Monday, June 17, 2024


A recent post from Moon of Alabama.* I am open to all source intelligence and I figure I can separate most of the wheat from the chaff. I am inclined to believe that our intelligence communities no longer pay any attention to things they don't learn from spies or technical means. That means that they miss out on the most glaring and obvious truths. 

You pretty much get the same thing from the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. The phenomenon of people trusting news sources SPY agencies for topics which they are not knowledgeable about, despite recognizing them to be extremely inaccurate on certain topics which they are knowledgeable about.

Putin has said the same thing over and over and people persist in believing that he doesn't really mean it. What does it take to make them believe?

 This is the unofficial translation of Putin's latest speech. Read it and weep for another lost world.

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