Friday, June 28, 2024


 Keep in mind that the same exact people and institutions that have been repeatedly lying and assuring the Americans and the rest of world that Biden is fine, just fine, are also the very ones that have been telling us that Russia is being gutted by the Ukrainian armed forces and is on the ropes with a shattered economy and no hope of anything good (but of course remains an existential threat to the Europeans who have reacted by throwing away what few weapons and soldiers they had left) and that you can believe anything they report through their tame media, NGOs and UN organizations.

The truth isn't in them. They don't just lie about Biden, THEY LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING and now the chickens are flocking home to shit all over them with the truth about COVID, unchecked immigration, the real danger of the COVID vaccines that aren't and just about everything else the rational observers have been pointing out since 2020.

A few phrases spring to mind as I process the last 24 hours.

 “The dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.” Thomas Wolf

"It's only fascism if it's from the Fasces region of Italy. Otherwise it's just sparkling totalitarianism: It's not fascism when they do it." Sarah Hoyt

Three things for your consideration: 

1. Every single word the media and Intel Community breathes is a lie.

2. Joe Biden didn't die of "suddenly".

3. Epstein didn't kill himself.

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