Saturday, August 24, 2024


 Looking at the general readiness of all our military equipment that is/was allegedly front line service ready and which took months to bring up to mission capable let alone fully mission capable status, aren't you glad that nuclear weapons are not front line weapon systems and therefore probably something like less than 10% of them will actually, you know, work?  You do know that Starliner is not a fluke, right? SpaceX is a fluke but Boeing is industry standard these days and the standard is jarringly low.

Enjoy the weekend.


boron said...

possible way to repair Boeing:
put an upper-level management type on everything Boeing that departs our ball of dust (consider that shareholders would make an excellent substitute prior to running out of the former)

Dan said...

We really don't know how much of our strategic deterrent forces are guarrto work. Difficult to do real world testing on them. But then our opponents can't know how theirs will work either. But since both we and the Russians have more than ten times the amount needed to end civilization it probably doesn't matter if half of them fail.

Anonymous said...

I think that both ours and the Russians' are fairly safe. I'm a bit concerned about some other nuclear-capable powers, and of course rogues.

HMS Defiant said...

We have not actually detonated a nuclear weapon in almost 32 years. I don’t know of any 20th century weapon that can be described as working unless it is frequently tested what was tested last MIRV warheads or tactical nuclear weapon
No such as employed on SUBROC and ASROC or TLAM? I’d be sunrises to death if more than 10% of the missiles made it out of the silo and if any of the warheads worked. You get what you inspect and all that died with the Cold War.

MSG Grumpy said...

I read today that the Navy has pulled 12 ships from the line due to "manpower" shortages.
It isn't just the ships rusting into the sea, but their own DEI/Diversity mandates that are strangling what is left of our Military forces.
But, just as the Nuclear warheads that have not been tested in Decades,
We shouldn't wonder how effective our currently Woke Military is, we have seen the results just recently in Afghanistan as well as our current stalemate with that World renowned Sea Power in Sudan.

MSG Grumpy

MSG Grumpy said...

Opps, make that 17 ships pulled...