Friday, June 28, 2024


 Expected within the next 7 days:

Section. 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Yep, they're all going to appalled and shocked and horrified and dismayed that Joe Biden suddenly, inexplicably, unaccountably somehow has lost his marbles all of a sudden and will decide that Madame President needs to run things for awhile to give all the truly evil and diabolical people who have been running our country since Biden was elected time to flee to countries that don't have extradition treaties with the United States.

They're still playing 3-D chess and think they're getting away with it.


Bobo the Hobo said...

Watching last night's "debate" makes me reconsider my stance on euthanasia; at least it would be a more humane way to get rid of that jackass.

Michael said...

The real question is will there be an off ramp to WW3?

Or will the Deep State select a new sacrificial face man to continue the Vodka man BAD meme and protect the dollar, err hide their failures in the flames of war.

Worse case scenario in my opinion is they will ALLOW Trump to "Win" and let the system IMPLODE. Give Joe 6 packs memory is that of a goldfish they figure they can RETURN as Heros to SAVE the Day.

Sun Tzu said "An evil ruler will burn down his kingdom to rule over the ashes".

Got trusted friends, a good garden, safe water and plenty of canned foods?

More valuable than electronic digits of Weimar Germany paper marks.

HMS Defiant said...

I cannot believe that the Deep State wants a WWIII. They are much like the rulers of pre-War Europe in 1912. Just what more is there out there that they don't already own and/or control? Yes it had the effect of strengthening all the ties that bind and made outright fascism the rule of the day for all governments in the Northern Hemisphere but I can't believe they needed to go to that step. The oligarchs today are much the same. They literally own all the politicians worth owning and intimidate all the rest. Anything they want legislated is legislated and signed into Law. How would they benefit from WWIII?
I recall the one book where that bunch declared that there would be many fewer but better humans. If that's the goal I would have thought their own pathogens and bio-war labs would see off the 9/10s of the people they want gone.
Maybe now they see a why off this one planet and a means to control the resources of the solar system if they shove war back another decade or two to let X open up the new frontier. That bunch would love to see the grungy stuff done in space and the whole world turned into their playground paradise.