Thursday, June 13, 2024


 The EU Commission and the NATO Council are made up of the most elite of elites. These ignorant but deeply entitled nobles of Europe sincerely believe that they can define and redefine anything they want to match the reality they are propping up. So, as we see leaders of Ukraine not just hint but overtly state that they mean to leave some of their new F-16 fighters based outside of Ukraine so that they are 'immune' from Russian attack, the knife's edge creeps closer to a 'sudden unexpected outbreak of War between some of NATO and all of Russia. War is always sudden and unexpected to these committed socialists who dictate the policy all Europeans are forced to live under.

A long time ago one of the things we used to give the Russians credit for was a very deep and intense intelligence and interference capability far beyond what the West could get away with. If the idiots running NATO and EU think they can get away with attacking Russia and hide behind the United States and NATO, have they asked themselves what happens when armed pirate drones appear in their skies and start to drop incendiary and explosive bombs on fuel storage and energy infrastructure? What about when they appear over airfields and just bomb any old plane they see? 

I mean, who can say it's the Russians doing it? It could be the IRA or Basque Separatists, pissed off Dutch, French and German farmers; I mean the list of people who really despise what the EU is doing is getting longer every day and as the recent elections just showed, they are sick and tired of it.

I remember too how we used to think the mines of August found their way into the Red Sea overnight seemingly. It's not too hard to visualize their counterparts drifting around all over the place. I don't see any reason for Russia to avoid asymmetrical warfare if they think they can get away with it after being pushed to the brink by the brain-dead morons surrounding idiots like von der Leyen and Biden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I mean, who can say it's the Russians doing it? It could be the IRA or Basque Separatists, pissed off Dutch, French and German farmers..."
The hell of it is, if someone else, say Isis, actually did commit such an act, it wouldn't matter: the chorus would be "The Russians did it!", because it would fit their narrative, and allow them to escalate, which the damned fools seem hell-bent on doing.
Remember, these are the dolts who claimed that the Russians had blown up their own pipeline.
--Tennessee Budd