Sunday, July 14, 2013


I really didn't expect it to be decided so quickly and I didn't expect it to be unanimous. I guess what that says about me is that I have such low expectations from them that I am constantly cheered up by my fellow man.  It's a great pity that the morons running the Committee for the Promotion of Vice and the Prevention of Virtue will now hurl themselves into the fray with Civil Rights Law and tear open wounds in civil society that never need to have been inflicted in the first place if people just did their jobs.  Interesting tactic though to wait to release the verdict until 10:30PM don't you think?

See how I do that? I look forward to being cheerful later on by once again expecting the lowest sort of venal serf-serving behavior from the Royal Court of Injustice.


Buck said...

The verdict was a pleasant surprise, no doubt. Would that the circus be over... but I'm afraid it's not.

virgil xenophon said...

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on MSNBC is a sight to behold, lol. But to be TOTALLY expected, sad to say. What a sad commentary on our times. and the state of most of our media which long ago became naught but a propaganda arm of the left in general and currently Obama in particular..

virgil xenophon said...

PS: Being bi-coastal that "COEXIST" sticker reminds me of the differences between the left coast and Louisiana--ubiquitous in coastal SoCal and practically non-existent in Louisiana outside New Orleans and even rare in New Orleans..

HMS Defiant said...

I stopped watching TV ages ago and don't miss it since I can get all I want from NETFLIX. It's funny. I used to have the news on in my office and watch it at least twice at night. Just when I think I'm reaching the end of NETFLIX though along comes a winner like 'Big Bang Theory'.

I saw the COEXIST everywhere in north county San Diego and all around DC. Only seen it once here though and that was flying on a church flag pole last week.

Anne Bonney said...

COEXIST? - keep your eyes open for it in the inner-ring eastern burbs. The rest of the state - not so all. While Ohio did perform an important role in supporting the underground railroad during the War between the States, it also contributed the largest number of men to the Confederate forces compared to any other northern state.