Monday, March 10, 2025


 The current unpleasantness reflects a general inability of people today to remember the past. Most people from back then made a serious effort to put the past behind their children, everyone except the Germans and the Japanese. The real understanding of land for peace is never ever addressed. People never even mention it as it applies to places like Europe where the land has been traded back and forth so many times not for peace but as concessions wrung from a defeated country and populace that almost nobody remembers it anymore and certainly nobody educated in America over the last 70 years. 

When you get right down to it, it was bloody awful and it was as alive to the people back then as the current slurry of sliminess that is Gaza is to idiots today. Germany didn't 'trade land for peace', it was torn asunder by the allies and put into separate zones of occupation headed by the British, Soviet, French and United States and every time anyone in Europe stands up to propose taking away someone else's land and giving it away to buy peace there is a giant hedgehog standing behind him ready to leap up his ass. That hedgehog is named Germany.

If people want to get all sentimental about who owns what land in Europe and how it is perfectly reasonable to demand that Russia fork back over the land that it seized by mere force of arms then how much more reasonable is it that all of Europe's borders revert to the 1918 borders of Germany and the rest of the countries around it? It seems only fair, Im Westen nichts Neues

The world really likes to forget that nations evolve and evolution is a messy thing when left to itself and doubly so when mankind gets involved. We don't so much evolve things as we extinct them but we tried to limit the extinction of peoples in recent times and it seems like a chilling reversion to norm to have all these ignorant people dancing and jousting in the streets demanding the return of something lost in combat and later at the peace talks. Sometimes what is done is best left alone and the time to have a beef about it is right up front when you got your self-righteous mad on and the people support extinguishing the flower of a generation of young men for some pointless little land squabble that sees them get nothing more out of it than a plot 6 feet by 3...

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