Friday, June 28, 2024


I didn't plan to watch and would have passed on the opportunity but there was the live drunk blogger and he had a clip 6 minutes into the debate and that's when I had to tune in and watch it. The performance was a shambles, even a debacle. In military terms this was the U.S. Biden lead U.S. military fleeing Afghanistan in total and complete disgrace after 20 years.

The mob have now had their eyes open but sadly they will never see it the way some of us saw it. That Biden they finally got a really good look at tonight is the same one that we have been seeing for the last 20 years although he got much worse over the last 3 or 4 years. 

Nobody can possibly believe that 81 million Americans really voted for that shambling wreck. Nobody.

The various world leaders that have met this wreckage in person over the last year or two knew exactly what they were dealing with and they decided (all of them) to maintain the fiction that Biden was President and running the United States. Unfortunately, Biden has also been meeting with people who are not our friends. They too were content to maintain his cover. Just think how much we have lost as all our friends and not friends all decided to act in the most amoral ways possible and exploit the insane weakness now heading the government that leads the West. 

Who blew up the Russian gas pipeline? For all we know it really was our own agents from our country acting at the orders of some out of control bureaucrat like Milley or Blinkin or some real anonymous power. On the other hand it could have been any country that hates the Germans, wants to exploit their own gas pipeline connection to Europe or an enemy of all Europeans. You do know that in any country with a real Intelligence Service it would already have all the answers.

No wonder Russia felt it could get away with the Significant Military Operation and other shenanigans and why Hamas thought it could kill, rape and kidnap at will and why Iran and Yemen think they can get away with waging direct military operations against the United States and the rest of the world.

Now Europe and our Asian allies know who is leading the government of the country that they believe has got their back if things get out of control with Putin or China. I suspect a tidal wave of conciliatory murmuring about how wonderful that nice Mr. Putin is and how clever Premier Xi is and how well groomed those beards look on the Houthis and Iranians. If I was Hamas I'd be very concerned. They were really counting on their man Joe to keep Israel from snuffing them all.


elysianfield said...

"No wonder Russia felt it could get away with the Significant Military Operation"

Or...or you finally feel you could stop giving your lunch money to the play yard bully....


Anonymous said...

They didn't vote for Biden, they voted for the name that had the (D) after it. My uncles always voted a straight Democratic ticket. It didn't matter if they guy left his car and girlfriend in the river, or had an incident in a pond with a rabbit. A straight Democrat ticket every time.

Also, I saw that Florida's governor idiot just made being married, and voting by mail, a criminal offense...that man and his legislature just don't fucking think.