Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 I for one am saddened by the collapse of Britain into fascism and tyranny, again. In a conversation this morning it was allowed as how Britain has no Constitution and no documents at all that lay out the limits on State power or outlines the rights of the people who live in the UK. A minor reference to the usual Britisher trope that their constitution is unwritten but anyway they also have their Magna Carta simply invites the contempt it deserves. The Barons are such a shocking waste of everything that now diseased criminal old politicians are tapped for the honor 3 or 4 times every year. The Barons were the subjects of the King who had their rights laid out in writing at Runnymede but the one that had all the rights was the sovereign King and that's been a massive joke since Oliver Cromwell was dug up and dragged around London. The ordinary man in England got absolutely nothing out of the Great Charter.

I first saw this 30 years ago but it absolutely defines the existing condition of State Fascism and tyranny. There is no other way out of tyranny then revolution because nobody votes themselves out of Tyranny once it takes control. You have only to look at Venezuela's latest election. What have we heard about that lately? Crickets.

The killing of Harry Collinson, the planning officer for Derwentside District Council, occurred on 20 June 1991 at Butsfield, County Durham, England. At the time of the murder, Derwentside District Council was involved in a dispute with Albert Dryden, a local landowner, over the erection of a dwelling on his rural property without planning permission. Wikipedia

I find it interesting how the wikipedia description baldly informs us that the State took armed guards, heavy construction machinery and had notified the landowner ahead of time that they meant to simply enter his land and knock down his building and they thought there was no further argument to be made or entertained by the State.  Dryden was probably the last Englishman left in that doleful kingdom. Thanks to the sagacity, determination and fortitude of America's founders, we also reserve to ourselves that which was once the sole authority of Kings.



Dan said...

Yes...we have a Constitution that guarantees us certain rights. Doesn't matter. The criminals in power here will ignore that Constitution and our Rights just as readily as the criminals running England run rampant over the subjects there.

The reality of life is the ONLY Rights you have are the ones you are willing to fight for, die for and most importantly KILL for.

Anonymous said...

You may be interested in the novel (or series, six episodes, 1985) "Blott on the Landscape". A motorway build is disrupted when the gardener of a country home declares war. David Suchet as Blott. Hilarious, and instructive. No more plot spoilers from me, here is the wiki on the series, you can spoil the surprise with the wiki on the novel on your own:
