Sunday, December 15, 2019


I was just looking at Gunsmoke and Knitting and saw that she had up the Ashokan Farewell which I  took away from the Civil War Series by that Shelby guy and whossname. There are pieces of music that are timeless to me. YMMV. Ashokan Farewell is one, Sgt. MacKenzie another. There are a few others I know and treasure. I think music calls to most of us. Then there is Amazing Grace. I can hear a few chords and be lost in revery.....because I'm old. You guys keep your eyes on the road!

Cataracts. I don't feel old enough for those. On the other hand, we went to Akron for a concert and my knee with the loose screw was bugging the hell out of me trying to sit in tiny old theater seats. I'd have been fine if the theater was modern with those power lift comfy stick out your feet things but this place, while unbelievably beautiful didn't have power comfy seats. You didn't have to hear the music, you could feel it.

One of the things I could easily get used to in Ohio, it's where powered flight began and it was home to most of the great industrialists of the 19th and 20th centuries and home to many great theaters, is the music. The municipal fabric those men left behind still shines even after a hundred years and long before the engineers understood acoustics, the architects and builders did.


SCOTTtheBADGER said...

Ashokan Farewell can make Badgers nuzzles doggy from tears.

Roy said...

Ashokan Farewell is a modern piece, but it's association with the Ken Burns documentary will forever tie it to the Civil War.

It is one of my favorite pieces of music. I recently got to witness it performed by a trio of pianist, flutest and a violinist. It brought tears to my eyes.

HMS Defiant said...

Whoever wrote it had a master's touch into the power of Evocative. The first time I heard that power expressed was a single vocalist singing for change in the Madrid subways. You could hear his Ave Maria from a mile away down all the walking tunnels.

I admire greatly the people with the skill to create and manifest beauty and wish I was one of them. I saw it again in the last episode of Newsroom. The girl and the garage band.

Every time I hear them,.... I followed a girl to Memphis and Amazing Grace was played at every funeral I've been to where I said goodbye and yet nothing does that like Ashokan Farewell.