An amusing
story about a modern day pirate who shopped at the same Trader Joes I used to shop at in Emeryville. It's a nice enough store but ridiculously expensive and so precious. I shopped for their excellent Famous Grouse Scotch which they were giving away. I also bought some of their wine. It was a nice enough store and best of all, I could walk there and back in less than 30 minutes. Oh, and Borders was right across the street.
Borders in Emeryville |
Funny you should mention Emeryville & Trader Joes; my wife is staying up in Emeryville right now on a short Travel Nurse assignment at a hosp in SF. We hit almost all the Traders in the Santa Monica/Venice area (3) as well as the one in Culver City--mainly for their rice milk for my wife's allergies, as well as their store-brand rice-wine vinegar. The milk goes out of stock quickly so we often have to run all over and hit all the stores to stock up. Sadly, New Orleans--in fact the entire State of Louisiana--lacks one. Supposedly one in Baton Rouge on Perkins Rd was scheduled to open this summer but hear its opening has been pushed back until December. Thank God Walmart carries the same brand of rice-milk in La. The Walmarts in the People's Republic of Santa Monica area are distant, few and far between as the local lefties on the various city councils keep succeeding in keeping them out.
PS: If you like bourbon, Traders sells a fifth of "Rebel Yell" (a VERY nice bourbon once made by W. L Weller--makers of Old Fitzgerald--in Louisville, but now sold to a marketing outfit in St Louis, but distilled & bottled under lisc by Heaven Hill in Louisville) for around $10 bucks--a STEAL! (When I was in college in the early 60s its allure was that it wasn't sold north of the Mason-Dixon line, lol, but thats all changed..)
Wow, amazing that you should mention the Borders in Emeryville. I was in there shopping in the mid-90s and came back out after I was done. And I could not find my car! I spent twenty minutes looking for it until I realized my Mustang was now a pile of glass. Someone had broken a window and high-tailed it off with my car. I got it back 4 months later: 4 tires blown, 1000s of miles added, one gold tooth in the console and a letter addressed to Marlon. (Dear Marlon, when you get out of jail. . .) True story. Small world.
I'm driving through there next week after I drop my girl in Portland. We'll spend a day in the Bay Area and drive through this place coming through or going south.
I'm sorry about your car there. When my brother lived in the house on 65th St his jeep was stolen from right out front which he found when I knocked on his door early one morning asking him, 'what about the ride to the airport you promised me' as he opened the door. That's when it sunk in that his car was gone. It too was found a week later with minor damage, slashed interior and reeking of foul cigarette smoke.
I like bourbon. We did the Bourbon Trail starting at Frankfort and moving south and east. 4 distilleries finishing up at Makers Mark.
I like how you worked bourbon into this "conversation." Very smoooooove. . . . Enjoy the trip up to Portland. (If you like to fish, there are some great rivers on your way up.)
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