Tuesday, August 21, 2018


In a surprising about face, voters rejected the snowflake's agenda and voted for books they liked to win the scarcely significant hugo award. Both authors were embarrassed when confronted with the news they had won science fictions least honored award. The 'awe shuks' were scattered far and wide. They were both reluctant to admit that popular sales were dismissed as having less than nothing to to do with an award that required voters to send a lot of money to snow flakes in order to 'justify' the award.


Sea Dragon said...

I've been a hard-core science fiction and fantasy reader for 50 years. I can't remember the last time the Hugo was awarded to an author I read.

capt fast said...

in the field of escapist literature, Ringo and Weber are excellent, no matter how many print copies the publishers sell. I have spent many hours on alert visiting different stories of theirs which helped with that mind numbing duty. often re-reading the great story lines. prolific writer the both of them. one of the recurring themes is that no matter how good the good guys are the good guys don't always win. many readers miss that idea as it reflects true life as a whole.
but, yeah. Hugo award. something to splash on the cover art.

HMS Defiant said...

It has been a while. I watched the ceremony this year while watching TV and it was dismal. I didn't recognize a single winner and the only person I did know was Robert Silverberg and boy did he have something to say later about Jemisins speech.

HMS Defiant said...

I enjoy their books and stories and plenty of others too. I just can't stand what the Hugo has become in the hands of Scalzi, Gould and whoever is running it now. They are like the ignorant children that go around toppling statues raised to honor the memory of those who gave their lives in a great fight that shaped this country for all time. The people in charge now would happily dig up Heinleins bones and throw them in a river and do the same to all the people I enjoyed hearing from back when they were still alive.
Nobody takes any joy anymore in the society they've created, nurtured and maintain with an iron fist.

Captain Steve said...

Yea! I voted for them, and good to see it counted==in several ways.