as any other user — including bans on inciting violence and posting false information about voting or the coronavirus pandemic.
Twitter applies special policies to world leaders and some other officials, leaving rule-breaking content online if there’s “a clear public interest value to keeping the tweet on the service.” The public interest policy was formalized in 2019, codifying a rule that had been informally enforced for some time.
“Twitter’s approach to world leaders, candidates, and public officials is based on the principle that people should be able to choose to see what their leaders are saying with clear context. This means that we may apply warnings and labels, and limit engagement to certain tweets. This policy framework applies to current world leaders and candidates for office, and not private citizens when they no longer hold these positions,” a Twitter spokesperson confirms to The Verge.
Unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, also an active Twitter user, Trump has repeatedly tested the platform’s boundaries with untrue or inflammatory tweets. Twitter has restricted Trump posts like a May threat that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” which violated rules against glorifying violence, or a tweet attacking ballot dropboxes. But it’s kept them on the platform.
Twitter and Facebook have posted warning labels on many Trump posts since election night, following baseless allegations of fraud and false claims about how voting works. Trump’s most recent tweet reads, inaccurately, “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!!!”
It's time to shift to other platforms and leave the ones devoted to socialism and showing Stalinists how to shut down the speech of others to the ones that like that sort of thing.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
I walked down the street to see which of my neighbors had the nerve to put out 5 Trump signs on his yard across the street from the polling place and those are the only signs for Trump in a 30 block radius. As it happens I bumped into someone I know walking back up the street from voting and she agreed to walk over to see who was so lost to tyranny that they dared the wrath of the woke and put out Trump signs.
My neighbor, for that is who I was walking with, was a bit upset. She said, "What your birds are trying to tell you is that it’s Democracy that must be preserved at all costs, not Capitalism. Government must be by the people and for the people or it is tyranny."
Turns out she didn't find my pinko birds at all amusing. My rebuttal was a little too close to the bone for her so she probably won't talk to me for a couple of weeks or so.
Is it not a tyranny when a government orders all of its 'citizens' to stay at home and not go out on pain of being arrested by the police and dragged down to jail and locked up?
Is it not a tryanny when some unelected official of the STATE orders you to close your business for 8 or 9 months until 70% of them have gone out of business and won't ever reopen?
Is it not a tyranny when the STATE orders your church to close and forbids it to hold services?
Is it not a tyranny when the STATE forbids you your right to peaceably assemble and petition your government?
One might almost think you're right and Trump is running a tyranny except, by and large, he did none of those things.
Taking away the citizen's rights because some bureaucrat has some profound reason for doing so doesn't make it any less a tyranny. I didn't vote for any of those people and neither did anyone else.
Your analogy to Typhoid Mary is a good one, for me. The STATE didn't lock up all the people to keep them safe, they locked up Mary.
When you're willing to give up Democracy to preserve it, you've lost it and the people who find your willingness to sacrifice democracy on the alter of some fake science and fear of a contagion slightly more dangerous than the flu is not a price we're willing to pay.
My neighbor, for that is who I was walking with, was a bit upset. She said, "What your birds are trying to tell you is that it’s Democracy that must be preserved at all costs, not Capitalism. Government must be by the people and for the people or it is tyranny."
Turns out she didn't find my pinko birds at all amusing. My rebuttal was a little too close to the bone for her so she probably won't talk to me for a couple of weeks or so.
Is it not a tyranny when a government orders all of its 'citizens' to stay at home and not go out on pain of being arrested by the police and dragged down to jail and locked up?
Is it not a tryanny when some unelected official of the STATE orders you to close your business for 8 or 9 months until 70% of them have gone out of business and won't ever reopen?
Is it not a tyranny when the STATE orders your church to close and forbids it to hold services?
Is it not a tyranny when the STATE forbids you your right to peaceably assemble and petition your government?
One might almost think you're right and Trump is running a tyranny except, by and large, he did none of those things.
Taking away the citizen's rights because some bureaucrat has some profound reason for doing so doesn't make it any less a tyranny. I didn't vote for any of those people and neither did anyone else.
Your analogy to Typhoid Mary is a good one, for me. The STATE didn't lock up all the people to keep them safe, they locked up Mary.
