Friday, February 23, 2024


 The woke were really surprised when Black Rock terminated an almost lifelike real journalist that used to work at CBS. What really has their pates twittered is that the Executives at Commie Broadcast Sympathizers took away the reporters's files and computers and all that and has by so doing, COMPROMISED her sources. The Screen Actors Guild is really upset about this.

Can you imagine the naiveté of 'sources' who actually go on the record with someone from the mainstream news empire that is all owned by the same exact people that control all network and cable news channels in the United States? It goes without question that nobody having any kind of leaning towards voting for President Trump would even dream about entrusting his/her future and livelihood to the pathetic wanks that shill the same top 6 news stories every night as all the other network news services night after night, year after year, decade after decade. Do they think we all failed to notice that somehow only a tiny handful of things get covered by the news and questions like, who killed Epstein never rise to the surface and neither does the list of politicians, actors, actresses, lawyers and other scum that flew the Lolita Hooker Express to Epstein's Island?

Hey! Show me just exactly WHERE the 210 billion dollars the US government claims they had and that they shipped to Ukraine went? Who got it? How much? Show us the bank transactions. That would be news. That would be interesting. Do the same thing for the trillion dollars we 'supposedly' poured into Iraq and Afghanistan. Show us where EXACTLY the money went. It should be dead easy. Somebody cut a US Treasury Check and sent it and there MUST/HAS to be a list. Same thing for every single WIRE transaction. That would be interesting.

Explain why everybody knows about some bit of election fraud and yet nobody seems to get arrested and go to jail for it.

No, the news here is useless and has been for a very long time and by and large, nobody cares.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I would quibble on no one cares. Just how can we effect meaningful change is the bigger question.