Thursday, April 18, 2019


We went to New Belgium's brewery in Fort Collins a couple of years ago. A pilgrimage of sorts. I saw this tonight and thought back to that visit where the Fat Tire bicycles are so prominent. Coca-Cola did it first.


SCOTTtheBADGER said...

They rode so nice, and pedaled so hard on any uphill slope!

HMS Defiant said...

Yep. That right there was my first bike. I went all over on it and over the handle bars several times as I recall.

Larry said...

Gawd, the crap I caught in my senior year of high school in Millington, TN, 1980, after having been seen riding one around during that summer. I'll loathe those things forever, even though I probably hit 45 mph on a long downhill (judging by the speed of the cars passing me on the then brand new road).

HMS Defiant said...

I came home one day from camp when we lived in Fort Riley and found out that my mom, my mom!!!!! gave my bike away. That's when I started my life of crime and began stealing cars.