Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Well, maybe a fantasy continent.... Can you believe people actually talk about and even believe that Kamala Harris chose Walz as her Veep? Who in the world do they think has been running the Biden administration since 2021? Do they think that the secret powers stepped out for a quickie and left her alone in a room with a working phone?

Take a look at the people in her entourage. Can you see the guy with the staple gun and duct tape? The guy behind him carries a crow bar in case stronger measures are required to keep her quiet.

1 comment:

tsquared said...

Veep with Stolen Valor in his bio web page that was identified and never corrected. Not to mention he quickly, prematurely retired when he learned his unit was going to be deployed to Iraq - coward.

I retired Guard as a Master Sargent. I was Commo, in the rear with the SATCOM gear making sure the Mama calls got through. I supported the hero's that went outside the wire. I did a year in Salerno "Rocket City" Afghanistan when 25th ID was there. The Chief I worked for was a moron. When the Rockasans replaced them I rotated out. I was an augmentee, a backfill.