Thursday, August 15, 2024


 I'm amazed at how many times every year I see something like the President of Columbia resigns because of the furor over her inability to simply be or appear to be nothing more than a decent human being. Along with her went 3 Deans of that school who also failed a simple routine habit of higher civilization; appear to be a human being. It's no wonder a lot of people believe that Bill Gates and all the people running Google are aliens. They no longer even try to fake it anymore.

These people have jobs with enormously prestigious titles, houses, salaries and command the respect of the respectable merely by having the titles they do and they can't hold it together long enough to come across as human. 

I accept that an awful lot of us are getting a little ragged around the edges these days but then 99% of us will never have to testify before a Congressional Committee or live in the limelight. Still, all of the nominally civilized people on the planet know and accept some rules and limitations. Liberals and democrats don't. They honestly cannot conceive that anything they do is subject to public approbation. They're not stupid, just evil.


Stefan said...

They are living their best life, their only life. After this, those kind go into eternal flame where the worst pain of all is to endlessly know that they have earned their place in The Lake of Fire. All this (our lives, our world) takes place to prove God justified and righteous, because we and other higher rebels dare to put Him on trial. Because if there are to be multiple wills in eternity, they must be in agreement. There is no conflict there, because each will recognises its place, and for us creatures it means we accept our place and are humbly grateful. This is the core of honour and glory, the motivator of duty and the backbone of integrity. Consider eternity when deciding the temporal. Let the evil rage, they will be ashes under our feet and gone from memory, and we honour and praise The Almighty and Wise and Good Creator and live as conscious living temples to Him forever. Let us stand together, in our scattered battlefields, and play the man, with the cards we are dealt. The faster they kill me, the sooner I am with Him forevermore, and the slower and harder they kill me, is another jewel in His crown. Though He slay me, mine eyes shall behold Him and adore Him, My God and Saviour.

HMS Defiant said...

One of the takeaways from finally tracking down the Drive Angry movie was the bit about him being OK with eternal flames that he deserved but the real agony was that he was forced to watch the ones he loved get tormented in this world.

boron said...

@ Stefan
she may wind up in Ptolomaea if Dante has it right

Stefan said...

Sorry, don't know Dante. The Bible is my guide, and has never shows me as I be, and the more I learn the more wretchedness I see in me, and the more unspeakable greatness in Him. This is Spiritual War, and we are but tiny pawns. Let us study Psalm 2, and rejoice in the certain victory He won, and be strengthened for our paltry little part in it. No wonder they fear us so much....they see their doom because of Who stands above us. What can they do?