When you're willing to give up Democracy to preserve it, you've lost it and the people who find your willingness to sacrifice democracy on the alter of some fake science and fear of a contagion slightly more dangerous than the flu is not a price we're willing to pay.
Monday, November 2, 2020
look about when you go riot after the polls close and make sure your leaders are still with you. It is not uncommon for the cadre to work their followers and disciples into a frenzy and to unleash them in an orgy of violence, arson and looting, but skip the inevitable day of reckoning when they know that the King is taking off the gloves and means to start using extra-judicial means of retaliating and protecting the citizens from the likes of you.
All those crimes you have gotten away with up until now without punishment will change overnight into life and death crimes. You will be shocked at the difference a day makes.
You don't want to be like this guy. Standing front and center alone against law and order who have really been looking forward to busting heads but held on a leash a little too long. Think about it, they get attacked, open fire, kill you like flies and they automatically get put on administrative duties and no longer have to face the anarchists, arsonists, and wannabe killers of cops in the mean streets of large downtown democratically owned and operated cities.
All those crimes you have gotten away with up until now without punishment will change overnight into life and death crimes. You will be shocked at the difference a day makes.
You don't want to be like this guy. Standing front and center alone against law and order who have really been looking forward to busting heads but held on a leash a little too long. Think about it, they get attacked, open fire, kill you like flies and they automatically get put on administrative duties and no longer have to face the anarchists, arsonists, and wannabe killers of cops in the mean streets of large downtown democratically owned and operated cities.
A Greek navy minesweeper, Kallisto, was sliced in two by a merchant ship outside Piraeus.
The enormous damage, Greek TV reported, is due in part to the construction materials of the warship. It is made of reinforced plastic and fibreglass, which makes it vulnerable to impact.
Kallisto‘s fibreglass hull was built by Vosper Thornycroft in the early 1980s (then called HMS Berkeley) before being moved to Greece between 2000 and 2001.
When built in the 1980s, Kallisto was one of the largest warships ever built with a fibreglass hull. Mine countermeasures ships are typically built with non-metallic hulls, in part to help reduce their vulnerability to magnetic mines. This also reduces their acoustic signature, which, in turn, makes them less likely to trigger acoustic mines.
The exact cause of the accident remains unclear, but local media reports described the freighter “passing over” the mine Greek Navy minehunter as the latter was leaving port.
Two people on the warship, carrying a total of 27 people, were slightly injured in the collision and were taken to hospital as a precaution according to Greek TV.
The cargo ship Maersk Launceston has been banned from sailing until the damage is repaired.
An article from gcaptain@
As built it was one of the last of the Hunt Class Minecountermeasure ships of the Royal Navy.
It is, an unusual testament to the design and construction and to the ship's crew that even after getting cut in half, it continued to float.
Millions of Americans who voted early are suddenly realizing that their hatred
of Trump has led them to vote for a terribly demented man with no talent or mind
and worse, that they just voted a complete whore into the Oval Office. A women who used sex and flattery to get where she is today at the pinnacle of power in the democratic party and at the feet of her new masters, Soros, Dorsey and the rest of the sleezy billionaires that now own and run the democratic party for themselves.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Remember the last century in the last millenium? I do. It was a different kind of time where accusations didn't lead to automatic death sentences unless they were solidly backed up by proof and unfounded, unproven allegations while enough to ruin a career didn't result in jail time in criminal convictions or cancellation of all that had gone before. I wasn't at the event in question but I bought the patch for the significance of the trauma that event put every naval officer thru because of the Navy/Marine one-size-fits-all 'justice' that was in it. Surface warfare types don't attend Tailhook for one obvious reason. Nevertheless we were hounded to swear and affirm that we weren't there and the originals of our statements were forwarded to higher echelons to be consolidated and used against us at courts martial if they could prove that we lied.
The patch was sort of a badge of honor among us because for all the sound and fury, only about a half-dozen junior officers were held guilty at non-judicial punishment of any misbehavior at the convention. The other 134 cases were dropped. Still it was a witch hunt that lasted far too long, swept up way too many innocent officers and destroyed countless careers of men that never even had a chance to argue their case as they were simply tossed on the scrap heap and left to wither away.
Nowadays, accusation alone is sufficient to convict unless you're a democrat in which case there is no case, nobody saw a thing and the media is uncurious and indifferent to the allegations.
