Friday, October 16, 2015


Something unfortunate seems to have taken my Del Mar Camera off line. Winter is coming so I have added two additional live cameras covering the beach at Del Mar to make up for the loss. This way, however bleak the winter gets, we'll always have Del Mar.

On a second note, I have noticed that one of the blogs has fallen off the radar. I don't know what's up with the Mellow Jihadi but this is what returns when we link to his site:

We hope it returns soon.


Ex Bootneck said...

Sadly, the ‘Mallow Jihadi’ is very much like the 'Norwegian Blue' - mentioned in Monty Python’s dead parrot sketch; “E’s dead” - “E’s definitely not resting!"

NavyOne moved upwards and onwards after returning from his foreign deployment - I was simply the keeper of the flame in his absence. Though he did offer ownership of the blog to me, which I was unable to sign up to due to a heavy (unintended, but self inflicted) workload. It is my intention to return in a new guise around April 2016.

Meantime, I intend loitering around this neck of the woods, as well as several other blogging areas belonging to those who often commented on the Mellow Jihadi.

Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, beautiful plumage…

Yours Aye
Ex Bootneck

HMS Defiant said...

Well, it doesn't get any deader than a Norwegian Blue. I'll miss it and we will look forward to your return in the Spring.