Thursday, August 22, 2024


 The most effete generation is filled with news of war in Kursk and seem convinced of everything they so cunningly report about the antics of a pithed frog.  I don’t like to be that guy that constantly points out the weakness or invisibility of their strategic and operational experience and background or their inexperience with actual war but every time they crow about Ukrainians dropping the bridges leading to Kursk it must occur to them that Ukraine itself is rendering all aspects of the “invasion” moot. As observed by the master and commander, “well, they aren’t going anywhere” and so they won’t. It’s the most intense and useless burn of soldiers and material since Dien Bien Phu. It’s literally watching the reinforcement of retreat in real time.


boron said...

the armchair generals

Michael said...

Russians don't forget, nor do they forgive.

All this will be repaid in full. For almost two years Putin tried not to directly make it a war between America and Russia.

Now it's beyond that. The "Diplomacy" of two drunks throwing rocks at the old dog on the porch "he's skeerrred of us, he hasn't bit us yet" will end with a Thucydides Trap empire destroying ending.

Putin's the MODERATE in Russian Politics. He doesn't want Mother Russia nuked by those two drunks and was dismantling our King Dollar ownership of the West slowly.

You move slowly around a buzzing nuke armed hornets' nest, but eventually the hornets get the spray. Best if its self-inflicted.