As I was reading way into the night I was struck by this
...But the fact remains that the Labour party has just endorsed an apologist for Putin’s imperial aggression; a man who did not just appear on the propaganda channel of Russia, which invades its neighbours and persecutes gays, but also of Iran, whose hangmen actually execute gays. Labour’s new leader sees a moral equivalence between 9/11 and the assassination of bin Laden, and associates with every variety of women-hating, queer-bashing, Jew-baiting jihadi, holocaust denier and 9/11 truther. His supporters know it, but they don’t care.
I had to double check and see if the author was talking about Farage about whom the labor party said the most amazingly vile things. I find it fundamentally funny that people who vote for a thing like Corbyn could evidence such visceral hate for a genuine man who hasn't harmed anybody or palled around with jihadis, terrorists, or the rest of the despicable brew that make up and support the labor party of Britain and our democrats. I have to be careful because in my country the majority voted for labor's evil counterpart here and brought us a leader so deeply un-American its like has never been seen here before. We elected a man who hates and despises his own country. I suppose the British left are merely following in our footsteps.
The only way to defeat evil is to fight it. |
Oh well, we have a long history of dragging each other into the good fight against evil.
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