It is time for the Republican majority to formally mandate and make laws covering Federal elections. The election fraud is totally out of hand and it is destroying the people's and the country's faith in the premise of fair and honest elections. Everything we see in the aftermath of each election is fraud and deceit and Congress needs to fix that.
The only way that elections can be honest is if every voter is identified when he or she casts a ballot and that requires an ID as difficult to fake as the TSA approved ones required to get on commercial aircraft in this country.
The only way they can be seen as honest is if the votes are all conducted in the polling places and the votes are counted and registered within no more than 6 hours of the polls closing. The ridiculous charade of California and other jurisdictions taking weeks or months to count the vote is criminal and needs to be treated that way by the law.
The only reason for the ridiculous voting machines is fraud. They are unaccountable and questioning their veracity is grounds for getting sued to tens of millions of dollars. Since they are backed by the full faith and credit of the Democratic Party they are completely worthless and should be scrapped by order of the law. All ballots need to be sorted and counted by hand and the results announced within 6 hours of the polls closing.
Fraud in elections, campaign funding and counting needs to be treated as grotesque violations of the law and those who do it and are found guilty need to go to jail for a very long time and pay enormous fines so that we can restore confidence in the elections and the electoral process.
Congress needs to finish this law, openly debate it and get every member to put forward why he or she won't agree to it and then vote on it. It needs to be done now so that those members who oppose honest and fair elections can get thrown out of office at the next midterm elections. There is no excuse for permitting ongoing continuous fraud in elections.
Honestly guys, this is another one of those questions where 80% of the people really do want honest elections and the 20% who don't are going to disgrace themselves and their peers by fighting against them. Do the right thing. Don't be the Stupid Party, again.
I'm not sure why the link doesn't work out as usual. This is from the site: Constitution Annotated.
CONgress approval rating
SNIP But the latest Gallup poll, conducted among 1,004 adults, found that Americans’ approval of Congress’ job performance this month is at 29% - its highest point since May 2021 at 31%. It also marks a 12-point increase from January, when the approval rating was at 17%.
One ponders if we're that fickle or the selection of those 1000 adults.
CONgress reelection rate
SNIP Almost Certain to Keep Their Jobs
Incumbent members of the House seeking re-election are all but assured re-election. The re-election rate among all 435 members of the House has been as high as 98 percent in modern history, and it's rarely dipped below 90 percent.
If your SELECTED by the leadership you're in like flint. Like our complaints about the Soviet system the PEOPLE Overwhelmingly Voted for the ONLY Canidate.
Annoying the leadership and you get primaried or unsupported in your reelection.
Maybe the voting is as a sop to the people. Show me a 3rd party candidate that actually gets elected and does things.
The only problem I see is that pesky document that states in Article II, Section I:
"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress"
Since it leaves it to the states to decide HOW the election will be conducted, it will take another amendment to change that.
My dad used to say there are only two parties. Thems that are in office and those that want to replace them. The ones in office all have the same goal, keep incumbents in office. Changing the system puts them at risk of having to work for a living and won't pass.
Good thought!
Well, there is Burnie and of course, Rand Paul, but I take your point.
The hyperlink addresses the election clause and it is kind of settled law at this point, the Congress makes the rules for Federal elections.
Some of us have noticed that the other side is shooting an awful lot of rethuglicans and it is passed time to address that. Oh wait! There are laws! The idea was to take the violence out without disturbing the corruption but the democrats have forgotten that part.
Please update your hyperlink. I am very curious about how it gets around what I posted earlier. Your link tells me "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
Agree that there needs to be minimum standards for how to conduct Federal elections to eliminate fraud (both at the voter and the election process levels). Without that, there is no reason for voters to consider the election outcomes legitimate and no reason to respect those outcomes. And without that, we descend into anarchy and war.
1. I knew of a woman who had four valid identities; used to work for a friend while collecting welfare under the other four IDs; might have voted under all five
2. cancel all mail-in voting other than for troops in foreign climes; I'm disabled and will happily stand in line to vote
3. I will gladly bring my driver's licence, carry permit, passport, DD214, birth certificate to a voting place to be examined and checked on a national database immediately prior to voting.
4. voting is a citizen's privilege; it is not a right
Thanks for posting the update. That section covers the election of Senators and Representatives only - it does not address the Presidential elections. If it were as easy as Congress passing a law, we would not have had to amend the document four times in relation to voting. I sure do wish it was that easy.
The Power is there in Congress though and it can be done and there is no doubt at all that it should and must be done. Fraud and chicanery are no longer tolerable in a first world election system. It is up to the States how they appoint their electors but it is up to the electorate to tell the States EXACTLY who may vote and how that vote is counted. The States can do it in the same exact manner they do today, whether counting ballots or noses in a gym but WHO votes and WHO counts is up to the Federal Government as witnessed by the Voting Age being changed by act of Congress.
I hear you Boron.
But if the choice is insipid evil #1 or banal evil #2 what to vote for.
Locally I know the folks running. And they know me. I can actually make a semi-educated decision who will represent me better.
I say semi because I've been surprised by how they represented me before.
Politics, comes from the Latin words for many bloodsuckers.
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