Friday, August 16, 2024


 So the first Starliner mission was a failure due to, it is alleged, software induced timing failure.

Second Starliner mission is partially successful but with a new software load.

Third Starliner mission is a failure with yet another very different and crappy software load.

Just who in hell is signing off on all these mission critical and different software mods and why do they still work at NASA?


Toxicavenger said...

Maybe they don't work at NASA. Maybe NASA contracted the job out to CrowdStrike...

BadFrog said...

This smells of outsourced testing.

Dan said...

When you outsource your programming to the lowest bidder in India....

Brian said...

It's a gov't job, doesn't matter if it works they still get to keep their job. Or, like many organizations fuck-ups get promoted and competency keeps you stuck at the same desk.

HMS Defiant said...

As a ,mil working at SPAWAR a generation ago we used a Graphical Data Fusion System that was………wait for it……unique. Only one guy in the US Civil Service working in the SPAWAR System Center San Diego was allowed to modify it it in any way at all. One man alone had root access. Was this a problem with 15 systems deployed operationally worldwide? Well yes, it was. They worked for us and threatened to call their Congressman if we tried to change and expand the number of people by adding a known contracor to the software.