Tuesday, February 27, 2024


 Google made it clear to everyone who and what they are and there is no way for them to take back that free look they gave the world of what lies under the sheets. With their AI unable to portray white people or even create accurate(ish) pictures of real history the question must become, why would you trust google about anything at all? I don't.

I think that convergence has happened across the board in all these companies that exist to create product for you to buy and that all of them are doing their utmost to reshape your view of the world both directly and indirectly. They don't just massage the truth, they plain hide it and bury it. I remember looking at McCain's history which I was familiar with and it took scrolling through over 25 pages of fake news and fake information to reach anything like ground truth on John S. McCain and that can only be because even way back then they had so thoroughly trashed the search algorithms that they were only showing the worst news about conservatives and republicans.

Note, I don't use the idiot term misinformation. That's a tool of the left and those who perpetuate the lie. There are many people who have made the mistake of trusting what they read or were taught without ever thinking that it should in some way be corroborated but that was not due to 'misinformation' that was due to indoctrination and outright lies and dishonesty.

Google search engines drive the world of information and I have never trusted them and they have now demonstrated every reason for you to decline to accept anything they say, tell you or come up with. I never use the verbal helpers Siri or the others but I wonder how far off the beam they are. I doubt they are even inside the envelope anymore when it comes to truth.

Imagine taking 'handymanj' advice from google because they'll deliberately engineer it to break things that cause you to go to the store to spend money to buy replacements. That's what they did except they included your brain in the replacement category.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Google continues down the path they started on. Any thinking person with experience in human relations should have figured this out years ago as Google's original motto was "don't be evil" and then replaced with "Do the right thing". Make sure you provide a forwarding address when you eliminate all your google products...