Monday, August 21, 2017


It's a verb. It's also a noun.

I got a kick out of this article.
More than anything else, this attrition for women was associated with having children.  I have spent many, many fruitless hours in my life trying hopelessly to convince highly talented female associates that they really wanted to come back from maternity leave to the 12 hour days and over-the-weekend injunction motions and four weeks on trial in Kansas and leave their little kids at home with a babysitter.  It never worked once.  The number of women with children who stick with the high-end litigation business for a long term career is very few.  What I don't understand is why anybody feels guilty about that or thinks that it is important to change.    
No, not for what you might think. I thought it was funny for the other obvious reason.

When I tend to think of lawyers, very very rarely do I think of them, the idea that they are putting in 12 hour days is on par with the dead lawyer showing up at the Pearly Gates, greeted by St. Peter with the words, I thought you were two thousand years old based on the hours you billed. I don't think Peter let the lawyer in. Heaven is reserved for people without sin or at least a damned good excuse.

And truly, when you hear someone talk about the 'high end litigation business', does Kansas spring to mind?

Make no mistake, I lived in Kansas, not once, but twice.

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