Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Congress should pass a law that demands that every time any bureaucratic law gets overturned or tossed out by any Court in this country that the head bureaucrat, his/her number two and the entire legal staff of that bureau be fired on the spot and be ineligible for rehire anywhere in the Government.

I think we are all tired of having to wage constant lawfare against all of the out of control government jerkoffs simply because they have an agenda antithetical to both our rights and interests and our Constitution. 

If we really want to get the bureaucratic state under control again Congress should pass and enforce a law that requires that 25% of any bureaucratic organization's government funding will be cut from every Congressional appropriation and from any Continuing Resolutions in the future every time they lose a case in court. Let the damned bureaucrats  be the ones that worry about their continuing relationship with the People and the Country. After all, their run amok bureaucrats with agendas are the ones creating all the problems and making life more difficult for everyday Americans.

Yeah this would make some serious changes to the FBI, ATF, CDC and all the rest of them that wage war on Americans.


Dan said...

Now that's what you call a pipe dream. A bureaucrat actually being held accountable .

Justin_O_Guy said...

Every proposed piece of legislation must have the part of the constitution that creates the authority For such legislation on the cover sheet.
Anyone proposing legislation that is unconstitutional is FIRED,immediately, no retirement, no pension, and no Revolving Door BS ,hired at nosebleed money to do nothing,,