The patch was sort of a badge of honor among us because for all the sound and fury, only about a half-dozen junior officers were held guilty at non-judicial punishment of any misbehavior at the convention. The other 134 cases were dropped. Still it was a witch hunt that lasted far too long, swept up way too many innocent officers and destroyed countless careers of men that never even had a chance to argue their case as they were simply tossed on the scrap heap and left to wither away.
Nowadays, accusation alone is sufficient to convict unless you're a democrat in which case there is no case, nobody saw a thing and the media is uncurious and indifferent to the allegations.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
In France last week a school teacher was killed by one of France's imported islamic terrorists who abound there now in what used to be a rather pleasant and easy going republic of French. It is now teeming with muslim fanatics hell bent on destroying France and most of the rest of western Europe which stupidly admitted them by the million from the war torn fanatic infested battleground failed states in the middle east and north Africa. He was killed because he grew up in the old Republic where the European Rights of Man included tolerance and a certain amount of free thought and speech. He failed to recognize that that Republic has joined all the other French Republics on the ash heap of history.
The other pointless unreasoning death was yet another black crazy person; this time in Philadelphia where two cops tried to get away from a crazy lunatic who would neither drop the knife nor stop charging at them as they attempted to open the distance between them. One of the cops opened fire and a fraction of a second later so did the other cop. Between them they loaded the lunatic black man up with 10 bullets.
I don't think they really needed to shoot that man 10 times. According to unreliable local sources the lunatic wasn't right in the head and perhaps 2 or 3 bullets would have been enough to say, slow the fucker down enough that the cops could retreat a little bit and let him fall over, bleed out and drop the knife and then they could have rendered a little first aid. They decided to give him a serious dose of lead poisening and get it all over with. As a result 30 cops were then injured and 12 are still in hospital with serious injuries from the rioting and looting prone response typical from our vibrant communities of color (COC). This will go on from now until the election and tear up more COC which won't matter as the election will bring out all the worst instincts of a group that seems to allow themselves to only yield to and suffer from their worst impulses.
So we now have yet another thoroughly justified police homicide of another black man with a knife and the response is the same every time. I think it is time to engage with an endless bombardment of these youths with some long overdue civic lessons. People here don't engage in any kind of racism by and large but they do stereotype and use the actions of the few to justify a certain wariness of the rest and when it has become clear that any justifiable homicide results in riots and looting and killing then the rest of us tend to increase the size of the pool we stereotype and when we hear from the 'educated' ones who spend their lives attacking the police and working to get the justice system and the schools to treat every interaction with the authorities as nothing but racism, we need to start thinking outside the box.
I'll say one thing. The answer is no longer to pretend that they are just like us. It is quite clear that too many of them are nothing at all like you and me. We don't know what turns some muslims into mindless mass murdering killing machines but we suspect it is the religion and its teachings and the shrill voices of the fanatics that run the mosques that creates these 'martyrs'. It's exactly the same kind of thing going on in the POC COC where the fanatics seem to make the rules and force everyone to abide by them if they want to remain POC and live in COC and not be attacked for being too white, too western, too civilized.
The madness is spreading. To read the delusional anti-Western screeds of crazy people on the left who are now talking about arresting all Trump officials after the election and sending them to re-education camps and who dox every single republican who contributes to a republican candidate and who thinks that Trump is more evil than Stalin or their favorite, Hitler, is to see that more and more people have become unhinged and are completely lost to reason.
The other pointless unreasoning death was yet another black crazy person; this time in Philadelphia where two cops tried to get away from a crazy lunatic who would neither drop the knife nor stop charging at them as they attempted to open the distance between them. One of the cops opened fire and a fraction of a second later so did the other cop. Between them they loaded the lunatic black man up with 10 bullets.
I don't think they really needed to shoot that man 10 times. According to unreliable local sources the lunatic wasn't right in the head and perhaps 2 or 3 bullets would have been enough to say, slow the fucker down enough that the cops could retreat a little bit and let him fall over, bleed out and drop the knife and then they could have rendered a little first aid. They decided to give him a serious dose of lead poisening and get it all over with. As a result 30 cops were then injured and 12 are still in hospital with serious injuries from the rioting and looting prone response typical from our vibrant communities of color (COC). This will go on from now until the election and tear up more COC which won't matter as the election will bring out all the worst instincts of a group that seems to allow themselves to only yield to and suffer from their worst impulses.
So we now have yet another thoroughly justified police homicide of another black man with a knife and the response is the same every time. I think it is time to engage with an endless bombardment of these youths with some long overdue civic lessons. People here don't engage in any kind of racism by and large but they do stereotype and use the actions of the few to justify a certain wariness of the rest and when it has become clear that any justifiable homicide results in riots and looting and killing then the rest of us tend to increase the size of the pool we stereotype and when we hear from the 'educated' ones who spend their lives attacking the police and working to get the justice system and the schools to treat every interaction with the authorities as nothing but racism, we need to start thinking outside the box.
I'll say one thing. The answer is no longer to pretend that they are just like us. It is quite clear that too many of them are nothing at all like you and me. We don't know what turns some muslims into mindless mass murdering killing machines but we suspect it is the religion and its teachings and the shrill voices of the fanatics that run the mosques that creates these 'martyrs'. It's exactly the same kind of thing going on in the POC COC where the fanatics seem to make the rules and force everyone to abide by them if they want to remain POC and live in COC and not be attacked for being too white, too western, too civilized.
The madness is spreading. To read the delusional anti-Western screeds of crazy people on the left who are now talking about arresting all Trump officials after the election and sending them to re-education camps and who dox every single republican who contributes to a republican candidate and who thinks that Trump is more evil than Stalin or their favorite, Hitler, is to see that more and more people have become unhinged and are completely lost to reason.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
I just have the sense that most people who insist on up to the minute twitting of their personal ignorance or perpetual surprise are stupid. This kind of sets the tone for tweeters.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
We were notified that we were up for an upgrade to fiber-optic cabling to the internets so we had it done a couple of days ago. It took a little longer than expected to upgrade what with running a new cable to the house from the back of the house and then installing the new cable through the basement and then thru the floor into the dining room where it finally mated up with a modem roughly twice the size of the old one and voila, the network was down and the installer took a lunch break while waiting for the systems to come back online which, in the event, would take a couple of hours. Finally, he announced the job was done told me we had the same system ID and login and left. Needless to say, it did not have the same ID or password so a call to India was in order.
So now we have a new system and it punted the old system like a football into the stands as it wiped clean my google latches throughout every aspect of this blog. It is going to take a while to restore certain things invisible to you gentle reader but a meaningful eyefull to me since I don't necessarily blog anonymously since I used to have my google address for this blog write there whenever I replied at other folks blogs. That has left the building.
I have been a little tired of late and I tend to blog after deep thought and late at night/early in the morning. Going to bed before 2200 is putting a crimp in blogging around here by me. I'll get there soon.
I see that some cities/areas are already casting more ballots for the idiot then there are people living in those areas. No surprise just as it isn't a surprise that the media turns amazingly myopic when it comes to ballot fraud and election fraud and routinely claim it either never happens or only happens in very few and very small amounts. I just remember the last election when whole precincts in Philadelphia reported 100% votes for Clinton wihtout a single contrary vote and it is just not possible in America that there are preciincts without surly contrarians who vote against the public weal.
I'm actually looking forward to the next 60 Minutes from CBS. I'm curious to see how they try to goon it after President Trump went ahead and broadcast the entire interview.
So now we have a new system and it punted the old system like a football into the stands as it wiped clean my google latches throughout every aspect of this blog. It is going to take a while to restore certain things invisible to you gentle reader but a meaningful eyefull to me since I don't necessarily blog anonymously since I used to have my google address for this blog write there whenever I replied at other folks blogs. That has left the building.
I have been a little tired of late and I tend to blog after deep thought and late at night/early in the morning. Going to bed before 2200 is putting a crimp in blogging around here by me. I'll get there soon.
I see that some cities/areas are already casting more ballots for the idiot then there are people living in those areas. No surprise just as it isn't a surprise that the media turns amazingly myopic when it comes to ballot fraud and election fraud and routinely claim it either never happens or only happens in very few and very small amounts. I just remember the last election when whole precincts in Philadelphia reported 100% votes for Clinton wihtout a single contrary vote and it is just not possible in America that there are preciincts without surly contrarians who vote against the public weal.
I'm actually looking forward to the next 60 Minutes from CBS. I'm curious to see how they try to goon it after President Trump went ahead and broadcast the entire interview.
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