Friday, August 9, 2024


 After the dismal performance of the President Trump in-close assassination supervisory team do you think people like Hillary and Bill are still happy being guarded by the same pool of stupid vicious clowns? I imagine they used to get through each day feeling well loved but at least Hillary was dimly aware that there was some sort of vast conspiracy that wants her dead.

Perhaps Obama is a little concerned now too?

To be honest I used to give the SS a great deal of credit but then I was watching when that idiot tried to murder Ronald Reagan. 

Every single thing being run by the Deep State Imbecilic Left now under performs massively except those that involve massive, uninterrupted, ongoing fraud against the government. Those parts of our government are really going swell. I mean, you don't really think we sent those losers in Ukraine or Gaza any real money do you?


Dan said...

I doubt the Secret Service is totally incompetent. They are more likely totally the FBI. Meaning they COULD protect Trump if they were so inclined. But they aren't. And they DO protect Obozo and Big Mike just as they protect the Clinton Crime Cabal.

HMS Defiant said...

I've never heard even rumors of any sort of attempt on either crime family but then I don't have sources in the deep state. OTGH, if I had sources there would I be able to trust what they told me? Likely not.