Thursday, August 29, 2024


 Certain parts of the world, the less important parts, seem to be going up in flames these days and that is probably largely due to the incomparable incompetence of the people that secretly run the government of the United States of America. They act like Neocons most of the time but then cannot seem to pull the US into any of their very carefully stage-managed war opportunities. So far their incompetence and idiocy has resulted in the strange case of vaunted Israel and its IDF failing in a soul-searing way to notice 2000 Hamas terrorists practicing and bleating about launching an attack on a suddenly and strangely completely defenseless and supine Israel. Strike One.

The PTB encouraged the vicious and idiotic madmen of Yemen to attack EVERYTHING in the Red Sea and North Arabian Sea and strike with abandon and without warning. So they did and yet the United States failed to dither and shilly-shally and send $200,000,000 of Tomahawk missiles into Yemen, (oh wait, yeah they did that) but anyway they didn't start launching Alfa Strikes off the carrier battle groups and bombing helpless innocent womens, childrens, hospitals and schools (all that they have or build in arab lands) and so we refrained from War by despicably not doing it, again! Strike Two.

You all know the big one is raging in a radioactive dumping ground and seething mass of corruption known as Ukraine. It has pretty girls and stupid men and it spent most of every day of its independent existence doing its lackadaisical incompetent but nazi inspired best to harass the ethnic Russians living there into picking up their crap and moving back to Russia. This worked so well that Russia decided to reclaim the only important bit of independent Ukraine and take back the massive naval base and Crimean Peninsula. The PTB were incensed and have been trying their very best to whip up a brisk little (always good for business) war between the pathetic gas station with a bomb known as Russia and the devastating might of NATO or OTAN as the frogs like to call it. Somehow the indifference of Americans to this blighted the neocons best efforts to whip up a war frenzy and so we are sunk, nay, mired in peace. Strike Three.

It's not going well for the neocons here on the home front either. The People United just don't seem interested in voting for the brain dead incompetent sleaze bag personally selected by Soros and the other leaders of the degenerate left and that leaves us with some lingering feeling of optimism that we will no doubt see dashed when we learn that the 27.8 million voters in Detroit were able to swing the state Democrat again and likewise the 201,000,000 voters in Philadelphia that do that same thing for Pennsylvania. We will see the same astronimical and unbelievable numbers of votes pouring out of the scuppers in Baltimore, Minneapolis and other strongholds of gibbering stupidity.

And yes dear reader, astronimical is my new word of the day.

1 comment:

Norm said...

No punches pulled in this pithy post, I like the style!