Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 When I first arrived in metroparkcentralis it was to find a major urban area with a somewhat flimsy retail local power provider. The power in that first year here went out a dozen times over the summer and left me a little concerned about what winter would bring. As it happened though, everything thermal ran on gas and that was 100% reliable. The electric power would go off for hours. Not so today with our brisk little storm. The power in this house went off for about 10 seconds. Hallelujah! 

It is kind of fascinating to see that the strong winds here are not the mountains of air that I was used to in the Persian Gulf or in SOCAL. What we get here are microbursts that are intensely destructive to trees and appear to sheer trees and limbs in something like a 60 foot radius and otherwise just carpet the streets and lawns with leaves and twigs. The microbursts though, snap trees in half and sheer limbs up to a foot across off the trees.

I'm glad I sat this one out and waited to head out until after the tornado warnings had expired.

I moved here to house sit for my sister when they went out of the country for a year. I did it because I was recently retired from the Navy and there was a major slow-down in my company as the COW money dried up almost overnight. I came here to experience the weather.  I missed it living in SOCAL all those decades. I stayed for another reason entirely. I still enjoy the weather though. Maybe someday I'll buy a coat.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Putnam County, FL