Sunday, August 25, 2024


 Putin has been doing everything but dragging naked women along the border with Ukraine trying to induce them into crossing the actual Russian frontier in some sort of ground invasion since the war began and the idiots in Kiev finally fell into the trap. All along Putin has been telling the Russians that the Ukraine NAZI regime/war party was a menace and active danger to the Rodina and they just made his point blindingly clear. Voila! A masterpiece of cunning trickery that sort of calls to mind the beginning of Red Storm Rising when you think about it.

Look at it. Just look at it. 2 countries locked in a gritty murderous war for 2 years and the frontier a couple dozen miles from the active military front is guarded by police and border guards. That's it. There is no combat capability to be seen within 50 miles of the border with an enemy power. Is that truly the way you think warring nations behave?

No. It was a trap and the Ukrainians were stupid enough to fall for it or a second or third level of deception was launched. Changing gear….Consider the High Command is given impossible orders and conditions. In the East they are going to die in place because there is no retreat. In the West the invaders can be lashed with a simple spoiling attack that will consume the lion's share of the resources left to the War Machine which will bring the enemy closer and faster to Berlin than if the resources had been husbanded and used in building up impregnable defenses that would slow the Allies. But what officer of the High Command could fail to see that the Soviets were going to destroy Germany while it was still possible to bargain some sort of surrender with the US and UK. If, OTOH, he wasted the resources then the war would end sooner and the Russians would not get all of Germany as its due.

Likewise, the top echelon in Kiev High Command might have looked at launching a similar spoiling attack into Russia and leaving the Donbass virtually undefendable which could bring about a far more speedy end to the conflict.

What would you do?

War is supposed to be all about deception and deceit. It's a great pity Liberals ever got the idea that they were better at it then anybody else in history. Ever. 

Kind of makes you think about how Roosevelt left our entire Pacific Fleet Battle Line exposed all the way out there in the middle of nowhere doesn't it?


Michael said...

Russian military deception, sometimes known as maskirovka (Russian: маскировка, lit. 'masking, disguise'[1]), is a military doctrine developed from the start of the 20th century. The doctrine covers a broad range of measures for military deception, from camouflage to denial and deception.

The practice of military deception predates Russia. The Art of War, written in the 5th century BC and attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tsu, describes a strategy of deception: "I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness".[7] Early in Russia's history, in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, Prince Dmitry Donskoy defeated the armies of the Mongol Golden Horde using a surprise attack from a regiment hidden in forest. The tactics of that battle are still cited in Russian cadet schools.[8]

Or as Gomer Pyle might say "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise".

Or in "other news" the redeployment of "elite" units for the Kursk deployment let the Russians capture (or encircle depending on the report) the primary military supply center.

In "other news" the US Navy has stripped manpower from what? 17 supply and repairs ships for manpower needs elsewhere.

Like any deployed worldwide navy EVER had enough supply ships.

Amateurs talk tactics, Successful Leaders talk logistics.

boron said...

"...the Ukrainians were stupid enough to fall for it..."
the Ukrainians? DC, mebbe?

HMS Defiant said...

I'll tell you what is painful to read is from the instapundit today some idiots proclaiming that Putin is CAVING ON ALL THE REDLINES HE DRAWS about for instance, nuclear weapons. He never said anything about them. It was all shade being thrown by morons in the West media who put words in Putin's mouth. What the actual real Putin says is solid and you can take it to the bank. And when you ignore him he doesn't pussyfoot around he's more like a testosterone fueled Hillary Clinton but without the rabid self-delusion and self-destruction. You cross Putin at your immediate peril. Everyone knows that except the fuckwits writing for the media.

HMS Defiant said...

The stripped the deployed Expeditionary Base ships in Sicily and Bahrain. What kind of idiocy is that? Oh, yeah, I know, with a total absence of fleet oilers keeping our warships at sea now falls solely to the MSC and they/we have treated them worse than dogshit for the last 30 years and most of them simply quit.