Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Without words. That man of my youth nailed it. I do miss him. President Trump is an able substitute but President Reagan drove the left crazy beyond belief and he was the first of my generation.


capt fast said...

any person who could make such sour a person as William F. Buckley, jr laugh is a natural heroic figure.
Such a refreshing change from carter. Sad to remember we had clintons and obamas and bushs in our future.

Captain Steve said...

Great man. I had the privilege of commanding the naval task group supporting the 1987 Economic Summit in Venice. Spent much of each day in the boat with him (and Nancy, and once Margaret Thatcher). He made a point of introducing himself the first day to each of the boat's crew (yep, bow hook and engineer too) and thereafter called them by name as well as remembering their home town etc.

HMS Defiant said...

I was out of the country for much of his time as President. When I would come home I would be amazed at both the man and his team. I came home once to the potted plant speech and then further home to find mrs ltgen and daughter on my parent's couch in tears. It was a surreal year of coming home, as I did when I could from 3000-9000 miles away. There was always something and if wasn't olly north's wife losing it on the couch it was Jeapardy. Arlington is a weird place. Don't live there.

HMS Defiant said...

Did something not at all like that coming out of Bahrain one day with the Ambassador who wanted to know why the boat engineer was shoved down the obliette known as the steering compartment. I think that was the first time I was written up by the FIRST LT . I managed to do it another four or five times being his favorite enemy. Being the ship's legal officer kind of made those easy. The MAC, he was way more trouble then his job, rank, title, led me to think.

You served on the last real cruiser?

Do tell. My ship didn't go to be 6th fleet flag until years after my sea stories.

Captain Steve said...

I was COS of COMNAVSURFGRUMED at the time. I had an LSD, a Helo squadron, A SEAL team, 3 gigs/barges and a company of Marines. Essentially unlimited budget.Also the quickest turnaround of requisitions I ever seen before or after. EVERYTHING we asked for was there the same or at worst the next day. Memorable two weeks!!

HMS Defiant said...
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HMS Defiant said...

I was thinking about the USS ALBANY who with the CHICAGO learned us young ones what out of control naval contractors can do to a ship when you turn your back.