Thursday, October 6, 2016


A sad story about a little boy from Congo who died on a plane from Dubai as it flew to Chicago. He may or may not have been dead before the plane landed.  You see, we also don't believe CBS news anymore either. 
Dieme was taken to Presence Resurrection Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. 
The CDC spokesman said it had been determined that the child did not have a disease that posed a threat to public health. If more information comes forward that results in contacting passengers, action will be taken.
Does anybody trust the Centers for Disease Control to be accurate, forthcoming and honest or do we simply expect that their every initial pronouncement about anything is either a lie or an enthusiastic burst of optimism that overwhelms their scientific credibility?
So we do expect, unfortunately, that Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands could have many infections with the Zika virus, and we will certainly see U.S. travelers returning with Zika infections, just as we saw travelers returning with dengue and chikungunya infections. We could see isolated cases and small clusters of infections in other parts of the country where the mosquito is present. But from the information we know now, widespread transmission in the contiguous United States appears to be unlikely.

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