Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Well, all the leaders and Chief Lackeys of the G7 got to meet up close and personal with the degenerate remains of our degenerate President at their little get-together in Normandy where they got to look on the face of the man who leads the country that has Europe's back if it ever decides to tempt Putin into lashing out at them and make them consider any attack by that man on them or their countries an act of war suitable for Articles 4-6 of the NATO Treaty. I suspect they do not like what they saw in the face of that ruin of a man. He was always soulless but now there is nothing at all home in those eyes except possibly a backdoor into Hell.

I'm going to watch the news now for a week or two and see if all the clamoring for sustaining Ukraine and urging Zelensky and his thugs to use NATO weapons to attack Russians in Russian territory continue along the same demented and insane line that they were proceeding prior to their recent hook up with the face of evil.

I think even the dolts that actually own and operate Europe are coming to understand how little is left of the shattered remnants of the countries and empires that once ruled the entire world, minus Russia.

1 comment:

HMS Defiant said...

I think Buck would have had something to say about that first sentence. I just thought I’d mention it and him. I do that from time to time when my sentences try to run away.