As any thinking being would have foreseen 3 years or 30 years ago, the war between Ukraine and Russia is coming to a close. It's not going to end the way Europe wanted it to at any price/any cost and it is not ending the way that Russia wanted it to end but it is coming to its inevitable end and the question that dogs us now is, "is there any room for the United States in NATO now that the War Is Finally Over?
The Winter War saw the pluckiest little country on earth go up against Russia and it too ended as if foreordained. Finland never had the people or the wealth to beat the Soviets and knew it but still fought it out until the very end and all that death and destruction was for nothing at all. So it is with Ukraine except Ukraine's was not a national war of survival against an overreaching and horrific ideology but the conclusion of 15 years of twisting the Bear's tail until it came off in their hands. It came off in Europe's hands too but they are going to walk away from this with nothing more than totally destroyed economies and a moribund industrial base crippled by the idiocy of the EU's energy policies led by the stupid twits in Germany.
Well over a million men dead in a terrible and pointless war with three times that many wounded and crippled and it was all for what? It certainly wasn't any kind of fight to keep and make democracy free or to preserve the Western way of life because both of those are dead and buried now in western Europe and I don't see any hope at all for their resurrection. The EU is now again simply stepping in and cancelling elections and throwing out any results they don't like as they did with the various EU Treaty votes named Amsterdam, Lisbon and Maastricht. It got so bad after France voted no that most of the EU didn't put it to the people if they wanted to join but left it to the paid hacks in government who were paid to feather their own nests at the people's expense.
One of the downsides with involving ourselves in this even at the level of foisting peace talks on the unwilling is the idea that we may be open to that it is now our job to impose peace that one party does not seek. That would be a profound mistake. There is absolutely no doubt that Western Europe and Ukraine will only maintain a peace as long as it suits them and the instant they perceive an advantage they will jump back into war with both feet and hope to surprise Russia with their obvious lies and deceit.
I wonder if more people elected to flee Ukraine then actually voted for Maastricht....The EU is not looking anything like friendly territory anymore and it is looking an awful lot more like a dictatorship than Russia does these days. Are we sure we want to be in a military alliance of loose cannons who hate free speech, free elections and the right of self-determination?
WW1 started in Europe. WW2 started in Europe, should we be surprised if WW3 canned sunshine edition starts in Europe?
They twisted the Bears tail until he was forced to respond. Diplomacy was viewed as a weak man's pleas for mercy by the STRONK EU backed by the Potatoe Bidens USA. (Insert USA chat here). All the Diplomacy of the west (Minsk 1&2) were BAD FAITH delays to REBUILD the "mighty NATO Trained and Equipped army" to again attack Russia.
Some of our bloggers think that it was a "cheap way" to cripple Russia using US dollars instead of US troops.
Looks like EU and America got the cripple beatdown after all. When the EU is boasting about USING Frozen Russian assets to fund their Ukranian defense and EU Army well...
Russians don't forget, nor do they forgive. There will be a reckoning for the damages done, lives lost and the THEFT of Russian assets by sanctions.
I doubt Russia's campaign against Ukraine will will merely be a hiatus. Sooner or later it will crank back up,
You live in an interesting world Dan.
I find it terrifying that the EU/NATO think they’re going to just issue orders to Russia regarding a peace deal. Russia has plenty of reasons to understand that the EU/NATO is unable to enforce their Strongly Worded Letters.
It’s been said that diplomacy is the art of saying, “Nice doggie, while getting a big stick”. However, that only works if you have a big stick. The EU has nothing but words, which are definitely not stick-like.
This will end on Russia’s terms at a time Russia decides. Any reporting to the contrary is merely propaganda or, even worse, wishful thinking.
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