Friday, June 14, 2024


 I see today that our modern Crazy Dictator-for-Life Zelensky has managed to extract at the G7 meeting in Italy, the long-promised security arrangement and first steps to ensure Russia pays reparations for the damages it has inflicted. Srsly, this smells every bit as badly as it did when the same offer was made to the Republic of South Vietnam or to the fools that rushed in to 'govern' Iraq when the idiot in charge made L. Paul Bremer the sole autocrat of things in Iraq. One cannot help but turn to look at the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years of constant warfare in support of an 'anything but the Taliban' government that didn't last a day after the modern idiot in chief decided to suddenly and without warning or forethought, withdraw. How many suckers stayed to the end thinking that they could just hang on and beat the Taliban by persistently refusing to accept reality?

So, anyway we now have in place a 'security agreement' with Zelensky. I have to wonder if it has already met with the seal of approval any Treaty is required to have before it goes into effect and if it will even be submitted to the Senate. So many of these supposedly binding treaties we seem to be parties to are never submitted to the Senate for approval. You'd think people would wake up to that and grow at least a little upset at finding themselves living in a thoroughly corrupt and lawless land.

The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur" (Article II, section 2). Treaties are binding agreements between nations and become part of international law. Nowadays and since Obama was elected we have a government and media that seem to believe that a President has the sole power to bind us to international treaties unless he is a republican.

I was reading this morning that the whole Ukraine issue may be going away soon since the rate of human reproduction in Ukraine is something less than 1. This implies an absence of Ukrainians in the future. If they don't care enough to make enough Ukrainians to survive why should we worry about the borders of Ukraine?

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