Friday, August 23, 2024


 When you do think about it, SpaceX is a privately owned Orbital Bombardment System. The New Dawn missions will reveal how far above the equator his orbital reach can target.

No no. What was I thinking. That's like imagining that all the Secret Master's of the Web would suddenly turn into lock-step fascists who want to control all things digital and even in real life......

Would you be so sanguine about it if George Soros controlled something along the lines of SpaceX?


Rick said...

Has Elon shown any of the tendencies as shown by Herr Goebbels Soros?

Rick T said...

If anything, Elon has pushed freedom farther than most by purchasing then opening up Twitter. What Soros/Schwab/Et al tried to lock down Musk reopened.

Dan said...

Orbital bombardment isn't a huge threat with current technology. Such devices must maintain a specific stable orbit and they only pass over a potential target once every ninety minutes or so. And it's difficult to change that orbit. So to change something that passes over say Moscow routinely to something that passes over Beijing isn't easy. Standard ballistic missiles are more than adequate for the job, no need for an orbiting platform.

HMS Defiant said...

Far from it as far as I can tell. The man is obsessed but not that way.

HMS Defiant said...

I think it would be easy enough to lay out some orbits that cross a number of targets every day and then be ready. OTGH, that's what ASAT was all about way back when we had a full blown Space Race. It must have killed the old hands when the only path to orbit we had involved buying and installing Russian rockets and more that our industry was so fucked up that it took Congress stepping in to squelch the continuation of the destruction of our tech base in building rocket motors.
On the other hand, those places X launches from? Yeah, they're in the first priority for SLBM or hypersonic weapons now.