Saturday, August 1, 2020


It's kind of pathetic that they let this kind of crap hit the web and nobody caught the most fundamental math mistake a 3rd grader wouldn't make. If they wonder why only fools believe them this should inform them why the rest of us no longer pay attention to them. What they don't make up they simply get wrong.



capt fast said...

ole brian seems to be a product of the seatle education system.

OldAFSarge said...

And some wonder why many of us don't trust their numbers and statistics...

capt fast said...

OOOOooo.... masks.
forty seven years of NSF scientific research tells us the most efficient n95 mask is good for stopping spit and snot which may or may not have a virus component in it's makeup. and that is all it is good for. the science tells us a n95 won't stop the virus itself because the virus is somewhat smaller than the openings between the fibers of the filter media and will get pulled in at the skin/mask interface, eyes, and any open wound like a scratch or cut. the virus can be passed by the vapor in the breath or expelled from the large intestine(which this virus has an affinity for)by what is colloquially known as a fart. as for a fart, if you can smell it, a virus could be there with it. perhaps the governors could mandate everyone wear a mask on the ass.

boron said...

Hey! Please don't give 'em any ideas

capt fast said...

a good use for a mask is it disrupts face recognition software used in a bunch of photo radar camera systems. interesting that. London England police are having great difficulty with face recognition software failing to accurately identify the face of someone wearing a mask. Hmm. But, I hear new software is on the way to fix the issue. I hope nobody argues in court that the picture of someone in sunglasses and a mask could be just about anyone.

capt fast said...
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