Sunday, June 30, 2024


 I think that the folks at NASA have gotten themselves into a very peculiar cleft stick of their own devising. I'm pretty sure that this time they had some serious brains there conduct a perfectly acceptable risk assessment for the launch of the Boeing Starliner but now they have the ship safely moored at the ISS and the people who head up the nation's Space Agency are getting real jittery about the continuing cascade of little failures and have decided to second and triple guess every aspect of the mission.

Only after the safe and successful launch did the PTB consider what a disaster it will be for NASA if there is another horrible re-entry failure and every single one of them really wishes they had someone with the stellar reputation of Dr. Feynman to reassure them about the probabilities. Unfortunately men of Dr. Feynman's caliber don't work for the government anymore. More to the point, everyone has witnessed the Death of Expertise following its complete collapse to the COVID scandal and rape of the world by people interested only in extracting as much money out of stoking the fears of normal people as was inhumanly possible.

We deserve better but I'm not sure how that level of selfless dedication can ever be revived and restored.


tsquared said...

If you look at the Space Force leadership you will find it is full of those that embrace DEI and the LGBQT members. I am surprised that the space program is doing as well as it is.

HMS Defiant said...

Sadly the first place to see the death of any meaningful expertise was the U.S. military and that applies across the board. It's not hard to see why since they started self-selecting for people who shared their values and none of them shares the values we used to admire for truth, integrity, honesty, attention-to-detail and morality. That said, places that rely on very smart people to function long ago hired Contractors to do the thinking and the USAF was among the first to do that at the start of the Cold War when they turned to Rand to do almost all of their thinking for them. SPACEFOR is an offshoot of the USAF and given just how stupid and moronic selecting their new HQ location turned out to be I'll bet many of the smart contractors bailed and retired.
Fortunately, SPACEFOR has almost nothing to do with the real work in Space and merely administers contracts other people negotiated and parades around in charge of US military operations in space.

KurtP said...

At least they have Space X to rescue the now.

Justin_O_Guy said...

The Self Proclaimed Experts delivered the Globalists propaganda, using their positions in some agency, like the CDC,or their education, Dr.Frumma Gudskool..and told us, demanded everyone get the jab. It started out voluntary.. Hmm,Howboutthatschitt?.
They lined their pockets killing people.
If I Need an expert to help me understand something, I'll go Find an expert. I know one when I see them.
And the Self Described Christians?
You don't need to tell me you're a Christian,either.
Trump should have reversed course when we started seeing people falling dead on live TV. Sure makes me wonder.